Worth Knowing
The Magic Moment occurs in every successful Downline. It is the moment when your Downline becomes self sufficient, because you have enough leaders to keep the business going without your constant, personal supervision.
Achieving the Magic Moment takes time and effort, much like using an old-fashioned hand pump to draw water from the ground. You have to do a lot of pumping before the water rises to the top and pours from the spout. Likewise, you have to work hard, for a long time, with little or no reward, before your Magic Moment comes.
Have a nice weekend
Michael B. Hansen
Founder & Managing Director
Værd at vide
Det magiske øjeblik opstår I enhver succesfuld downline organisation. Det er øjeblikket når din downline organisation bliver selvproducerende, fordi du har trænet nok ledere op til, at din forretning bliver ved med at udvikle sig også uden dit konstante personlige arrangement.
At nå til det magiske øjeblik tager tid og kræver vedholdenhed. Det kan sammenlignes med at bruge en gammeldags pumpe til at pumpe vand op med fra jorden. Du skal pumpe længe før vandet når toppen og begynder at løbe af sig selv. Ligeledes skal du arbejde hårdt, i lang tid, med lille gevinst eller slet ingen gevinst, før dit magiske øjeblik kommer.
Prøv lige at checke dette link:
God weekend
Michael B. Hansen
Founder & Managing Director
Friday, April 30, 2004
How to Evaluate Multi-Level Marketing Businesses
By: Debbie Schwarm
With the increasing interest in home businesses, and the internet explosion in full swing, we are constantly being tempted to participate in many of the multi-level marketing plans available. It is important to evaluate closely the opportunities presented, to determine the legality and soundness of a business. Consider what participating in an illegitimate business scheme could do to your personal and business reputation, and try to ensure that you have made a carefully considered decision.
Here are some guidelines to consider when selecting a multi-level or network marketing business:
1. The business must have a product to sell
Programs where no actual product is being sold cannot survive without building a down-line. This is because there is no product volume to sustain the business. Once the business gets to a certain size, and nobody else is getting in, the "pyramid" collapses. The business must keep on signing more people to survive.
2. The business should focus on the sale of a product and not recruitment
Sometimes the program does have an apparent product, but the emphasis is still on recruitment. Without recruitment the product would lose its value. This is because to sell more units you have to find more "people." You cannot sell more of the product to the same people.
3. The product that is being offered must be legitimate and useful
Try to evaluate the product that the program is offering. Would you buy this product if it was on sale in a retail store? Does this product hold any obvious benefits for its buyers and users? Is the product appropriately priced as compared to the costs it involves, and the benefits it is promising? If you answer is no to most if these questions then perhaps the business opportunity is not effective.
4. The business doesn't promote get rich quick promises
Any program that promises to make you rich in a quick and easy way is lying or is not based on the right foundation. The simple truth is that no one gets rich quickly and easily the right way. One must work hard to make legitimate money.
What are some examples of legitimate MLM, network marketing, direct sales businesses? You have probably heard of many of them: Tupperware, Discovery Toys, Pampered Chef, Creative Memories, 1800PartyShop, Nikken, Avon, Mary Kay. The foundation of their business is the sale of their product, not unlike a traditional brick and mortar store, and the products that they offer are good and useful. You can make money by selling their products, but they would not promise you to get rich easily and quickly.
Most illegitimate offers have the following factors in common:
-Promise you to get rich quick.
-Require continual recruiting to succeed.
-Recruiting process appears evasive.
-A large amount of money is required up front.
-Insist that your success lies in joining now versus later.
-Your "gut" doesn't feel right about them.
If you've put the above items to the test and are still unsure, here are some resources for reviewing business legitimacy.
Discussion groups on Network Marketing: - is_it_a_scam@egroups.com
- makingtherun@egroups.com
- networkingmarketingtip@egroups.com
- mtaustralia@egroups.com
You can also find good information by going to one of the major search engines, and doing a search on the actual business name you are considering.
It is important to do a thorough investigation of any multi-level marketing program when you are considering it seriously. There are lots of opportunities available: many are legitimate; many are not. Use the resources listed here to make a sound decision, carefully considering the business presented. If you are careful in the initial phase of business selection, you are bound to reap the benefits later.
mlm, multilevel, multi-level marketing, network marketing About the Author
Debbie Schwarm is the owner of the online retail store
Gr82Celebr8.com, in conjunction with 1800PartyShop.com
and designs websites for small businesses and entrepeneurs.
Visit her sites at:http://www.gr82celebr8.com
How to Evaluate Multi-Level Marketing Businesses
By: Debbie Schwarm
With the increasing interest in home businesses, and the internet explosion in full swing, we are constantly being tempted to participate in many of the multi-level marketing plans available. It is important to evaluate closely the opportunities presented, to determine the legality and soundness of a business. Consider what participating in an illegitimate business scheme could do to your personal and business reputation, and try to ensure that you have made a carefully considered decision.
Here are some guidelines to consider when selecting a multi-level or network marketing business:
1. The business must have a product to sell
Programs where no actual product is being sold cannot survive without building a down-line. This is because there is no product volume to sustain the business. Once the business gets to a certain size, and nobody else is getting in, the "pyramid" collapses. The business must keep on signing more people to survive.
2. The business should focus on the sale of a product and not recruitment
Sometimes the program does have an apparent product, but the emphasis is still on recruitment. Without recruitment the product would lose its value. This is because to sell more units you have to find more "people." You cannot sell more of the product to the same people.
3. The product that is being offered must be legitimate and useful
Try to evaluate the product that the program is offering. Would you buy this product if it was on sale in a retail store? Does this product hold any obvious benefits for its buyers and users? Is the product appropriately priced as compared to the costs it involves, and the benefits it is promising? If you answer is no to most if these questions then perhaps the business opportunity is not effective.
4. The business doesn't promote get rich quick promises
Any program that promises to make you rich in a quick and easy way is lying or is not based on the right foundation. The simple truth is that no one gets rich quickly and easily the right way. One must work hard to make legitimate money.
What are some examples of legitimate MLM, network marketing, direct sales businesses? You have probably heard of many of them: Tupperware, Discovery Toys, Pampered Chef, Creative Memories, 1800PartyShop, Nikken, Avon, Mary Kay. The foundation of their business is the sale of their product, not unlike a traditional brick and mortar store, and the products that they offer are good and useful. You can make money by selling their products, but they would not promise you to get rich easily and quickly.
Most illegitimate offers have the following factors in common:
-Promise you to get rich quick.
-Require continual recruiting to succeed.
-Recruiting process appears evasive.
-A large amount of money is required up front.
-Insist that your success lies in joining now versus later.
-Your "gut" doesn't feel right about them.
If you've put the above items to the test and are still unsure, here are some resources for reviewing business legitimacy.
Discussion groups on Network Marketing: - is_it_a_scam@egroups.com
- makingtherun@egroups.com
- networkingmarketingtip@egroups.com
- mtaustralia@egroups.com
You can also find good information by going to one of the major search engines, and doing a search on the actual business name you are considering.
It is important to do a thorough investigation of any multi-level marketing program when you are considering it seriously. There are lots of opportunities available: many are legitimate; many are not. Use the resources listed here to make a sound decision, carefully considering the business presented. If you are careful in the initial phase of business selection, you are bound to reap the benefits later.
mlm, multilevel, multi-level marketing, network marketing About the Author
Debbie Schwarm is the owner of the online retail store
Gr82Celebr8.com, in conjunction with 1800PartyShop.com
and designs websites for small businesses and entrepeneurs.
Visit her sites at:http://www.gr82celebr8.com
Thursday, April 29, 2004
Todays article:
Effective Time Management for Busy People
By Valerie Vauthey and Buzzy Gordon
Do you ever find yourself wishing there were more hours in the day, because there is "never enough time" to get everything done? Do you sometimes feel that you are juggling too many obligations over the course of a day?
At the same time, do you ever feel amazed at how some people seem to accomplish so much in the exact same amount of time allotted to us all?
Just as the fundamental key to becoming wealthy is proper money management (managing your earning, saving, investing and spending), the key to succeeding in accomplishing all the goals you have set for yourself is effective time management.
Recently, reporter John Stossel of ABC's 20/20 television newsmagazine exploded the myth that Americans have less free time now than previous generations did. Once he learned how to manage his time better, he found he was able to write a book (Give Me a Break).
Surprisingly enough, however, perhaps the most important reason for learning to manage time more effectively is to safeguard one's health.
Studies have shown that the frustration engendered by the difficulties in coping with our many daily interruptions - telephone calls, e-mails, unexpected visitors, unplanned meetings, sudden emergencies, etc. - leads to increased levels of stress. The effects of this stress can be gastric and digestive distress, as well as intense fatigue and exhaustion. Moreover, brain research has found that stress-related fatigue is linked more to anxiety about NOT having completed what we wanted to complete than to the acute form of stress generated by crises that occasionally come up. Hence, the supreme importance of time management.
Managing Communications
You can cut down the amount of time wasted on the telephone by avoiding being placed on hold. If someone is unavailable right away, find out the best time to call back, or leave your number. If you need to make regular calls, try to schedule them in advance according to mutually agreed times.
If a receptionist, secretary or assistant answers your incoming calls, train them to screen calls and refer them to others. Have your staff take messages for you when you do not want to be disturbed, and try to delegate returning some of the phone calls to others.
If you take the call, let the caller know your time constraints. Always keep a pen and pad by the phone. If you get a call asking for information you don't have immediately to hand, don't look for it: arrange to call back later.
You can reduce cellphone interruptions by not giving the number out to too many people, and not including it on your business card or e-mail signature, unless it really is too difficult to reach you by other means.
Avoid taking business calls on your carphone. Any time you think you are saving by driving and talking at the same time will evaporate if you become distracted enough to miss a turn or a highway exit. Even more is lost by having to reconstruct the call later, or perhaps repeating much of the same conversation, because you were unable to take notes during the original call.
Most people keep their e-mail programs open and running all day long and are alerted to incoming messages. In addition, a recent study found that 75% of these people would cease other activity to take care of incoming e-mail.
This is highly disruptive and prevents you from being truly efficient. Researchers asked the study group to refrain from handling each incoming e-mail as it arrived; instead, they were allowed to read and answer new e-mails only five times a day. The efficiency level of this group increased by 35%.
Turn off your incoming e-mail alert, therefore, and open your e-mail only at regular intervals. Do not let e-mails dictate what your working days should look like.
Managing Meetings and Visitors
It is widely acknowledged that about one-third of the time spent in meetings is wasted due to poor meeting management and lack of planning. Reliable estimates indicate that that the average executive spends about 17 hours a week in meetings, about 6 hours in planning time and untold hours in follow-up.
One senior executive recalls being summoned to meetings every single day of the business week: one meeting per week was labeled product marketing, another was called strategy, then product testing, then customer review. In addition, one of the five weekly meetings had no fixed agenda. And this does not count ad hoc meetings on issues that might crop up from time to time. When this executive was not able to convince the CEO to scale back the number of meetings, she decided to work from home 50% of the time; her productivity (measured by closing of contracts) doubled!
It is not necessary to eliminate all meetings, but up to half of internal company meetings might profitably be dispensed with. Take a few minutes to write down how many meetings you attended last week, how many you have planned for the coming week, and how long you think they are going to last. Add up the hours, and slash the number of meetings by two, and/or the number of hours spent in them by 30%.
The same rule for incoming phone calls applies to personal appointments and visitors. If you have a secretary or PA, set a clear policy about who should have access to you and with whom else they might be able to speak instead.
If you have an unexpected visitor, establish at the start why they have come to see you. Stand when they enter the room, so that they also remain standing. If it is indeed necessary for you to deal personally with them, suggest a later meeting, at your convenience. Set a time limit to your discussion and avoid engaging in small talk. If you really can't get them out of your office, make a polite excuse and leave the office yourself.
These tips are by no means exhaustive, but they represent a good start to managing your most precious resource: time.
Valerie Vauthey and Buzzy Gordon are the co-publishers of the website www.WealthQuoteOfTheDay.com. Valerie is also principal of www.MyPrivateCoach.com. Any reader wishing a free coaching session on time management may contact Valerie and reference this article.
Effective Time Management for Busy People
By Valerie Vauthey and Buzzy Gordon
Do you ever find yourself wishing there were more hours in the day, because there is "never enough time" to get everything done? Do you sometimes feel that you are juggling too many obligations over the course of a day?
At the same time, do you ever feel amazed at how some people seem to accomplish so much in the exact same amount of time allotted to us all?
Just as the fundamental key to becoming wealthy is proper money management (managing your earning, saving, investing and spending), the key to succeeding in accomplishing all the goals you have set for yourself is effective time management.
Recently, reporter John Stossel of ABC's 20/20 television newsmagazine exploded the myth that Americans have less free time now than previous generations did. Once he learned how to manage his time better, he found he was able to write a book (Give Me a Break).
Surprisingly enough, however, perhaps the most important reason for learning to manage time more effectively is to safeguard one's health.
Studies have shown that the frustration engendered by the difficulties in coping with our many daily interruptions - telephone calls, e-mails, unexpected visitors, unplanned meetings, sudden emergencies, etc. - leads to increased levels of stress. The effects of this stress can be gastric and digestive distress, as well as intense fatigue and exhaustion. Moreover, brain research has found that stress-related fatigue is linked more to anxiety about NOT having completed what we wanted to complete than to the acute form of stress generated by crises that occasionally come up. Hence, the supreme importance of time management.
Managing Communications
You can cut down the amount of time wasted on the telephone by avoiding being placed on hold. If someone is unavailable right away, find out the best time to call back, or leave your number. If you need to make regular calls, try to schedule them in advance according to mutually agreed times.
If a receptionist, secretary or assistant answers your incoming calls, train them to screen calls and refer them to others. Have your staff take messages for you when you do not want to be disturbed, and try to delegate returning some of the phone calls to others.
If you take the call, let the caller know your time constraints. Always keep a pen and pad by the phone. If you get a call asking for information you don't have immediately to hand, don't look for it: arrange to call back later.
You can reduce cellphone interruptions by not giving the number out to too many people, and not including it on your business card or e-mail signature, unless it really is too difficult to reach you by other means.
Avoid taking business calls on your carphone. Any time you think you are saving by driving and talking at the same time will evaporate if you become distracted enough to miss a turn or a highway exit. Even more is lost by having to reconstruct the call later, or perhaps repeating much of the same conversation, because you were unable to take notes during the original call.
Most people keep their e-mail programs open and running all day long and are alerted to incoming messages. In addition, a recent study found that 75% of these people would cease other activity to take care of incoming e-mail.
This is highly disruptive and prevents you from being truly efficient. Researchers asked the study group to refrain from handling each incoming e-mail as it arrived; instead, they were allowed to read and answer new e-mails only five times a day. The efficiency level of this group increased by 35%.
Turn off your incoming e-mail alert, therefore, and open your e-mail only at regular intervals. Do not let e-mails dictate what your working days should look like.
Managing Meetings and Visitors
It is widely acknowledged that about one-third of the time spent in meetings is wasted due to poor meeting management and lack of planning. Reliable estimates indicate that that the average executive spends about 17 hours a week in meetings, about 6 hours in planning time and untold hours in follow-up.
One senior executive recalls being summoned to meetings every single day of the business week: one meeting per week was labeled product marketing, another was called strategy, then product testing, then customer review. In addition, one of the five weekly meetings had no fixed agenda. And this does not count ad hoc meetings on issues that might crop up from time to time. When this executive was not able to convince the CEO to scale back the number of meetings, she decided to work from home 50% of the time; her productivity (measured by closing of contracts) doubled!
It is not necessary to eliminate all meetings, but up to half of internal company meetings might profitably be dispensed with. Take a few minutes to write down how many meetings you attended last week, how many you have planned for the coming week, and how long you think they are going to last. Add up the hours, and slash the number of meetings by two, and/or the number of hours spent in them by 30%.
The same rule for incoming phone calls applies to personal appointments and visitors. If you have a secretary or PA, set a clear policy about who should have access to you and with whom else they might be able to speak instead.
If you have an unexpected visitor, establish at the start why they have come to see you. Stand when they enter the room, so that they also remain standing. If it is indeed necessary for you to deal personally with them, suggest a later meeting, at your convenience. Set a time limit to your discussion and avoid engaging in small talk. If you really can't get them out of your office, make a polite excuse and leave the office yourself.
These tips are by no means exhaustive, but they represent a good start to managing your most precious resource: time.
Valerie Vauthey and Buzzy Gordon are the co-publishers of the website www.WealthQuoteOfTheDay.com. Valerie is also principal of www.MyPrivateCoach.com. Any reader wishing a free coaching session on time management may contact Valerie and reference this article.
Todays poem, on why you should "let go" and begin your TradingValues business today - to be free;
I used to have a comfort zone
where I thought I could not fail,
same four walls and busy work
were really more like jail.
I longed so much to do the things
I had never done before,
but I stayed inside my comfort zone
and paced the same old floor.
I said it didn't matter
that I wasn't doing much,
I said I didn't care for things
like diamonds, furs and such.
I claimed to be so busy
with things inside my zone,
but deep inside I longed for
something special of my own.
I could not let life go by
just watching others win,
I held my breath and stepped outside
and let the change begin.
I took a step and with new strength
I had never felt before,
I kissed my comfort zone goodbye
and closed and locked the door.
If you are in a comfort zone
afraid to venture out,
remember that all winners were
at one time filled with doubt.
A step or two and words of praise
can make your dreams come true.
Greet your future with a smile
SUCCESS is there for you!
~ Anonymous ~
I used to have a comfort zone
where I thought I could not fail,
same four walls and busy work
were really more like jail.
I longed so much to do the things
I had never done before,
but I stayed inside my comfort zone
and paced the same old floor.
I said it didn't matter
that I wasn't doing much,
I said I didn't care for things
like diamonds, furs and such.
I claimed to be so busy
with things inside my zone,
but deep inside I longed for
something special of my own.
I could not let life go by
just watching others win,
I held my breath and stepped outside
and let the change begin.
I took a step and with new strength
I had never felt before,
I kissed my comfort zone goodbye
and closed and locked the door.
If you are in a comfort zone
afraid to venture out,
remember that all winners were
at one time filled with doubt.
A step or two and words of praise
can make your dreams come true.
Greet your future with a smile
SUCCESS is there for you!
~ Anonymous ~
Wednesday, April 28, 2004
Og så den Danske version:-)
Kære Ambassadør
Siden sidste nyhedsbrev er vi sammen nået en lang vej. Antallet af ambassadører er steget markant, alle bonusplaner er på plads, vores shopsystem lanceres 30. april 2004 og vi er top motiverede og gearede til DubLi´s åbning 28. maj 2004.
Fremmødet på det seneste event i Hundige var ganske overvældende. Det samme var gældende for de efterfølgende investormøder. Efter 30. april 2004 kan vi således se frem til, at ejerkredsen af DubLi bliver udvidet ganske betragteligt.. Hermed får vi alle udbytte i DubLi’s fremtidige succes.
For de der ikke deltog i eventen er her et lille referat af hovedindholdet.
IT chef Jesper Kristiansens gav en smagsprøve på det fremtidige udseende af DubLi. Der er tale om en avanceret teknik, der ikke var mulig for bare et år siden. Alligevel er brugervenligheden i top. Foreløbige tests viser, at det langt nemmere for en førstegangsbruger at annonce sine ting på DubLi end hos nogle af vores konkurrenter. Udseendemæssig vil DubLi ligne Windows XP 2003, som mange allerede er fortrolige med. Endvidere demonstrerede Jesper vores banebrydende shopsystem, der nærmest foræres væk til en pris på 49 euro. I øjeblikket er en professionel præsentation af shopsystemet under udarbejdelse.
Uddannelseschef Søren Sehested gennemgik de fremtidige uddannelsestilbud og understregede at vores vigtigste ressource klart er ambassadørerne, deres behov og deres interaktion med andre. Vi satser massivt på uddannelse startende med de basale behov for metoder og værktøjer. De første moduler gennemføres allerede i maj måned. Senere følger en egentlig lederuddannelse. Sideløbende rekrutterer vi i øjeblikket ambassadører med undervisningserfaring, der tænkes uddannet til fremtidige TradingValues undervisere.
Endelig høstede en række navngivne ambassadører stor anerkendelse, idet de siden sidste event havde opnået at blive Team Leaders eller Team Koordinators. En ganske særlig anerkendelse opnåede Michael Goldbech, idet han fremtidigt kan smykke sig med titlen Sales Director - firmaets højeste position.
Der er arrangeret seminar 2. maj 2004 på Quality Hotel i Høje Taastrup. Tilmeld dig hurtigst muligt, så du får adgang til vigtige redskaber, der kan sikre din succes i TradingValues. Det er specielt vigtigt at du er med fra starten, når der skal skaffes leverandører til DubLi. Husk på, at en aftale med bare en stor virksomhed kan skaffe dig en stor passiv indkomst i mange år frem.
På seminaret 2. maj 2004 vil TradingValues endvidere gennemgå nogle af de nye spændende tiltag i TradingValues og DubLi. Lad os blot løfte sløret for nogle få af dem.
• En såkaldt benefit pakke til Sales Directors, som en anerkendelse af den hidtidige præstation.
• En ny og langt bedre bankaftale for debetkort og mulighed for kreditkort
• Professionelle markedsføringsredskaber for DubLi, herunder bl.a. et elektronisk visitkort
• Udvidelser og forbedringer af dit personlige administrations webside
Vi har endvidere igangsat et pilotprojekt i Polen omkring support. Tanken er at et center i Polen skal oprettes sideløbende med vort center i Spanien. Endvidere arbejder vi i øjeblikket på en favorabel aftale omkring opsparing, børneopsparing og pension. Herom nærmere senere.
I dette og de kommende nyhedsbreve vil vi orientere dig om eksterne forhold, der måske kan have værdi for din forretning og give dig en ide om i hvilken retning tingene bevæger sig.
Eksterne forhold:
Analytikere, som TradingValues arbejder sammen med anslår, at den europæiske økonomi generelt vil være i vækst frem til efteråret 2008. Det betyder bl.a. flere penge i samfundet. Det må derfor formodes, at den hidtidige vækst i nethandel forstærkes yderligere. Forhold som en svag dollar contra euro betyder også, at nye amerikanske varer vil blive importeret til Europa. DubLi kan profitere af dette ved at hjælpe forbrugeren til at få overblik over de bedste tilbud på det amerikanske marked.
Ydermere vil vi fremover, op til hver weekend, Emaile små fif omkring Network Marketing, som du umiddelbart kan bruge som et ekstra redskab i din forretning.
Slutteligt ønsker vi dig held og lykke med din forretning. Vi håber at se dig 2. maj 2004.
Med venlig hilsen
TradingValues Support Team
Nyt fra Portal Snedkeren
Vi har lavet et fundament til en portal, der vil vokse sig stor…. meget stor!!
Vi har lavet et vedligeholdelsessystem, der kan håndtere vores krav til automatisk vedligeholdelse.
Vi har bygget et distributionssystem, der automatisk kan holde alle shops up to date.
Nu begynder mange dele til Dubli at tage form og vi glæder os til at fremvise første version af shopprogrammet, der er første synlige bevis på vores anstrengelser.
Dubli Internet Shops bliver ”state of the art.”
Som shop ejer får du adgang til mange unikke features:
Et komplet administrationsprogram, som installeres på shop ejerens PC.
Med shopprogrammet kan du:
- Håndtere lager beholdning og få besked hvis beholdningen
er lav!
- Styre op til 50.000 produkter i 400 kategorier!
- Overføre varer fra eksisterende systemer for at spare
taste arbejde!
- Lægge varer til salg på flere sprog!
- Automatisk skalere billeder og arrangere dem!
- Styre moms, hvis du er et firma!
- Styre varianter af varen, f.eks. hvis en vare føres i flere
- Opsamle ordrer fra portalen, give besked ved nye ordrer!
- Holde styr på hvilke ordrer der skal sendes nu og få
en alarm hvis en ordre er ved at blive for gammel!
- Teste og vedligeholde shoppen lokalt og lægge shoppen ud på
Dubli når du er tilfreds!
- Automatisk lægge udvalgte varer til salg på ”Markedspladsen”!
- Du kan arbejde med din shop, selv om du ikke er på
internettet, hvilket er vigtigt for mange leverandører!
Dette er nogle af de unikke features ved Dubli Internet Shops, derudover vil shoppen også kunne bruges som en almindelig Internet shop, hvor shop ejeren logger på sin shop via Internettet og opdaterer den derfra og får en e-mail, når der bliver bestilt varer.
30. april begynder vi at distribuere shops!
Med venlig hilsen
Dubli Portal Team
Kære Ambassadør
Siden sidste nyhedsbrev er vi sammen nået en lang vej. Antallet af ambassadører er steget markant, alle bonusplaner er på plads, vores shopsystem lanceres 30. april 2004 og vi er top motiverede og gearede til DubLi´s åbning 28. maj 2004.
Fremmødet på det seneste event i Hundige var ganske overvældende. Det samme var gældende for de efterfølgende investormøder. Efter 30. april 2004 kan vi således se frem til, at ejerkredsen af DubLi bliver udvidet ganske betragteligt.. Hermed får vi alle udbytte i DubLi’s fremtidige succes.
For de der ikke deltog i eventen er her et lille referat af hovedindholdet.
IT chef Jesper Kristiansens gav en smagsprøve på det fremtidige udseende af DubLi. Der er tale om en avanceret teknik, der ikke var mulig for bare et år siden. Alligevel er brugervenligheden i top. Foreløbige tests viser, at det langt nemmere for en førstegangsbruger at annonce sine ting på DubLi end hos nogle af vores konkurrenter. Udseendemæssig vil DubLi ligne Windows XP 2003, som mange allerede er fortrolige med. Endvidere demonstrerede Jesper vores banebrydende shopsystem, der nærmest foræres væk til en pris på 49 euro. I øjeblikket er en professionel præsentation af shopsystemet under udarbejdelse.
Uddannelseschef Søren Sehested gennemgik de fremtidige uddannelsestilbud og understregede at vores vigtigste ressource klart er ambassadørerne, deres behov og deres interaktion med andre. Vi satser massivt på uddannelse startende med de basale behov for metoder og værktøjer. De første moduler gennemføres allerede i maj måned. Senere følger en egentlig lederuddannelse. Sideløbende rekrutterer vi i øjeblikket ambassadører med undervisningserfaring, der tænkes uddannet til fremtidige TradingValues undervisere.
Endelig høstede en række navngivne ambassadører stor anerkendelse, idet de siden sidste event havde opnået at blive Team Leaders eller Team Koordinators. En ganske særlig anerkendelse opnåede Michael Goldbech, idet han fremtidigt kan smykke sig med titlen Sales Director - firmaets højeste position.
Der er arrangeret seminar 2. maj 2004 på Quality Hotel i Høje Taastrup. Tilmeld dig hurtigst muligt, så du får adgang til vigtige redskaber, der kan sikre din succes i TradingValues. Det er specielt vigtigt at du er med fra starten, når der skal skaffes leverandører til DubLi. Husk på, at en aftale med bare en stor virksomhed kan skaffe dig en stor passiv indkomst i mange år frem.
På seminaret 2. maj 2004 vil TradingValues endvidere gennemgå nogle af de nye spændende tiltag i TradingValues og DubLi. Lad os blot løfte sløret for nogle få af dem.
• En såkaldt benefit pakke til Sales Directors, som en anerkendelse af den hidtidige præstation.
• En ny og langt bedre bankaftale for debetkort og mulighed for kreditkort
• Professionelle markedsføringsredskaber for DubLi, herunder bl.a. et elektronisk visitkort
• Udvidelser og forbedringer af dit personlige administrations webside
Vi har endvidere igangsat et pilotprojekt i Polen omkring support. Tanken er at et center i Polen skal oprettes sideløbende med vort center i Spanien. Endvidere arbejder vi i øjeblikket på en favorabel aftale omkring opsparing, børneopsparing og pension. Herom nærmere senere.
I dette og de kommende nyhedsbreve vil vi orientere dig om eksterne forhold, der måske kan have værdi for din forretning og give dig en ide om i hvilken retning tingene bevæger sig.
Eksterne forhold:
Analytikere, som TradingValues arbejder sammen med anslår, at den europæiske økonomi generelt vil være i vækst frem til efteråret 2008. Det betyder bl.a. flere penge i samfundet. Det må derfor formodes, at den hidtidige vækst i nethandel forstærkes yderligere. Forhold som en svag dollar contra euro betyder også, at nye amerikanske varer vil blive importeret til Europa. DubLi kan profitere af dette ved at hjælpe forbrugeren til at få overblik over de bedste tilbud på det amerikanske marked.
Ydermere vil vi fremover, op til hver weekend, Emaile små fif omkring Network Marketing, som du umiddelbart kan bruge som et ekstra redskab i din forretning.
Slutteligt ønsker vi dig held og lykke med din forretning. Vi håber at se dig 2. maj 2004.
Med venlig hilsen
TradingValues Support Team
Nyt fra Portal Snedkeren
Vi har lavet et fundament til en portal, der vil vokse sig stor…. meget stor!!
Vi har lavet et vedligeholdelsessystem, der kan håndtere vores krav til automatisk vedligeholdelse.
Vi har bygget et distributionssystem, der automatisk kan holde alle shops up to date.
Nu begynder mange dele til Dubli at tage form og vi glæder os til at fremvise første version af shopprogrammet, der er første synlige bevis på vores anstrengelser.
Dubli Internet Shops bliver ”state of the art.”
Som shop ejer får du adgang til mange unikke features:
Et komplet administrationsprogram, som installeres på shop ejerens PC.
Med shopprogrammet kan du:
- Håndtere lager beholdning og få besked hvis beholdningen
er lav!
- Styre op til 50.000 produkter i 400 kategorier!
- Overføre varer fra eksisterende systemer for at spare
taste arbejde!
- Lægge varer til salg på flere sprog!
- Automatisk skalere billeder og arrangere dem!
- Styre moms, hvis du er et firma!
- Styre varianter af varen, f.eks. hvis en vare føres i flere
- Opsamle ordrer fra portalen, give besked ved nye ordrer!
- Holde styr på hvilke ordrer der skal sendes nu og få
en alarm hvis en ordre er ved at blive for gammel!
- Teste og vedligeholde shoppen lokalt og lægge shoppen ud på
Dubli når du er tilfreds!
- Automatisk lægge udvalgte varer til salg på ”Markedspladsen”!
- Du kan arbejde med din shop, selv om du ikke er på
internettet, hvilket er vigtigt for mange leverandører!
Dette er nogle af de unikke features ved Dubli Internet Shops, derudover vil shoppen også kunne bruges som en almindelig Internet shop, hvor shop ejeren logger på sin shop via Internettet og opdaterer den derfra og får en e-mail, når der bliver bestilt varer.
30. april begynder vi at distribuere shops!
Med venlig hilsen
Dubli Portal Team
TradingValues - last news (Danish follows :-)
Dear Ambassador
Since our last newsletter together we have come a long way. We have experienced a rapid growth in the number of ambassadors, all bonus schemes are at place, our shop system is launched 30th April 2004 and we are all top motivated and ready for the DubLi premier on the 28th May 2004.
The participation at the last event in Hundige, Denmark was simply overwhelming. The same can be said for the investor meetings. We are pleased to welcome all new shareholders after the 30th April 2004. We think that it is only fair that the vast majority will benefit from the future success of DubLi.
For those who didn’t participate in Hundige, Denmark we have prepared the essential minutes from the event.
IT manager Jesper Kristiansens showed a beta version of DubLi. I combine a highly complex and sophisticated technology with a very user-friendly interface. Our tests so far indicate that user without prior experience in e-trade finds it a lot easier to use your site when comparing with those of our competitors. The appearance and looks of DubLi can best be described as that of Microsoft XP 2003 - a user interface that many are familiar with already. Further Jesper demonstrated our second to none shop system, which is sold at a mere 49 euros per shop. A professional presentation of the system is under preparation.
Head of education and training Søren Sehested introduced some of the future plan for education and training. He emphasized that our most important resource are our ambassadors, their needs and demands and the fact that they are our direct contact to the market. We are heavily dependent upon that basic skill, and methods are introduced to ambassadors at an early stage. Later training in leadership will be introduced. The first modules of basic education take place as early as next month. Also we are recruiting ambassadors with prior teaching experience, so a corps of internal TradingValues trainers can be formed.
At the event a group of ambassadors were recognised for their performance by becoming either Team Leaders or Team Coordinators. Most recognition was given to Mr Michael Goldbech who has become Sales director – the highest position in our Company.
A seminar has been scheduled for 2nd May 2004 at Quality Hotel, Høje Taastrup, Denmark. Please sign up as quickly as possible. By doing so you will get access to vital methods and tools to enhance your chances of becoming successful. Join from the start when it comes to signing up DubLi suppliers. Remember that if you sign up just one major company up for a shop, you could potentially create a substantial future source of income since you are paid commissions upon all transactions.
At the seminar 2nd May 2004 you will also be briefed on some of the latest developments. Just to mention a few of the news, we will be introducing;
• Benefit package for Sales directors as recognition of performance
• New and improved arrangement for debit cards and the possibility for obtaining a credit card.
• Access to efficient and professional marketing tools i.e. electronic business card
• Improvements and new features on your personal website for administration
Further we have initiated a pilot project in Poland. A call centre will operate simultaneously with our centre in Spain. Also in the near future we expect to introduce a unique solution for personal saving plans.
In this newsletter and the coming we will brief you on general economical issues that might have an impact on you and your business.
Market analysis:
Analysts with whom TradingValues cooperate estimate that the European economy will expand until autumn 2008. This means more money into the economies. This could lead to an even higher growth in e-trade. Also a rather weak dollar compared to the euro will lead to import of even more goods from US. DubLi will potentially grow by providing an overview of products on the US market and help costumers getting the best deal.
In the future we will also provide you with useful tips and tricks when it comes to network marketing. Hopefully that can come to good use in your business.
Good luck
And best regards
Support team
News from the potal-builder:
We have built the foundation for a Portal that will grow big…very big!!
We have built a maintenance system that can handle our requirement for automated maintenance.
We have built a distribution system that automatically keeps all the shops up to date.
Many parts of Dubli are beginning to take shape and we are looking forward to present the first version of the shop system, which will be the first visible evidence of our efforts.
The Dubli Internet Shops will be ”state of the art”.
As a shop owner you will have access to a lot of unique features:
A complete administration system can be installed on the shop owners PC.
With the shop system you can:
Handle stock and receive message if stock is to low.
Manage up to 50.000 articles in 400 categories.
Transfer articles from excisting systems to save typing labour.
Advertise articles in several languages.
Automaticaly resize images and organize them.
Manage VAT if you are a company.
Manage subspecies of an article, if you for example carry an article in different sizes.
Collect orders from the Portal and highlight new orders.
Keep track of which orders are to be shipped now and notify if an order is getting too old.
Test and maintain the shop locally on your PC and publish it on Dubli when you are satisfied.
Automatically advertise chosen articles on the market place.
You can work on your shop offline, which is important for many vendors.
This is just some of the unique features included in the Dubli Internet shops and in addition to that the shop can also be used as a normal Internet Shop where the shop owner can log on to his/her shop via the Internet to update it and receive e-mails of incoming orders.
30 April 2004 we begin to distribute shops!!
Best Regards
Dubli Portal Team
Jesper Kristiansen
Dear Ambassador
Since our last newsletter together we have come a long way. We have experienced a rapid growth in the number of ambassadors, all bonus schemes are at place, our shop system is launched 30th April 2004 and we are all top motivated and ready for the DubLi premier on the 28th May 2004.
The participation at the last event in Hundige, Denmark was simply overwhelming. The same can be said for the investor meetings. We are pleased to welcome all new shareholders after the 30th April 2004. We think that it is only fair that the vast majority will benefit from the future success of DubLi.
For those who didn’t participate in Hundige, Denmark we have prepared the essential minutes from the event.
IT manager Jesper Kristiansens showed a beta version of DubLi. I combine a highly complex and sophisticated technology with a very user-friendly interface. Our tests so far indicate that user without prior experience in e-trade finds it a lot easier to use your site when comparing with those of our competitors. The appearance and looks of DubLi can best be described as that of Microsoft XP 2003 - a user interface that many are familiar with already. Further Jesper demonstrated our second to none shop system, which is sold at a mere 49 euros per shop. A professional presentation of the system is under preparation.
Head of education and training Søren Sehested introduced some of the future plan for education and training. He emphasized that our most important resource are our ambassadors, their needs and demands and the fact that they are our direct contact to the market. We are heavily dependent upon that basic skill, and methods are introduced to ambassadors at an early stage. Later training in leadership will be introduced. The first modules of basic education take place as early as next month. Also we are recruiting ambassadors with prior teaching experience, so a corps of internal TradingValues trainers can be formed.
At the event a group of ambassadors were recognised for their performance by becoming either Team Leaders or Team Coordinators. Most recognition was given to Mr Michael Goldbech who has become Sales director – the highest position in our Company.
A seminar has been scheduled for 2nd May 2004 at Quality Hotel, Høje Taastrup, Denmark. Please sign up as quickly as possible. By doing so you will get access to vital methods and tools to enhance your chances of becoming successful. Join from the start when it comes to signing up DubLi suppliers. Remember that if you sign up just one major company up for a shop, you could potentially create a substantial future source of income since you are paid commissions upon all transactions.
At the seminar 2nd May 2004 you will also be briefed on some of the latest developments. Just to mention a few of the news, we will be introducing;
• Benefit package for Sales directors as recognition of performance
• New and improved arrangement for debit cards and the possibility for obtaining a credit card.
• Access to efficient and professional marketing tools i.e. electronic business card
• Improvements and new features on your personal website for administration
Further we have initiated a pilot project in Poland. A call centre will operate simultaneously with our centre in Spain. Also in the near future we expect to introduce a unique solution for personal saving plans.
In this newsletter and the coming we will brief you on general economical issues that might have an impact on you and your business.
Market analysis:
Analysts with whom TradingValues cooperate estimate that the European economy will expand until autumn 2008. This means more money into the economies. This could lead to an even higher growth in e-trade. Also a rather weak dollar compared to the euro will lead to import of even more goods from US. DubLi will potentially grow by providing an overview of products on the US market and help costumers getting the best deal.
In the future we will also provide you with useful tips and tricks when it comes to network marketing. Hopefully that can come to good use in your business.
Good luck
And best regards
Support team
News from the potal-builder:
We have built the foundation for a Portal that will grow big…very big!!
We have built a maintenance system that can handle our requirement for automated maintenance.
We have built a distribution system that automatically keeps all the shops up to date.
Many parts of Dubli are beginning to take shape and we are looking forward to present the first version of the shop system, which will be the first visible evidence of our efforts.
The Dubli Internet Shops will be ”state of the art”.
As a shop owner you will have access to a lot of unique features:
A complete administration system can be installed on the shop owners PC.
With the shop system you can:
Handle stock and receive message if stock is to low.
Manage up to 50.000 articles in 400 categories.
Transfer articles from excisting systems to save typing labour.
Advertise articles in several languages.
Automaticaly resize images and organize them.
Manage VAT if you are a company.
Manage subspecies of an article, if you for example carry an article in different sizes.
Collect orders from the Portal and highlight new orders.
Keep track of which orders are to be shipped now and notify if an order is getting too old.
Test and maintain the shop locally on your PC and publish it on Dubli when you are satisfied.
Automatically advertise chosen articles on the market place.
You can work on your shop offline, which is important for many vendors.
This is just some of the unique features included in the Dubli Internet shops and in addition to that the shop can also be used as a normal Internet Shop where the shop owner can log on to his/her shop via the Internet to update it and receive e-mails of incoming orders.
30 April 2004 we begin to distribute shops!!
Best Regards
Dubli Portal Team
Jesper Kristiansen
How To Choose Your Web Host
By: Said Rouhani
Ask any Internet entrepreneur what the most important decision they had to make for their Web site was, and chances are pretty good they'll say: "choosing my Web host".
Here are the most important things you need to ask your potential Web host before you part with your hard earned cash.
1. "How long have you been in business?"
Very important, as web hosting is a business that requires a lot of technical experience. It is very high tech, and a new company might not have had the time to get accustomed to all the many different technologies you'll be using for your Web site.
2. "Who are your customers?"
Are their current customers serious business people or just hobby Webmasters with personal homepages? Ask for some URLs of serious ecommerce sites that they host.
3. "Do you provide live 24x7x365 support?"
You will definitely require support from your Web host from time to time. Questions will arise that you'll need answers to. Sometimes you'll need these answers as soon as possible, or even immediately. A good Web host must have 24 hour support staff available on hand to take your emails and calls. Your emails should be responded to within 1-2 hours max.
4. "Do you guarantee 99% uptime?"
No matter how good a Web host, your site will be unavailable for short periods of times due to routine maintenance work. The best Web hosts however offer a money back guarantee in case your Web site isn't up 99% of the time (over the period of one year usually).
5. "What kind of Internet connection do you have?"
You need a fast connection from your Web site to the Internet. The fastest connections are leased lines (includes T-1, T-3, OC-3 and DS-3). You should be looking for a Web host with leased lines. No leased lines? Simply look for another Web host.
6. "What features do you offer?"
You MUST be provided with a CGI directory for your scripts. Also, PHP capability is becoming more and more important. Of course, you want the obvious features such as POP email accounts, email aliases, autoresponders (very important) and access to log files.
7. "How much data transfer am I allowed per month?"
Unless you're going to purchase a dedicated server, you'll be limited to the amount of traffic you can drive to your Web site per month. Don't worry however, as you'll be offered more than enough transfer for a small-medium site. And if you get so much traffic that you exceed the transfer quota, well then that's a good thing! For it means you can make more money, and so can afford to upgrade to a more powerful server. A quota of 3GB of monthly transfer should be enough to begin with.
Note that I haven't mentioned price anywhere above. This is because:
ONE: You'll find prices published on the sites of Web hosts. No need to ask for them.
TWO: Good Web hosts are more expensive. You get what you pay for when it comes to Web hosting. A basic package of around $30 per month is a good price for a good host.
web hosting, web host About the Author
Said Rouhani is the owner of All-About-Making-Money-Online.com.
Visit now to learn how to set up your own profitable Web site
from scratch - honest and revealing info available to you for
FREE: All About Making Money Online
By: Said Rouhani
Ask any Internet entrepreneur what the most important decision they had to make for their Web site was, and chances are pretty good they'll say: "choosing my Web host".
Here are the most important things you need to ask your potential Web host before you part with your hard earned cash.
1. "How long have you been in business?"
Very important, as web hosting is a business that requires a lot of technical experience. It is very high tech, and a new company might not have had the time to get accustomed to all the many different technologies you'll be using for your Web site.
2. "Who are your customers?"
Are their current customers serious business people or just hobby Webmasters with personal homepages? Ask for some URLs of serious ecommerce sites that they host.
3. "Do you provide live 24x7x365 support?"
You will definitely require support from your Web host from time to time. Questions will arise that you'll need answers to. Sometimes you'll need these answers as soon as possible, or even immediately. A good Web host must have 24 hour support staff available on hand to take your emails and calls. Your emails should be responded to within 1-2 hours max.
4. "Do you guarantee 99% uptime?"
No matter how good a Web host, your site will be unavailable for short periods of times due to routine maintenance work. The best Web hosts however offer a money back guarantee in case your Web site isn't up 99% of the time (over the period of one year usually).
5. "What kind of Internet connection do you have?"
You need a fast connection from your Web site to the Internet. The fastest connections are leased lines (includes T-1, T-3, OC-3 and DS-3). You should be looking for a Web host with leased lines. No leased lines? Simply look for another Web host.
6. "What features do you offer?"
You MUST be provided with a CGI directory for your scripts. Also, PHP capability is becoming more and more important. Of course, you want the obvious features such as POP email accounts, email aliases, autoresponders (very important) and access to log files.
7. "How much data transfer am I allowed per month?"
Unless you're going to purchase a dedicated server, you'll be limited to the amount of traffic you can drive to your Web site per month. Don't worry however, as you'll be offered more than enough transfer for a small-medium site. And if you get so much traffic that you exceed the transfer quota, well then that's a good thing! For it means you can make more money, and so can afford to upgrade to a more powerful server. A quota of 3GB of monthly transfer should be enough to begin with.
Note that I haven't mentioned price anywhere above. This is because:
ONE: You'll find prices published on the sites of Web hosts. No need to ask for them.
TWO: Good Web hosts are more expensive. You get what you pay for when it comes to Web hosting. A basic package of around $30 per month is a good price for a good host.
web hosting, web host About the Author
Said Rouhani is the owner of All-About-Making-Money-Online.com.
Visit now to learn how to set up your own profitable Web site
from scratch - honest and revealing info available to you for
FREE: All About Making Money Online
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
I have been looking for an online place to show some photos, as I often send some in emails - and for example needed some that was online, when I made my Ryze-page !
So a Ryze member showed me;
I didnt put any personal pics in yet - as they all are on my laptop, and I simply dont have time to move them (you know; THE SHOP IS COMING !!! :-)
But have a look (its free to use) and get back soon, to see my pics of Spain :-)
Good luck to all of you
I have been looking for an online place to show some photos, as I often send some in emails - and for example needed some that was online, when I made my Ryze-page !
So a Ryze member showed me;
I didnt put any personal pics in yet - as they all are on my laptop, and I simply dont have time to move them (you know; THE SHOP IS COMING !!! :-)
But have a look (its free to use) and get back soon, to see my pics of Spain :-)
Good luck to all of you
Hi all,
yesterday we had a Danish meeting in TradingValues - with some new guests.
It went well, as usual - and I think we got a few new Ambassadors :-)
One new thing we learned, was that the opening of the TradingPortal on the Net, is now going to be about 1 month later than 28. May !
Personally I think its good !
We need more time to fill the portal with goods - 1 month after the launch of the shop, would not have been enough !!
The Ambassadors have also gotten a better bank deal;
instead of the old account in Isle of Man - we are now offered a personal account in a bank in Panama, with a DubLi-MasterCard.
The big difference is, that you had to aply for the old one - this one all Ambassadors will get automaticly.
The card is a debet card, but as before - with the possibility to negotiate credit !!
It was also agreed on the meeting, that Tina - and maybe Lonni too - is going to the big Ambassador meeting in Copenhagen, on the 2. May.
Tina will then stay on, until the next official presentation meeting; 4. May.
If you have any contacts in Denmark, give me a call and I will meet up with them, and take them to the presentation, answer all their Q´s etc.
This is a good opportunity to get hold of all our Danish friends and family, and get them introduced to this business - even if you cant be there yourself !
Just ask !
OK enough of business for now :-)
Here is a tip I got from a Ryze-friend today;
To check your Mobile phone's serial number, key in the following digits on your phone: * # 0 6 # . A 15 digit code will appear on the screen. This number is unique to your handset. Write it down and keep it somewhere safe. Should your phone get stolen, you can phone your service
provider and give them this code. They will then be able to block your handset so even if the thief changes the Sim card your phone will be totally useless.You probably won't get your phone back, but at least you know that whoever stole it can't use/sell it either. If everybody does this,
there would been no point in stealing mobile phones.
Have a good day all
love from
yesterday we had a Danish meeting in TradingValues - with some new guests.
It went well, as usual - and I think we got a few new Ambassadors :-)
One new thing we learned, was that the opening of the TradingPortal on the Net, is now going to be about 1 month later than 28. May !
Personally I think its good !
We need more time to fill the portal with goods - 1 month after the launch of the shop, would not have been enough !!
The Ambassadors have also gotten a better bank deal;
instead of the old account in Isle of Man - we are now offered a personal account in a bank in Panama, with a DubLi-MasterCard.
The big difference is, that you had to aply for the old one - this one all Ambassadors will get automaticly.
The card is a debet card, but as before - with the possibility to negotiate credit !!
It was also agreed on the meeting, that Tina - and maybe Lonni too - is going to the big Ambassador meeting in Copenhagen, on the 2. May.
Tina will then stay on, until the next official presentation meeting; 4. May.
If you have any contacts in Denmark, give me a call and I will meet up with them, and take them to the presentation, answer all their Q´s etc.
This is a good opportunity to get hold of all our Danish friends and family, and get them introduced to this business - even if you cant be there yourself !
Just ask !
OK enough of business for now :-)
Here is a tip I got from a Ryze-friend today;
To check your Mobile phone's serial number, key in the following digits on your phone: * # 0 6 # . A 15 digit code will appear on the screen. This number is unique to your handset. Write it down and keep it somewhere safe. Should your phone get stolen, you can phone your service
provider and give them this code. They will then be able to block your handset so even if the thief changes the Sim card your phone will be totally useless.You probably won't get your phone back, but at least you know that whoever stole it can't use/sell it either. If everybody does this,
there would been no point in stealing mobile phones.
Have a good day all
love from
Friday, April 23, 2004
Kære Ambassadør
På grund af påsken, er det ikke alle betalinger for tegningsretter, der er indgået i Spanien endnu. Derfor udsender vi, for en sikkerheds skyld, denne e-mail til alle dem, der har bestilt tegningsretter. Har du betalt dine tegningsretter, men endnu ikke modtaget en bekræftelse fra os, bedes du hurtigst muligt faxe en bankkvittering hvis du endnu ikke har gjort dette.
Vi er utrolig glade for, den ovenud positive modtagelse af muligheden for, at købe aktier i DubLi. Vi kom netop med udbuddet med sigte på, at det er jer ambassadører, der skal få udbytte af, at DubLi aktierne stiger i værdi, og ikke interesserede investorer udefra.
Interessen er så stor, at det har resulteret i en overtegning på næsten 50 %. Vi har dog besluttet, at det ikke skal berøre de ambassadører, der har bestilt mindre end 15.000 stk. aktier. Derfor har vi inddraget nogle af de aktier, der var beregnet til salg i andre lande.
Dette betyder, at du er tildelt det antal aktier, som du har købt tegningsretter til.
I perioden 15. – 30. april 2004 skal du træffe endelig beslutning om køb af aktier. Udnytter du ikke din ret i ovennævnte periode, vil de reserverede aktier blive solgt til andre. Vær opmærksom på, at din ret skal udnyttes fuldt ud eller slet ikke. Er du f.eks. tildelt 1.000 aktier kan du ikke vælge at købe et mindre antal.
Beslutter du dig for køb, skal afregning ske senest den 30. april 2004.
Har du fået tildelt eks. 1.000 aktier skal der betales 1.000 euro, da én akties pris er en euro. Hertil kommer 0,75 % i handelsomkostninger, dog minimum 20 euro. Total pris for 1.000 aktier er således 1.020 euro.
Købssummen skal indsættes på
Modtagerbank: Cajamar, Spain
Kontonavn: TradingValues
IBAN nummer: ES67 3058 0860 70 27200 05569
Husk at afsenderbank og modtagerbanks gebyr for overførsel af beløbet skal betales af afsender (normal EU overførsel).
Husk at påføre dit navn og ID nummer som reference.
Du skal huske at faxe bankkvitteringen til 75507557.
Du modtager en salgsnota og bliver indført i vores aktiebog, så snart vi modtager pengene i Cajamar.
Best regards / Med venlig hilsen
TradingValues Support Team
På grund af påsken, er det ikke alle betalinger for tegningsretter, der er indgået i Spanien endnu. Derfor udsender vi, for en sikkerheds skyld, denne e-mail til alle dem, der har bestilt tegningsretter. Har du betalt dine tegningsretter, men endnu ikke modtaget en bekræftelse fra os, bedes du hurtigst muligt faxe en bankkvittering hvis du endnu ikke har gjort dette.
Vi er utrolig glade for, den ovenud positive modtagelse af muligheden for, at købe aktier i DubLi. Vi kom netop med udbuddet med sigte på, at det er jer ambassadører, der skal få udbytte af, at DubLi aktierne stiger i værdi, og ikke interesserede investorer udefra.
Interessen er så stor, at det har resulteret i en overtegning på næsten 50 %. Vi har dog besluttet, at det ikke skal berøre de ambassadører, der har bestilt mindre end 15.000 stk. aktier. Derfor har vi inddraget nogle af de aktier, der var beregnet til salg i andre lande.
Dette betyder, at du er tildelt det antal aktier, som du har købt tegningsretter til.
I perioden 15. – 30. april 2004 skal du træffe endelig beslutning om køb af aktier. Udnytter du ikke din ret i ovennævnte periode, vil de reserverede aktier blive solgt til andre. Vær opmærksom på, at din ret skal udnyttes fuldt ud eller slet ikke. Er du f.eks. tildelt 1.000 aktier kan du ikke vælge at købe et mindre antal.
Beslutter du dig for køb, skal afregning ske senest den 30. april 2004.
Har du fået tildelt eks. 1.000 aktier skal der betales 1.000 euro, da én akties pris er en euro. Hertil kommer 0,75 % i handelsomkostninger, dog minimum 20 euro. Total pris for 1.000 aktier er således 1.020 euro.
Købssummen skal indsættes på
Modtagerbank: Cajamar, Spain
Kontonavn: TradingValues
IBAN nummer: ES67 3058 0860 70 27200 05569
Husk at afsenderbank og modtagerbanks gebyr for overførsel af beløbet skal betales af afsender (normal EU overførsel).
Husk at påføre dit navn og ID nummer som reference.
Du skal huske at faxe bankkvitteringen til 75507557.
Du modtager en salgsnota og bliver indført i vores aktiebog, så snart vi modtager pengene i Cajamar.
Best regards / Med venlig hilsen
TradingValues Support Team
Take Free Career Inventory Personality Test
personality tests by similarminds.com
My type was;
Extroverted (E) 63.89% Introverted (I) 36.11%
Imaginative (N) 55.88% Realistic (S) 44.12%
Intellectual (T) 62.5% Emotional (F) 37.5%
Easygoing (P) 56.41% Organized (J) 43.59%
Your type is: ENTP
You are an Inventor, possible professions include - systems designer, venture capitalist, actor, journalist, investment broker, real estate agent, real estate developer, strategic planner, political manager, politician, special projects developer, literary agent, restaurant/bar owner, technical trainer, diversity manager, art director, personnel systems developer, computer analyst, logistics consultant, outplacement consultant, advertising creative director, radio/TV talk show host.
I think I will just stick with TradingValues & Dubli - BIG SMILE
personality tests by similarminds.com
My type was;
Extroverted (E) 63.89% Introverted (I) 36.11%
Imaginative (N) 55.88% Realistic (S) 44.12%
Intellectual (T) 62.5% Emotional (F) 37.5%
Easygoing (P) 56.41% Organized (J) 43.59%
Your type is: ENTP
You are an Inventor, possible professions include - systems designer, venture capitalist, actor, journalist, investment broker, real estate agent, real estate developer, strategic planner, political manager, politician, special projects developer, literary agent, restaurant/bar owner, technical trainer, diversity manager, art director, personnel systems developer, computer analyst, logistics consultant, outplacement consultant, advertising creative director, radio/TV talk show host.
I think I will just stick with TradingValues & Dubli - BIG SMILE
How Can I Tell What Vibes I'm Sending Out?
© Michael Losier 2004. You may include this article in your ezine or on your website, provided you include this copyright statement and the bio information tag found at the end of this article.
The Law of Attraction exists in your life right now; whether you understand it or not, whether you know it or not, and whether you like it or not.
Until you learn to use the Law of Attraction in a deliberate way, most of the time you are not aware that you are attracting into your life-more of-whatever you are giving your focus, attention, and energy to. This is referred to as non-deliberate attraction. It can be described in a 4-step cycle:
Step 1: I observe what I'm attracting in any area of my life.
Step 2: While observing what I'm attracting, I'm offering a corresponding vibration, whether negative or positive.
Step 3: The Law of Attraction is always checking in to see what my vibration is and matches it obediently, whether wanted or unwanted.
Step 4: As the Law of Attraction responds to my vibration, I receive or manifest into my life, more of what I was observing in the first place.
Then, the cycle begins at Step 1 and repeats itself over and over again. Here's how the cycle may be working in your life right now.
You may notice that you keep attracting negative people and events into your life. As you notice or observe this, you are emitting or offering a corresponding vibration. The Law of Attraction responds to your vibration by matching it and giving you more of the same. In this example, more of the same means that you experience more negative people and events in your life.
Keep in mind, the Law of Attraction is a powerful and obedient universal law. It doesn't know whether you want more of something or not; whether it is good for you or not or whether it is wanted by you or not -- it simply gives you more of the same.
If you are curious about what it is you are offering vibrationally in any area of your life, you need only look at the results you are getting in that area -- it's always a perfect match. When you observe what you are attracting and you like it, celebrate -- and in your celebration, you'll attract more of the same.
When you observe you are attracting something that you don't like, you can use the Law of Attraction deliberately to put a stop to it and change it into something that you DO want. The easiest way to do this is to ask yourself, "So, what DO I want?" and then keep your mind focused on this new clarity of desire. Now you are becoming a deliberate offer-er about what you do want and the Law of Attraction will respond accordingly. As you continue to practice this, you'll soon be able to check into this area of your life and see the NEW results you are getting.
Michael Losier, a Law of Attraction Trainer and author, supports people in understanding and practicing the Art of Deliberate Attraction, so they can have more of what they want and less of what they don't. Michael has been applying the principles of Law of Attraction for many years and enjoys a wonderful and rewarding life in the city of Victoria, BC, Canada. He facilitates a number of in-person Law of Attraction seminars as well as Teleseminars to a worldwide audience.
Michael J. Losier
© Michael Losier 2004. You may include this article in your ezine or on your website, provided you include this copyright statement and the bio information tag found at the end of this article.
The Law of Attraction exists in your life right now; whether you understand it or not, whether you know it or not, and whether you like it or not.
Until you learn to use the Law of Attraction in a deliberate way, most of the time you are not aware that you are attracting into your life-more of-whatever you are giving your focus, attention, and energy to. This is referred to as non-deliberate attraction. It can be described in a 4-step cycle:
Step 1: I observe what I'm attracting in any area of my life.
Step 2: While observing what I'm attracting, I'm offering a corresponding vibration, whether negative or positive.
Step 3: The Law of Attraction is always checking in to see what my vibration is and matches it obediently, whether wanted or unwanted.
Step 4: As the Law of Attraction responds to my vibration, I receive or manifest into my life, more of what I was observing in the first place.
Then, the cycle begins at Step 1 and repeats itself over and over again. Here's how the cycle may be working in your life right now.
You may notice that you keep attracting negative people and events into your life. As you notice or observe this, you are emitting or offering a corresponding vibration. The Law of Attraction responds to your vibration by matching it and giving you more of the same. In this example, more of the same means that you experience more negative people and events in your life.
Keep in mind, the Law of Attraction is a powerful and obedient universal law. It doesn't know whether you want more of something or not; whether it is good for you or not or whether it is wanted by you or not -- it simply gives you more of the same.
If you are curious about what it is you are offering vibrationally in any area of your life, you need only look at the results you are getting in that area -- it's always a perfect match. When you observe what you are attracting and you like it, celebrate -- and in your celebration, you'll attract more of the same.
When you observe you are attracting something that you don't like, you can use the Law of Attraction deliberately to put a stop to it and change it into something that you DO want. The easiest way to do this is to ask yourself, "So, what DO I want?" and then keep your mind focused on this new clarity of desire. Now you are becoming a deliberate offer-er about what you do want and the Law of Attraction will respond accordingly. As you continue to practice this, you'll soon be able to check into this area of your life and see the NEW results you are getting.
Michael Losier, a Law of Attraction Trainer and author, supports people in understanding and practicing the Art of Deliberate Attraction, so they can have more of what they want and less of what they don't. Michael has been applying the principles of Law of Attraction for many years and enjoys a wonderful and rewarding life in the city of Victoria, BC, Canada. He facilitates a number of in-person Law of Attraction seminars as well as Teleseminars to a worldwide audience.
Michael J. Losier
By Suzanne Driscoll
How did this happen? You had a great interview with your future boss. Everything clicked: same values, same interests, same working style. Not that you were in a position to be picky anyway, with the job market the way it is.
By the second week, you realize you made a BIG mistake. There's either too much work or not enough. Nothing you do is right, no matter how hard you try. Your boss never has time to talk with you, or he is yelling and screaming and breathing over your shoulder.
Different personalities need to be handled in different ways. Strategies need to be developed so you are managing your manager, not the other way around. Easier said than done, you say? Read on.
Here is my personal hall of fame for the all-time worst managers, as well as some practical tips on how to keep them in line. You might recognize a few from your own workplace.
The Overloader: I knew the secretary of a workaholic who wanted her at his beck and call long after 5:00 every day. She finally had to make up a story about a serious commitment at 5:30 Tuesdays and Thursdays for which she had to leave on time. It drove him wild trying to guess what it was, but it did the trick.
A less devious way to deal with such a boss would be to suggest that your workload be shared by lower-level people in the organization who "need development." Or perhaps the company could bring in a college student willing to work for free to get internship experience to put on his resume.
You, of course, would supervise these people to demonstrate your excellent management skills.
The Underloader: Close cousin of the No Show. Have you ever been told in an interview how busy an office is, only to find after you arrive that you sit there day after day with nothing to do? Meanwhile, the boss is running around and completely ignoring you, or, she is never there. It's hard to sit and pretend to look busy for eight hours, even after sending email greetings to every person you have ever met.
Your strategy here is to let your feet do the walking. Make appointments with colleagues for quick, information-gathering sessions. Ask them what they always wanted to accomplish but never had the time to do. Offer to help. Next, find out with which groups in the company your department works with. Make appointments with them, too. By casting your net beyond your boss, some projects will surface that you can volunteer to tackle. This way you can keep busy at the office - and look like a hero if you can manage to pull them off.
The Name Caller/Yeller-Screamer: It's more than a little disheartening to have two Master's degrees and years of experience, while being forced to endure being called the worst employee or the stupidest person ever, all because you didn't do something to the liking of your supervisor.
Your first tactic in this situation is to stand up while your manager is sitting. Say your back is killing you. It's much harder to be yelled at when someone when has to look up at you. And if you talk in a very quiet voice, it might help calm her down.
Here, your best defense is an offense. Think of something to critique, in a constructive way, about how things are done in the department. Suggest better methods that would improve everyone's ability to do their job. This is a great way to deflect attention from your alleged screw-up.
The Nitpicker: Very few people mind rewriting something once or twice, but after 5 or 6 times it gets a little old. For this situation, specialists advise inserting words and sentences that obviously don't belong in a document. This gives the boss an opportunity to use the red pen while keeping your original document intact.
A walk around the building in between rewrites is also helpful. And for victims of nitpickers for whom every "t" must be crossed and every "i" dotted, attention to detail isn't such a bad thing to learn.
The Timekeeper: I once worked for a man who partied into the wee hours just about every night. Somehow, he always got to work on time in the morning. His idea of management was to walk around and make sure everyone else was there. It didn't really matter what you did the rest of the day except, of course, leave early or take a long lunch.
The obvious strategy here is to get to work on time or have a really great excuse when you can't. (A sick child is usually not a good one if your manager doesn't have kids.) Save the long lunches for when he is absent or in an all-day meeting. Run your errands when you have to be out of the building anyway to meet with clients or vendors. The good news is there is probably no need to get to work early or stay late, as no one will be there to notice.
A final word of advice for any kind of hellish work environment: get support from your peers. Chances are if you are being pummeled and picked on, they are too.
In one particularly bad situation, our group formed a boss-bashing club. We would meet for lunch or after work in the darkest corner of a bar in a Chinese restaurant. There was no chance anyone else from the office would ever go there. We'd share horror stories about the boss, compare strategies, and just laugh. We continued to meet (and bash) long after we left the company.
Finding a good mentor can also be invaluable. Choose someone who has been around for a while and is well thought of in the company. A mentor can give you advice on how to handle a political situation and how to control your boss.
And if the job is really bad, the kind that makes you crazy or threatens to wreck your home life, run, don't walk to the nearest exit. Get out of your cubicle and meet as many other people in the company as possible. That way you can get the skinny on other job openings and possibly arrange for an internal transfer. At least you'll know what to avoid in your next interview.
How did this happen? You had a great interview with your future boss. Everything clicked: same values, same interests, same working style. Not that you were in a position to be picky anyway, with the job market the way it is.
By the second week, you realize you made a BIG mistake. There's either too much work or not enough. Nothing you do is right, no matter how hard you try. Your boss never has time to talk with you, or he is yelling and screaming and breathing over your shoulder.
Different personalities need to be handled in different ways. Strategies need to be developed so you are managing your manager, not the other way around. Easier said than done, you say? Read on.
Here is my personal hall of fame for the all-time worst managers, as well as some practical tips on how to keep them in line. You might recognize a few from your own workplace.
The Overloader: I knew the secretary of a workaholic who wanted her at his beck and call long after 5:00 every day. She finally had to make up a story about a serious commitment at 5:30 Tuesdays and Thursdays for which she had to leave on time. It drove him wild trying to guess what it was, but it did the trick.
A less devious way to deal with such a boss would be to suggest that your workload be shared by lower-level people in the organization who "need development." Or perhaps the company could bring in a college student willing to work for free to get internship experience to put on his resume.
You, of course, would supervise these people to demonstrate your excellent management skills.
The Underloader: Close cousin of the No Show. Have you ever been told in an interview how busy an office is, only to find after you arrive that you sit there day after day with nothing to do? Meanwhile, the boss is running around and completely ignoring you, or, she is never there. It's hard to sit and pretend to look busy for eight hours, even after sending email greetings to every person you have ever met.
Your strategy here is to let your feet do the walking. Make appointments with colleagues for quick, information-gathering sessions. Ask them what they always wanted to accomplish but never had the time to do. Offer to help. Next, find out with which groups in the company your department works with. Make appointments with them, too. By casting your net beyond your boss, some projects will surface that you can volunteer to tackle. This way you can keep busy at the office - and look like a hero if you can manage to pull them off.
The Name Caller/Yeller-Screamer: It's more than a little disheartening to have two Master's degrees and years of experience, while being forced to endure being called the worst employee or the stupidest person ever, all because you didn't do something to the liking of your supervisor.
Your first tactic in this situation is to stand up while your manager is sitting. Say your back is killing you. It's much harder to be yelled at when someone when has to look up at you. And if you talk in a very quiet voice, it might help calm her down.
Here, your best defense is an offense. Think of something to critique, in a constructive way, about how things are done in the department. Suggest better methods that would improve everyone's ability to do their job. This is a great way to deflect attention from your alleged screw-up.
The Nitpicker: Very few people mind rewriting something once or twice, but after 5 or 6 times it gets a little old. For this situation, specialists advise inserting words and sentences that obviously don't belong in a document. This gives the boss an opportunity to use the red pen while keeping your original document intact.
A walk around the building in between rewrites is also helpful. And for victims of nitpickers for whom every "t" must be crossed and every "i" dotted, attention to detail isn't such a bad thing to learn.
The Timekeeper: I once worked for a man who partied into the wee hours just about every night. Somehow, he always got to work on time in the morning. His idea of management was to walk around and make sure everyone else was there. It didn't really matter what you did the rest of the day except, of course, leave early or take a long lunch.
The obvious strategy here is to get to work on time or have a really great excuse when you can't. (A sick child is usually not a good one if your manager doesn't have kids.) Save the long lunches for when he is absent or in an all-day meeting. Run your errands when you have to be out of the building anyway to meet with clients or vendors. The good news is there is probably no need to get to work early or stay late, as no one will be there to notice.
A final word of advice for any kind of hellish work environment: get support from your peers. Chances are if you are being pummeled and picked on, they are too.
In one particularly bad situation, our group formed a boss-bashing club. We would meet for lunch or after work in the darkest corner of a bar in a Chinese restaurant. There was no chance anyone else from the office would ever go there. We'd share horror stories about the boss, compare strategies, and just laugh. We continued to meet (and bash) long after we left the company.
Finding a good mentor can also be invaluable. Choose someone who has been around for a while and is well thought of in the company. A mentor can give you advice on how to handle a political situation and how to control your boss.
And if the job is really bad, the kind that makes you crazy or threatens to wreck your home life, run, don't walk to the nearest exit. Get out of your cubicle and meet as many other people in the company as possible. That way you can get the skinny on other job openings and possibly arrange for an internal transfer. At least you'll know what to avoid in your next interview.
Worth knowing
Computers are wonderful tools. However the basic needs for motivation, incitement and achievement still exists. We still need people of flesh and blood and especially leadership. The methods haven’t changed much over the past centuries. In a time of Internet, where people tend to hide behind computers, the need and challenge of leadership has never been bigger.
Have a nice weekend
Michael B. Hansen
Founder & Managing Director
Vær at vide
Computer teknologien er et godt redskab, men det kan ikke fjerne behovet for at motivere, inspirere og lede jeres folk til gode resultater. Behovet for kød, blod og lederskab er basalt for den menneskelige natur. Metoden har ikke ændret sig fundamental de seneste tusinder af år. I denne Internet tid, hvor folk isolerer sig bag ved computerskærme, har behovet og udfordringen for godt lederskab aldrig været større.
EBay fordobler fortjeneste
Internet-auktionshuset eBay kunne onsdag fremvise et flot regnskab for første kvartal i år og opjusterer nu forventningerne til hele 2004.
I første kvartal fordoblede eBay næsten sin fortjeneste, efter at indtægter både fra online auktionen og fra PayPal viste stærk vækst, skriver Reuters.
Netto-fortjenesten steg i kvartalet til 200,1 million dollar (knap 1,26 milliarder kroner) op fra 104,2 millioner dollar i første kvartal 2003.
Omsætningen steg fra 476,5 millioner dollar til 756,2 millioner dollar - eller cirka 4,75 milliarder kroner.
Derudover oversteg antallet af registrerede brugere på eBays sider for første gang 100 millioner, mens den samlede værdi af solgte varer endte på 8 milliarder dollar.
Resultatet oversteg Wall Streets forventninger, og efterfølgende valgte eBay at opjustere sine mål for bade indtægter og fortjeneste for hele året.
Herefter steg auktion-sitets aktier 3 procent. 22-04-2004 09:55 ©Mediawatch.dk
Danskerne strømmer til online auktioner
Glem alt hvad du har hørt om afvigende handel på internettet. Danskerne strømmer nemlig til nettet, når det gælder køb og salg gennem online auktioner. Og her går det rigtigt godt. Efter de barske år i kølvandet på dotcom krisen er danmarks største online autionshus QXL.dk blevet en solid forretning med årlige overskud.
Alene inden for det seneste år er antallet af medlemmer øget med over 100 procent og antallet af solgte brugte varer er røget til tops med en stigning på mere end 200 procent. Hver uge bliver der således sat over 190.000 varer til salg på QXL.dk, og antallet af nye medlemmer stiger med 3.000 byttelystne danskere om ugen.
Boomet i antallet af medlemmer og e-handler, glæder naturligvis– Adm. Direktør for QXL Ricardo Danmark A/S, Jacob N Masters.
- Vi har for længst passeret 300.000 medlemmer og er dermed et af danskernes foretrukne steder på nettet, når de skal sælge eller købe varer. QXL.dk er forbi den kritiske fase. Vi har et antal auktioner, der sikrer, at vi også kan tjene penge og udvikle QXL.dk langt hurtigere end tidligere. Og da vi konstant oplever fremgang, så tegner fremtiden meget lys, udtaler Jacob N Masters.
QXL.dk er en moderne udgave af loppemarkedet. Filosofien bag QXL.dk er, at vi alle har ting og sager, som andre gerne vil betale for. QXL.dk har skabt platformen, hvor køber og sælger kan gøre en god handel nemt og sikkert.
QXL.dk’s forretning er afhængig af, at QXL.dk’s auktioner og site er mere interessante og brugervenlig for sælgere og købere end konkurrenternes.
- De gebyrer som vores sælgere betaler for at oprette auktioner samt sælge, er lave i forhold til vores konkurrenter. Vi har blandt andet gjort det helt gratis at sælge sin bil, båd & motercykel på QXL.dk. Desuden kan man købe og sælge stort set alt på vores auktioner fra frimærker, knallerter og legetøj til computere og antikviteter, siger Jacob N Masters. Og intet er tilsyneladende for småt til at figurere på QXL.dk, der huser indehaveren af Guinness Rekord for verdens største samling af brugte ispinde på auktionssiderne.
En anden væsentlig årsag til, at danskerne nu for alvor har kastet sig over QXL.dk’s online auktioner bunder i, at sikkerheden er meget høj. QXL.dk tjekker alle medlemmers navne og adresser.
- Vi sikrer at vi kender medlemmernes privatadresse således, at du med sikkerhed ved hvem du handler med ~ kortsagt enkelt og sikkert. Samtidig har vi et karaktersystem, der sikrer, at auktionerne ikke kan bruges af snydere, der ikke betaler eller leverer varerne som aftalt. Hvis en køber eller sælger modtager en dårlig karakter i forbindelse med ens første handler, så bliver man simpelthen udelukket fra QXL.dk, siger Jacob N Masters.
QXL.dk er en del af en af Europas største online auktionshuse QXL Ricardo Plc, der er repræsenteret i 10 lande og dominerende i Skandinavien. Alle europæiske afdelinger af QXL Ricardo Plc er i dag overskudsgivende. Men danskerne tager utvivlsomt førertrøjen på, når det gælder etape sejre i form af årlig vækst af medlemmer og handler. Det danske auktionshus er nemlig fyldt med trofaste hjælperyttere.
- Hemmeligheden er team-spirit. Vores brugere har i høj grad været med til at gøre QXL.dk til en succes. Vi har haft titusinder af brugere, som er holdt ved gennem den hårde dotcom tid. Samtidig har de været med til at udvikle vores auktions-platform, så den er meget brugervenlig og sikker. Dette har blandt andet medført til at vi nu har oprettet et ”Ambassadør program” som giver vores brugere langt større mulighed for at bestemme hvordan vi som et team udvikler os, siger Jacob N Masters.
Computers are wonderful tools. However the basic needs for motivation, incitement and achievement still exists. We still need people of flesh and blood and especially leadership. The methods haven’t changed much over the past centuries. In a time of Internet, where people tend to hide behind computers, the need and challenge of leadership has never been bigger.
Have a nice weekend
Michael B. Hansen
Founder & Managing Director
Vær at vide
Computer teknologien er et godt redskab, men det kan ikke fjerne behovet for at motivere, inspirere og lede jeres folk til gode resultater. Behovet for kød, blod og lederskab er basalt for den menneskelige natur. Metoden har ikke ændret sig fundamental de seneste tusinder af år. I denne Internet tid, hvor folk isolerer sig bag ved computerskærme, har behovet og udfordringen for godt lederskab aldrig været større.
EBay fordobler fortjeneste
Internet-auktionshuset eBay kunne onsdag fremvise et flot regnskab for første kvartal i år og opjusterer nu forventningerne til hele 2004.
I første kvartal fordoblede eBay næsten sin fortjeneste, efter at indtægter både fra online auktionen og fra PayPal viste stærk vækst, skriver Reuters.
Netto-fortjenesten steg i kvartalet til 200,1 million dollar (knap 1,26 milliarder kroner) op fra 104,2 millioner dollar i første kvartal 2003.
Omsætningen steg fra 476,5 millioner dollar til 756,2 millioner dollar - eller cirka 4,75 milliarder kroner.
Derudover oversteg antallet af registrerede brugere på eBays sider for første gang 100 millioner, mens den samlede værdi af solgte varer endte på 8 milliarder dollar.
Resultatet oversteg Wall Streets forventninger, og efterfølgende valgte eBay at opjustere sine mål for bade indtægter og fortjeneste for hele året.
Herefter steg auktion-sitets aktier 3 procent. 22-04-2004 09:55 ©Mediawatch.dk
Danskerne strømmer til online auktioner
Glem alt hvad du har hørt om afvigende handel på internettet. Danskerne strømmer nemlig til nettet, når det gælder køb og salg gennem online auktioner. Og her går det rigtigt godt. Efter de barske år i kølvandet på dotcom krisen er danmarks største online autionshus QXL.dk blevet en solid forretning med årlige overskud.
Alene inden for det seneste år er antallet af medlemmer øget med over 100 procent og antallet af solgte brugte varer er røget til tops med en stigning på mere end 200 procent. Hver uge bliver der således sat over 190.000 varer til salg på QXL.dk, og antallet af nye medlemmer stiger med 3.000 byttelystne danskere om ugen.
Boomet i antallet af medlemmer og e-handler, glæder naturligvis– Adm. Direktør for QXL Ricardo Danmark A/S, Jacob N Masters.
- Vi har for længst passeret 300.000 medlemmer og er dermed et af danskernes foretrukne steder på nettet, når de skal sælge eller købe varer. QXL.dk er forbi den kritiske fase. Vi har et antal auktioner, der sikrer, at vi også kan tjene penge og udvikle QXL.dk langt hurtigere end tidligere. Og da vi konstant oplever fremgang, så tegner fremtiden meget lys, udtaler Jacob N Masters.
QXL.dk er en moderne udgave af loppemarkedet. Filosofien bag QXL.dk er, at vi alle har ting og sager, som andre gerne vil betale for. QXL.dk har skabt platformen, hvor køber og sælger kan gøre en god handel nemt og sikkert.
QXL.dk’s forretning er afhængig af, at QXL.dk’s auktioner og site er mere interessante og brugervenlig for sælgere og købere end konkurrenternes.
- De gebyrer som vores sælgere betaler for at oprette auktioner samt sælge, er lave i forhold til vores konkurrenter. Vi har blandt andet gjort det helt gratis at sælge sin bil, båd & motercykel på QXL.dk. Desuden kan man købe og sælge stort set alt på vores auktioner fra frimærker, knallerter og legetøj til computere og antikviteter, siger Jacob N Masters. Og intet er tilsyneladende for småt til at figurere på QXL.dk, der huser indehaveren af Guinness Rekord for verdens største samling af brugte ispinde på auktionssiderne.
En anden væsentlig årsag til, at danskerne nu for alvor har kastet sig over QXL.dk’s online auktioner bunder i, at sikkerheden er meget høj. QXL.dk tjekker alle medlemmers navne og adresser.
- Vi sikrer at vi kender medlemmernes privatadresse således, at du med sikkerhed ved hvem du handler med ~ kortsagt enkelt og sikkert. Samtidig har vi et karaktersystem, der sikrer, at auktionerne ikke kan bruges af snydere, der ikke betaler eller leverer varerne som aftalt. Hvis en køber eller sælger modtager en dårlig karakter i forbindelse med ens første handler, så bliver man simpelthen udelukket fra QXL.dk, siger Jacob N Masters.
QXL.dk er en del af en af Europas største online auktionshuse QXL Ricardo Plc, der er repræsenteret i 10 lande og dominerende i Skandinavien. Alle europæiske afdelinger af QXL Ricardo Plc er i dag overskudsgivende. Men danskerne tager utvivlsomt førertrøjen på, når det gælder etape sejre i form af årlig vækst af medlemmer og handler. Det danske auktionshus er nemlig fyldt med trofaste hjælperyttere.
- Hemmeligheden er team-spirit. Vores brugere har i høj grad været med til at gøre QXL.dk til en succes. Vi har haft titusinder af brugere, som er holdt ved gennem den hårde dotcom tid. Samtidig har de været med til at udvikle vores auktions-platform, så den er meget brugervenlig og sikker. Dette har blandt andet medført til at vi nu har oprettet et ”Ambassadør program” som giver vores brugere langt større mulighed for at bestemme hvordan vi som et team udvikler os, siger Jacob N Masters.
Thursday, April 22, 2004
The GoldenVision DubLiTrading Team Blog !
For members, friends and others who are interested in daily tips & tricks to the Net, Health, online Biz, Marketing and International Trading through DubLi !
For more information on the GoldenVision team - go to; www.goldenvision.info/tj/
For more information on living healthier / longer - go to; www.immunotec.com
For more information on International trading - go to; www.dublitrading.com
For more information about the "Mother-Blogger" (note; not with an F :-) - go to: www.ryze.com/go/dubli
HAPPY BLOGGING !!! (Do you want an invitation? DubLi at go.com)
For members, friends and others who are interested in daily tips & tricks to the Net, Health, online Biz, Marketing and International Trading through DubLi !
For more information on the GoldenVision team - go to; www.goldenvision.info/tj/
For more information on living healthier / longer - go to; www.immunotec.com
For more information on International trading - go to; www.dublitrading.com
For more information about the "Mother-Blogger" (note; not with an F :-) - go to: www.ryze.com/go/dubli
HAPPY BLOGGING !!! (Do you want an invitation? DubLi at go.com)
Here is a beautiful example of the kinds of friends you can find on Ryze
- this friend sent me this;
By the time the Lord made woman, he was into his sixth day of working overtime. An angel appeared and said, "Why are you spending so much time on this one?"
And the Lord answered, "Have you seen my spec sheet on her? She has to be completely washable, but not plastic, have over 200 movable parts, all replaceable and able to run on diet coke and leftovers, have a lap that can hold four children at one time, have a kiss that can cure anything from a scraped knee to a broken heart-and she will do everything with only two hands."
The angel was astounded at the requirements. "Only two hands!? No way! And that's just on the standard model? That's too much work for one day. Wait until tomorrow to finish."
"But I won't," the Lord protested. "I am so close to finishing this creation that is so close to my own heart. She already heals herself when she is sick AND can work 18 hour days."
The angel moved closer and touched the woman. "But you have made her so soft, Lord."
"She is soft," the Lord agreed, "but I have also made her tough. You have no idea what she can endure or accomplish."
The angel asked: "Will she be able to think?"
The Lord replied, "Not only will she be able to think, she will be able to reason and negotiate...better than man."
The angel then noticed something, and reaching out, touched the woman's cheek.
"Oops, it looks like you have a leak in this model. I told you that you were trying to put too much into this one."
"That's not a leak," the Lord corrected, "that's a tear!"
"What's the tear for?" the angel asked.
"They smile when they want to scream.
They sing when they want to cry.
They cry when they are happy and laugh when they are nervous.
They fight for what they believe in.
They stand up to injustice.
They don't take "no" for an answer when they believe there is a better solution.
They go without so their family can have.
They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.
They love unconditionally.
They cry when their children excel and cheer when their friends get awards.
They are happy when they hear about a birth or a wedding.
Their hearts break when a friend dies.
They grieve at the loss of a family member, yet they are strong when they think there is no strength left.
They know that a hug and a kiss can heal a broken heart.
Women come in all shapes, sizes and colors. They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you to show how much they care about you. The heart of a woman is what makes the world keep turning.
They bring joy, hope and love. They have compassion and ideals.
They give moral support to their family and friends.
Women have vital things to say and everything to give."
For I believe that YOU are the essence of Love...
- this friend sent me this;
By the time the Lord made woman, he was into his sixth day of working overtime. An angel appeared and said, "Why are you spending so much time on this one?"
And the Lord answered, "Have you seen my spec sheet on her? She has to be completely washable, but not plastic, have over 200 movable parts, all replaceable and able to run on diet coke and leftovers, have a lap that can hold four children at one time, have a kiss that can cure anything from a scraped knee to a broken heart-and she will do everything with only two hands."
The angel was astounded at the requirements. "Only two hands!? No way! And that's just on the standard model? That's too much work for one day. Wait until tomorrow to finish."
"But I won't," the Lord protested. "I am so close to finishing this creation that is so close to my own heart. She already heals herself when she is sick AND can work 18 hour days."
The angel moved closer and touched the woman. "But you have made her so soft, Lord."
"She is soft," the Lord agreed, "but I have also made her tough. You have no idea what she can endure or accomplish."
The angel asked: "Will she be able to think?"
The Lord replied, "Not only will she be able to think, she will be able to reason and negotiate...better than man."
The angel then noticed something, and reaching out, touched the woman's cheek.
"Oops, it looks like you have a leak in this model. I told you that you were trying to put too much into this one."
"That's not a leak," the Lord corrected, "that's a tear!"
"What's the tear for?" the angel asked.
"They smile when they want to scream.
They sing when they want to cry.
They cry when they are happy and laugh when they are nervous.
They fight for what they believe in.
They stand up to injustice.
They don't take "no" for an answer when they believe there is a better solution.
They go without so their family can have.
They go to the doctor with a frightened friend.
They love unconditionally.
They cry when their children excel and cheer when their friends get awards.
They are happy when they hear about a birth or a wedding.
Their hearts break when a friend dies.
They grieve at the loss of a family member, yet they are strong when they think there is no strength left.
They know that a hug and a kiss can heal a broken heart.
Women come in all shapes, sizes and colors. They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail you to show how much they care about you. The heart of a woman is what makes the world keep turning.
They bring joy, hope and love. They have compassion and ideals.
They give moral support to their family and friends.
Women have vital things to say and everything to give."
For I believe that YOU are the essence of Love...
Did I tell you about a great way to get your address book filled with new contacts ??
I use www.Plaxo.com
when somebody new is sending me an email, plaxo can invite them to update their info with me, and when they do = they have accepted to be my new internet-friend - smart :-)
Plaxo then also keeps all my email lists in order - online. So even if my computer breaks down one day - I still have all my contacts intact !!
Have a great day all !!!
The GoldenVision DubLiTrading Team Blog !
For members, friends and others who are interested in daily tips & tricks to the Net, Health, online Biz, Marketing and International Trading through DubLi !
For more information on the GoldenVision team - go to; www.goldenvision.info/tj/
For more information on living healthier / longer - go to; www.immunotec.com
For more information on International trading - go to; www.dublitrading.com
For more information about the "Mother-Blogger" (note; not with an F :-) - go to: www.ryze.com/go/dubli
HAPPY BLOGGING !!! (Do you want an invitation? DubLi"at"go.com)
I use www.Plaxo.com
when somebody new is sending me an email, plaxo can invite them to update their info with me, and when they do = they have accepted to be my new internet-friend - smart :-)
Plaxo then also keeps all my email lists in order - online. So even if my computer breaks down one day - I still have all my contacts intact !!
Have a great day all !!!
The GoldenVision DubLiTrading Team Blog !
For members, friends and others who are interested in daily tips & tricks to the Net, Health, online Biz, Marketing and International Trading through DubLi !
For more information on the GoldenVision team - go to; www.goldenvision.info/tj/
For more information on living healthier / longer - go to; www.immunotec.com
For more information on International trading - go to; www.dublitrading.com
For more information about the "Mother-Blogger" (note; not with an F :-) - go to: www.ryze.com/go/dubli
HAPPY BLOGGING !!! (Do you want an invitation? DubLi"at"go.com)
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
I have put this Blog on some of the Blog search engines today - and just thought I would put the key words in here too :-)
I have no idea if its helps the listing - but it cant hurt - can it ??
Anyway here goes (just ignore them :-)
International trading, web trading portal, global, health, free tips & tricks, network marketing, immune system, cancer cure, free programs, pets natural medicine, dental health, male health, childrens health, disease, research, mikro-banking, charity, donations, aid organizations, own business, third world, home business, mlm, Network Marketing, Denmark, off-shore accounts, prostate, paradentose, sclerose, diabetis, diets, slimming, increase training power, hyper ctive children, ADDA, natural vitamins, natural calcium, agents, aging, horses, dogs, cats, mothers milk, HMS90. Immunotec. Immunocal, GoldenVision, Golden vision, Xtralife, XtraSharpe, Prycena, fitness, exercise, peptides, anti oxidants, Weight Loss, natural skin creme, Glutathione, free radicals, toxins, Muscle Performance, Athletes, Destined to Become the #1 Nutritional Supplement of Choice Worldwide, Magistral Natural Viagra, Decreased sexual activity , impotence, incontinence, plaque, milk protein , metabolism, Stress, PNT 200 , ADD, Natural Valium®, GABA, benzodiazepines, relax,EBay, Amazon, auctions. market place, internet shops
I have no idea if its helps the listing - but it cant hurt - can it ??
Anyway here goes (just ignore them :-)
International trading, web trading portal, global, health, free tips & tricks, network marketing, immune system, cancer cure, free programs, pets natural medicine, dental health, male health, childrens health, disease, research, mikro-banking, charity, donations, aid organizations, own business, third world, home business, mlm, Network Marketing, Denmark, off-shore accounts, prostate, paradentose, sclerose, diabetis, diets, slimming, increase training power, hyper ctive children, ADDA, natural vitamins, natural calcium, agents, aging, horses, dogs, cats, mothers milk, HMS90. Immunotec. Immunocal, GoldenVision, Golden vision, Xtralife, XtraSharpe, Prycena, fitness, exercise, peptides, anti oxidants, Weight Loss, natural skin creme, Glutathione, free radicals, toxins, Muscle Performance, Athletes, Destined to Become the #1 Nutritional Supplement of Choice Worldwide, Magistral Natural Viagra, Decreased sexual activity , impotence, incontinence, plaque, milk protein , metabolism, Stress, PNT 200 , ADD, Natural Valium®, GABA, benzodiazepines, relax,EBay, Amazon, auctions. market place, internet shops
The GoldenVision DubLiTrading Team Blog !
For members, friends and others who are interested in daily tips & tricks to the Net, Health, online Biz, Marketing and International Trading through DubLi !
For more information on the GoldenVision team - go to; www.goldenvision.info/tj/
For more information on living healthier / longer - go to; www.immunotec.com
For more information on International trading - go to; www.dublitrading.com
For more information about the "Mother-Blogger" (note; not with an F :-) - go to: www.ryze.com/go/dubli
HAPPY BLOGGING !!! (Do you want an invitation? DubLi at go.com)
For members, friends and others who are interested in daily tips & tricks to the Net, Health, online Biz, Marketing and International Trading through DubLi !
For more information on the GoldenVision team - go to; www.goldenvision.info/tj/
For more information on living healthier / longer - go to; www.immunotec.com
For more information on International trading - go to; www.dublitrading.com
For more information about the "Mother-Blogger" (note; not with an F :-) - go to: www.ryze.com/go/dubli
HAPPY BLOGGING !!! (Do you want an invitation? DubLi at go.com)
About the virus Oze mentioned - havent heard about it, and if Norton do not get rid of it 100%, I dont know what to do !
Have you tried Microsoft-updates ?
Last time I had a problem like that, and Norton said it got rid of it - it still had ruined some system files, and I had to format my C-drive :-(
I will look around a little today, to see if I can find some solution !
By the way - I remember that Panda actually found something that Norton didnt, for me once - try that;
In the meantime, here is over $590 in FREE
Pay Per Click Advertising;
Good luck Oze !!
Have you tried Microsoft-updates ?
Last time I had a problem like that, and Norton said it got rid of it - it still had ruined some system files, and I had to format my C-drive :-(
I will look around a little today, to see if I can find some solution !
By the way - I remember that Panda actually found something that Norton didnt, for me once - try that;
In the meantime, here is over $590 in FREE
Pay Per Click Advertising;
Good luck Oze !!
I know that I am a newbie :-)
Dear Oze - not that I mind - but how did you post to my Blog ??
I didnt think nobody but myself could !?
Anyway, I like it - but please post to the other members, how you did it !
And now we are in that subject :)
This Blog is for friends only - so if anybody got in here "by accident", please respect that this is not a place to advertize your business !!!!
There is a lot of other forums out there for that !
Here we share problems and good ideas + I will keep the DubLiTrading Group of Spain updated on our biz, and any news about the Trading Portal - also for those who are not a part of the team, yet - to understand more, and follow the development in this exciting event !
Happy Blogging all of you !!!
"Mother-Blogger" :-)
I know that I am a newbie :-)
Dear Oze - not that I mind - but how did you post to my Blog ??
I didnt think nobody but myself could !?
Anyway, I like it - but please post to the other members, how you did it !
And now we are in that subject :)
This Blog is for friends only - so if anybody got in here "by accident", please respect that this is not a place to advertize your business !!!!
There is a lot of other forums out there for that !
Here we share problems and good ideas + I will keep the DubLiTrading Group of Spain updated on our biz, and any news about the Trading Portal - also for those who are not a part of the team, yet - to understand more, and follow the development in this exciting event !
Happy Blogging all of you !!!
"Mother-Blogger" :-)
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
Hey did I tell you all about the free service to check all your different email accounts in one place ?
Its brilliant, and saves a lot of time + you do not risk opening emails with viruses, as you can read them before they are downloaded !
The program is free of spy- and ad-ware !
If you want to find out if you already have spy- & ad-ware that clutters your computer - this program will clean it for you, and see to it that new ones are not installed on your computer;
it also comes in danish :-)
Have a happy day on your computer :-)
Its brilliant, and saves a lot of time + you do not risk opening emails with viruses, as you can read them before they are downloaded !
The program is free of spy- and ad-ware !
If you want to find out if you already have spy- & ad-ware that clutters your computer - this program will clean it for you, and see to it that new ones are not installed on your computer;
it also comes in danish :-)
Have a happy day on your computer :-)
Hi Guy´s,
first todays free tools page;
And if you have the time;
And for the Danish Ambassadors;
Have a great day
PS: Have you all seen my page in the Ryze comunity ?
ITS: http://www.ryze.com/go/dubli
first todays free tools page;
And if you have the time;
And for the Danish Ambassadors;
Have a great day
PS: Have you all seen my page in the Ryze comunity ?
ITS: http://www.ryze.com/go/dubli
Monday, April 19, 2004
I have just realized, that this way, is the best and easiest to get word out to people -
yeah, yeah - maybe I´m not that fast :-)
But as far as my plans on making an E-zine goes - I simply dont have the time right now - so instead of this only being news on DubliTrading - it seems like, for now - this will serve as my E-zine :-)
And today it just seems like I am getting more useful info in my mailbox, than the normal spam - so here comes a little more;
What To Do If You Find Unauthorized Transactions On Your Credit Card Account
If you find unauthorized transactions on your credit card account, follow the steps below to find out whether you can be reimbursed:
Step 1: Contact your credit card issuer immediately to report the unauthorized transactions.
Step 2: Check your credit card agreement. By law, your agreement must contain a section that explains your maximum liability (usually $50) in the case of lost or stolen credit cards, or the unauthorized use of your credit card account number.
Step 3: Find out if your credit card issuer offers "Zero-Liability" on unauthorized transactions. For example, Visa and MasterCard cardholders are protected beyond the maximum liability found in their credit card agreements. This is done through a public commitment Visa and MasterCard call the "Zero-Liability Policy". If your Visa or MasterCard is lost or stolen, or if someone uses your Visa or MasterCard account number to make transactions you did not authorize, you can usually be reimbursed.
This policy applies to transactions made on the Internet, by phone or at retailers, but may exclude personal identification number (PIN)-based transactions - for example, a cash advance made on your card at an automated banking machine (ABM) - and transactions made on corporate credit cards. Find out from your credit card issuer whether they have such a policy and how it can protect you. Note that these policies are not listed in credit card agreements, since they are public commitments and not legal requirements.
yeah, yeah - maybe I´m not that fast :-)
But as far as my plans on making an E-zine goes - I simply dont have the time right now - so instead of this only being news on DubliTrading - it seems like, for now - this will serve as my E-zine :-)
And today it just seems like I am getting more useful info in my mailbox, than the normal spam - so here comes a little more;
What To Do If You Find Unauthorized Transactions On Your Credit Card Account
If you find unauthorized transactions on your credit card account, follow the steps below to find out whether you can be reimbursed:
Step 1: Contact your credit card issuer immediately to report the unauthorized transactions.
Step 2: Check your credit card agreement. By law, your agreement must contain a section that explains your maximum liability (usually $50) in the case of lost or stolen credit cards, or the unauthorized use of your credit card account number.
Step 3: Find out if your credit card issuer offers "Zero-Liability" on unauthorized transactions. For example, Visa and MasterCard cardholders are protected beyond the maximum liability found in their credit card agreements. This is done through a public commitment Visa and MasterCard call the "Zero-Liability Policy". If your Visa or MasterCard is lost or stolen, or if someone uses your Visa or MasterCard account number to make transactions you did not authorize, you can usually be reimbursed.
This policy applies to transactions made on the Internet, by phone or at retailers, but may exclude personal identification number (PIN)-based transactions - for example, a cash advance made on your card at an automated banking machine (ABM) - and transactions made on corporate credit cards. Find out from your credit card issuer whether they have such a policy and how it can protect you. Note that these policies are not listed in credit card agreements, since they are public commitments and not legal requirements.
Danmark fører an i internet-revolution
/Ritzau/ - 9:50 - 19. apr. 2004
Det viser en undersøgelse, som det amerikanske computerfirma IBM og det britiske tidsskrift The Economist offentliggjorde mandag.
Danmark var sidste år placeret som nummer to, men har i år overtaget pladsen fra Sverige.
- Danmark har en meget aktiv regeringspolitik for at reducere den administrative byrde på virksomheder, siger Peter Korsten, der er direktør på IBM's Institute for Business Value.
Der er ikke meget, der adskiller de øverste otte lande på listen, der alle nyder godt af billige internet-forbindelser, software og teknisk bistand.
- Skandinavien er bemærkelsesværdig for den måde, som borgerne har inddraget internet-teknologien i deres daglige liv, der fuldstændig har ændret måden hvorpå de arbejder, handler ind og kommunikerer med embedsfolk, hedder det i undersøgelsen.
USA er droppet fra en tredjeplads til en sjetteplads, og det tilskrives, at der er relativt færre bredbåndsforbindelser end i de lande, der topper listen.
Danmark fører an i internet-revolution
/Ritzau/ - 9:50 - 19. apr. 2004
Det viser en undersøgelse, som det amerikanske computerfirma IBM og det britiske tidsskrift The Economist offentliggjorde mandag.
Danmark var sidste år placeret som nummer to, men har i år overtaget pladsen fra Sverige.
- Danmark har en meget aktiv regeringspolitik for at reducere den administrative byrde på virksomheder, siger Peter Korsten, der er direktør på IBM's Institute for Business Value.
Der er ikke meget, der adskiller de øverste otte lande på listen, der alle nyder godt af billige internet-forbindelser, software og teknisk bistand.
- Skandinavien er bemærkelsesværdig for den måde, som borgerne har inddraget internet-teknologien i deres daglige liv, der fuldstændig har ændret måden hvorpå de arbejder, handler ind og kommunikerer med embedsfolk, hedder det i undersøgelsen.
USA er droppet fra en tredjeplads til en sjetteplads, og det tilskrives, at der er relativt færre bredbåndsforbindelser end i de lande, der topper listen.
I think now is the time to state;
I´m sorry guys, if you do not understand all that I am going to write on this blog :-(
As you know I am Danish - so sometimes I will write some in my own language - please bear with me :-)
Same goes for the poor Danish readers - not understanding English :-)
Lets all broaden our world !!!
I´m sorry guys, if you do not understand all that I am going to write on this blog :-(
As you know I am Danish - so sometimes I will write some in my own language - please bear with me :-)
Same goes for the poor Danish readers - not understanding English :-)
Lets all broaden our world !!!
I also got this one from a friend today - sad but, mostly, true;
As I've Matured...
I've learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is
stalk them and hope they panic and give in...
I've learned that one good turn gets most of the blankets.
I've learned that no matter how much I care, some people are just
I've learned that it takes years to build up trust, and it only takes
suspicion, not proof, to destroy it.
I've learned that whatever hits the fan will not be evenly distributed.
I've learned that you shouldn't compare yourself to others - they are
more screwed up than you think.
I've learned that depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.
I've learned that it is not what you wear; it is how you take it off.
I've learned that you can keep vomiting long after you think you're
I've learned to not sweat the petty things, and not pet the sweaty
things I've learned that ex's are like fungus, and keep coming
back.I've learned age is a very high price to pay for maturity.
I've learned that I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy it.
I've learned that we are responsible for what we do, unless we are
I've learned that artificial intelligence is no match for natural
I've learned that 99% of the time when something isn't working in your
house, one of your kids did it
I've learned that there is a fine line between genius and insanity.
I've learned that the people you care most about in life are taken from
you too soon and all the less important ones just never go away. And the
real pains in the ass are permanent.
As I've Matured...
I've learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is
stalk them and hope they panic and give in...
I've learned that one good turn gets most of the blankets.
I've learned that no matter how much I care, some people are just
I've learned that it takes years to build up trust, and it only takes
suspicion, not proof, to destroy it.
I've learned that whatever hits the fan will not be evenly distributed.
I've learned that you shouldn't compare yourself to others - they are
more screwed up than you think.
I've learned that depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.
I've learned that it is not what you wear; it is how you take it off.
I've learned that you can keep vomiting long after you think you're
I've learned to not sweat the petty things, and not pet the sweaty
things I've learned that ex's are like fungus, and keep coming
back.I've learned age is a very high price to pay for maturity.
I've learned that I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy it.
I've learned that we are responsible for what we do, unless we are
I've learned that artificial intelligence is no match for natural
I've learned that 99% of the time when something isn't working in your
house, one of your kids did it
I've learned that there is a fine line between genius and insanity.
I've learned that the people you care most about in life are taken from
you too soon and all the less important ones just never go away. And the
real pains in the ass are permanent.
Invitation training seminar
TradingValues has the pleasure of inviting you to participate in a training seminar; Sunday 2nd May 2004 from 12.00 o’clock to 6.00PM at Quality Hotel, Høje Taastrup, Denmark.
The objective of the seminar is to equip you with professional methods and strategies for introducing the DubLi shop concept to future suppliers – and hereby increase your own income potential substantially.
Agenda for the seminar is;
• Introduction to shop system by Jesper Kristiansen
• Segmentation of shops and personal targets by Michael Hansen
• Stimulating of needs and sales training by Søren Sehested
• Network training and general news by Michael Hansen
Please sign up for the seminar via our Support. Deadline is 28th April 2004. Tickets are sold at the entrance for a price of DKK 85. If interpreter is needed please notify Support before deadline. Due to the intensive programme, we will unfortunately not serve lunch.
Indbydelse til træningsseminar
TradingValues har hermed den glæde, at indbyde dig til træningsseminar; søndag d. 2. maj 2004 – kl. 12.00 til 18.00 på Quality Hotel, Høje Taastrup.
Hovedformålet med seminaret er at udstyre dig med de nødvendige værktøjer, så du hurtigt og professionelt kan formidle DubLi shops til fremtidige leverandører – og dermed forøge dine indtægtsmuligheder markant.
Seminaret indeholder i hovedpunkter;
• Gennemgang af shopsystemet ved Jesper Kristiansen
• Segmentering af shops og personlig målsætning ved Michael Hansen
• Skabelse af behov og salgstræning ved Søren Sehested
• Network træning, samt orientering omkring nyheder ved Michael Hansen
Tilmelding til seminaret skal ske via supporten senest 28. april 2004. Billetterne købes i døren til en pris på kr. 85. Grundet det omfattende program vil der ikke være mulighed for frokost.
Best regards / Med venlig hilsen
TradingValues Support Team
TradingValues has the pleasure of inviting you to participate in a training seminar; Sunday 2nd May 2004 from 12.00 o’clock to 6.00PM at Quality Hotel, Høje Taastrup, Denmark.
The objective of the seminar is to equip you with professional methods and strategies for introducing the DubLi shop concept to future suppliers – and hereby increase your own income potential substantially.
Agenda for the seminar is;
• Introduction to shop system by Jesper Kristiansen
• Segmentation of shops and personal targets by Michael Hansen
• Stimulating of needs and sales training by Søren Sehested
• Network training and general news by Michael Hansen
Please sign up for the seminar via our Support. Deadline is 28th April 2004. Tickets are sold at the entrance for a price of DKK 85. If interpreter is needed please notify Support before deadline. Due to the intensive programme, we will unfortunately not serve lunch.
Indbydelse til træningsseminar
TradingValues har hermed den glæde, at indbyde dig til træningsseminar; søndag d. 2. maj 2004 – kl. 12.00 til 18.00 på Quality Hotel, Høje Taastrup.
Hovedformålet med seminaret er at udstyre dig med de nødvendige værktøjer, så du hurtigt og professionelt kan formidle DubLi shops til fremtidige leverandører – og dermed forøge dine indtægtsmuligheder markant.
Seminaret indeholder i hovedpunkter;
• Gennemgang af shopsystemet ved Jesper Kristiansen
• Segmentering af shops og personlig målsætning ved Michael Hansen
• Skabelse af behov og salgstræning ved Søren Sehested
• Network træning, samt orientering omkring nyheder ved Michael Hansen
Tilmelding til seminaret skal ske via supporten senest 28. april 2004. Billetterne købes i døren til en pris på kr. 85. Grundet det omfattende program vil der ikke være mulighed for frokost.
Best regards / Med venlig hilsen
TradingValues Support Team
Sunday, April 18, 2004
LATEST NEWS FROM TRADINGVALUES - in English - og på Dansk :-)
Since our last newsletter together we have come a long way. We have experienced a rapid growth in the number of ambassadors, all bonus schemes are at place, our shop system is launched 30th April 2004 and we are all top motivated and ready for the DubLi premier on the 28th May 2004.
The participation at the last event in Hundige, Denmark was simply overwhelming. The same can be said for the investor meetings. We are pleased to welcome all new shareholders after the 30th April 2004. We think that it is only fair that the vast majority will benefit from the future success of DubLi.
For those who didn’t participate in Hundige, Denmark we have prepared the essential minutes from the event.
IT manager Jesper Kristiansens showed a beta version of DubLi. I combine a highly complex and sophisticated technology with a very user-friendly interface. Our tests so far indicate that user without prior experience in etrade finds it a lot easier to use your site when comparing with those of our competitors. The appearance and looks of DubLi can best be described as that of Microsoft XP 2003 - a user interface that many are familiar with already. Further Jesper demonstrated our second to none shop system, which is sold at a mere 49 euros per shop. A professional presentation of the system is under preparation.
Head of education and training Søren Sehested introduced some of the future plan for education and training. He emphasized that our most important resource are our ambassadors, their needs and demands and the fact that they are our direct contact to the market. We are heavily dependent upon that basic skill, and methods are introduced to ambassadors at an early stage. Later training in leadership will be introduced. The first modules of basic education take place as early as next month. Also we are recruiting ambassadors with prior teaching experience, so a corps of internal TradingValues trainers can be formed.
At the event a group of ambassadors were recognised for their performance by becoming either Team Leaders or Team Coordinators. Most recognition was given to Mr Michael Goldbech who has become Sales director – the highest position in our Company.
A seminar has been scheduled for 2nd May 2004 at Quality Hotel, Høje Taastrup, Denmark. Please sign up as quickly as possible. By doing so you will get access to vital methods and tools to enhance your chances of becoming successful. Join from the start when it comes to signing up DubLi suppliers. Remember that if you sign up just one major company up for a shop, you could potentially create a substantial future source of income since you are paid commissions upon all transactions.
At the seminar 2nd May 2004 you will also be briefed on some of the latest developments. Just to mention a few of the news, we will be introducing;
•Benefit package for Sales directors as recognition of performance
•New and improved arrangement for debit cards and the possibility for obtaining a credit card.
•Access to efficient and professional marketing tools i.e. electronic business card
•Improvements and new features on your personal website for administration
Further we have initiated a pilot project in Poland. A call centre will operate simultaneously with our centre in Spain. Also in the near future we expect to introduce a unique solution for personal saving plans.
In this newsletter and the coming we will brief you on general economical issues that might have an impact on you and your business.
Market analysis:
Analysts with whom TradingValues cooperate estimate that the European economy will expand until autumn 2008. This means more money into the economies. This could lead to an even higher growth in e trade. Also a rather weak dollar compared to the euro will lead to import of even more goods from US. DubLi will potentially grow by providing an overview of products on the US market and help costumers getting the best deal.
In the future we will also provide you with useful tips and tricks when it comes to network marketing. Hopefully that can come to good use in your business.
Good luck
Kære delroy showers
Siden sidste nyhedsbrev er vi sammen nået en lang vej. Antallet af ambassadører er steget markant, alle bonusplaner er på plads, vores shopsystem lanceres 30. april 2004 og vi er top motiverede og gearede til DubLi´s åbning 28. maj 2004.
Fremmødet på det seneste event i Hundige var ganske overvældende. Det samme var gældende for de efterfølgende investormøder. Efter 30. april 2004 kan vi således se frem til, at ejerkredsen af DubLi bliver udvidet ganske betragteligt.. Hermed får vi alle udbytte i Dubli´s fremtidige succes.
For de der ikke deltog i eventet er her et lille referat af hovedindholdet.
IT chef Jesper Kristiansens gav en smagsprøve på det fremtidige udseende af DubLi. Der er tale om en avanceret teknik, der ikke var mulig for bare et år siden. Alligevel er brugervenligheden i top. Foreløbige tests viser, at det langt nemmere for en førstegangsbruger at annonce sine ting på DubLi end hos nogle af vores konkurrenter. Udseendemæssig vil DubLi ligne Windows XP 2003, som mange allerede er fortrolige med. Endvidere demonstrerede Jesper vores banebrydende shopsystem, der nærmest foræres væk til en pris på 49 euro. I øjeblikket er en professionel præsentation af shopsystemet under udarbejdelse.
Uddannelseschef Søren Sehested gennemgik de fremtidige uddannelsestilbud og understregede at vores vigtigste ressource klart er ambassadørerne, deres behov og deres interaktion med andre. Vi satser massivt på uddannelse startende med de basale behov for metoder og værktøjer. De første moduler gennemføres allerede i maj måned. Senere følger en egentlig lederuddannelse. Sideløbende rekrutterer vi i øjeblikket ambassadører med undervisningserfaring, der tænkes uddannet til fremtidige TradingValues undervisere.
Endelig høstede en række navngivne ambassadører stor anerkendelse, idet de siden sidste event havde opnået at blive Team Leaders eller Team Coordinators. En ganske særlig anerkendelse opnåede Michael Goldbech, idet han fremtidigt kan smykke sig med titlen Sales Director - firmaets højeste position.
Der er arrangeret seminar 2. maj 2004 på Quality Hotel i Høje Taastrup. Tilmeld dig hurtigst muligt, så du får adgang til vigtige redskaber, der kan sikre din succes i TradingValues. Det er specielt vigtigt at du er med fra starten, når der skal skaffes leverandører til DubLi. Husk på, at en aftale med bare en stor virksomhed kan skaffe dig en stor passiv indkomst i mange år frem.
På seminaret 2. maj 2004 vil TradingValues endvidere gennemgå nogle af de nye spændende tiltag i TradingValues og DubLi. Lad os blot løfte sløret for nogle få af dem.
•En såkaldt benefit pakke til Sales Directors, som en anerkendelse af den hidtidige præstation.
•En ny og langt bedre bankaftale for debetkort og mulighed for kreditkort
•Professionelle markedsføringsredskaber for DubLi, herunder bl.a. et elektronisk visitkort
•Udvidelser og forbedringer af dit personlige administrations website
Vi har endvidere igangsat et pilotprojekt i Polen omkring support. Tanken er at et center i Polen skal oprettes sideløbende med vort center i Spanien. Endvidere arbejder vi i øjeblikket på en favorabel aftale omkring opsparing, børneopsparing og pension. Herom nærmere senere.
I dette og de kommende nyhedsbreve vil vi orientere dig om eksterne forhold, der måske kan have værdi for din forretning og give dig en ide om i hvilken retning tingene bevæger sig.
Eksterne forhold:
Analytikere, som TradingValues arbejder sammen med anslår, at den europæiske økonomi generelt vil være i vækst frem til efteråret 2008. Det betyder bl.a. flere penge i samfundet. Det må derfor formodes, at den hidtidige vækst i nethandel forstærkes yderligere. Forhold som en svag dollar contra euro betyder også, at nye amerikanske varer vil blive importeret til Europa. DubLi kan profitere af dette ved at hjælpe forbrugeren til at få overblik over de bedste tilbud på det amerikanske marked.
Ydermere vil vi fremover, op til hver weekend, emaile små fif omkring Network Marketing, som du umiddelbart kan bruge som et ekstra redskab i din forretning.
Slutteligt ønsker vi dig held og lykke med din forretning. Vi håber at se dig 2. maj 2004.
Best regards / Med venlig hilsen
TradingValues Support Team
Since our last newsletter together we have come a long way. We have experienced a rapid growth in the number of ambassadors, all bonus schemes are at place, our shop system is launched 30th April 2004 and we are all top motivated and ready for the DubLi premier on the 28th May 2004.
The participation at the last event in Hundige, Denmark was simply overwhelming. The same can be said for the investor meetings. We are pleased to welcome all new shareholders after the 30th April 2004. We think that it is only fair that the vast majority will benefit from the future success of DubLi.
For those who didn’t participate in Hundige, Denmark we have prepared the essential minutes from the event.
IT manager Jesper Kristiansens showed a beta version of DubLi. I combine a highly complex and sophisticated technology with a very user-friendly interface. Our tests so far indicate that user without prior experience in etrade finds it a lot easier to use your site when comparing with those of our competitors. The appearance and looks of DubLi can best be described as that of Microsoft XP 2003 - a user interface that many are familiar with already. Further Jesper demonstrated our second to none shop system, which is sold at a mere 49 euros per shop. A professional presentation of the system is under preparation.
Head of education and training Søren Sehested introduced some of the future plan for education and training. He emphasized that our most important resource are our ambassadors, their needs and demands and the fact that they are our direct contact to the market. We are heavily dependent upon that basic skill, and methods are introduced to ambassadors at an early stage. Later training in leadership will be introduced. The first modules of basic education take place as early as next month. Also we are recruiting ambassadors with prior teaching experience, so a corps of internal TradingValues trainers can be formed.
At the event a group of ambassadors were recognised for their performance by becoming either Team Leaders or Team Coordinators. Most recognition was given to Mr Michael Goldbech who has become Sales director – the highest position in our Company.
A seminar has been scheduled for 2nd May 2004 at Quality Hotel, Høje Taastrup, Denmark. Please sign up as quickly as possible. By doing so you will get access to vital methods and tools to enhance your chances of becoming successful. Join from the start when it comes to signing up DubLi suppliers. Remember that if you sign up just one major company up for a shop, you could potentially create a substantial future source of income since you are paid commissions upon all transactions.
At the seminar 2nd May 2004 you will also be briefed on some of the latest developments. Just to mention a few of the news, we will be introducing;
•Benefit package for Sales directors as recognition of performance
•New and improved arrangement for debit cards and the possibility for obtaining a credit card.
•Access to efficient and professional marketing tools i.e. electronic business card
•Improvements and new features on your personal website for administration
Further we have initiated a pilot project in Poland. A call centre will operate simultaneously with our centre in Spain. Also in the near future we expect to introduce a unique solution for personal saving plans.
In this newsletter and the coming we will brief you on general economical issues that might have an impact on you and your business.
Market analysis:
Analysts with whom TradingValues cooperate estimate that the European economy will expand until autumn 2008. This means more money into the economies. This could lead to an even higher growth in e trade. Also a rather weak dollar compared to the euro will lead to import of even more goods from US. DubLi will potentially grow by providing an overview of products on the US market and help costumers getting the best deal.
In the future we will also provide you with useful tips and tricks when it comes to network marketing. Hopefully that can come to good use in your business.
Good luck
Kære delroy showers
Siden sidste nyhedsbrev er vi sammen nået en lang vej. Antallet af ambassadører er steget markant, alle bonusplaner er på plads, vores shopsystem lanceres 30. april 2004 og vi er top motiverede og gearede til DubLi´s åbning 28. maj 2004.
Fremmødet på det seneste event i Hundige var ganske overvældende. Det samme var gældende for de efterfølgende investormøder. Efter 30. april 2004 kan vi således se frem til, at ejerkredsen af DubLi bliver udvidet ganske betragteligt.. Hermed får vi alle udbytte i Dubli´s fremtidige succes.
For de der ikke deltog i eventet er her et lille referat af hovedindholdet.
IT chef Jesper Kristiansens gav en smagsprøve på det fremtidige udseende af DubLi. Der er tale om en avanceret teknik, der ikke var mulig for bare et år siden. Alligevel er brugervenligheden i top. Foreløbige tests viser, at det langt nemmere for en førstegangsbruger at annonce sine ting på DubLi end hos nogle af vores konkurrenter. Udseendemæssig vil DubLi ligne Windows XP 2003, som mange allerede er fortrolige med. Endvidere demonstrerede Jesper vores banebrydende shopsystem, der nærmest foræres væk til en pris på 49 euro. I øjeblikket er en professionel præsentation af shopsystemet under udarbejdelse.
Uddannelseschef Søren Sehested gennemgik de fremtidige uddannelsestilbud og understregede at vores vigtigste ressource klart er ambassadørerne, deres behov og deres interaktion med andre. Vi satser massivt på uddannelse startende med de basale behov for metoder og værktøjer. De første moduler gennemføres allerede i maj måned. Senere følger en egentlig lederuddannelse. Sideløbende rekrutterer vi i øjeblikket ambassadører med undervisningserfaring, der tænkes uddannet til fremtidige TradingValues undervisere.
Endelig høstede en række navngivne ambassadører stor anerkendelse, idet de siden sidste event havde opnået at blive Team Leaders eller Team Coordinators. En ganske særlig anerkendelse opnåede Michael Goldbech, idet han fremtidigt kan smykke sig med titlen Sales Director - firmaets højeste position.
Der er arrangeret seminar 2. maj 2004 på Quality Hotel i Høje Taastrup. Tilmeld dig hurtigst muligt, så du får adgang til vigtige redskaber, der kan sikre din succes i TradingValues. Det er specielt vigtigt at du er med fra starten, når der skal skaffes leverandører til DubLi. Husk på, at en aftale med bare en stor virksomhed kan skaffe dig en stor passiv indkomst i mange år frem.
På seminaret 2. maj 2004 vil TradingValues endvidere gennemgå nogle af de nye spændende tiltag i TradingValues og DubLi. Lad os blot løfte sløret for nogle få af dem.
•En såkaldt benefit pakke til Sales Directors, som en anerkendelse af den hidtidige præstation.
•En ny og langt bedre bankaftale for debetkort og mulighed for kreditkort
•Professionelle markedsføringsredskaber for DubLi, herunder bl.a. et elektronisk visitkort
•Udvidelser og forbedringer af dit personlige administrations website
Vi har endvidere igangsat et pilotprojekt i Polen omkring support. Tanken er at et center i Polen skal oprettes sideløbende med vort center i Spanien. Endvidere arbejder vi i øjeblikket på en favorabel aftale omkring opsparing, børneopsparing og pension. Herom nærmere senere.
I dette og de kommende nyhedsbreve vil vi orientere dig om eksterne forhold, der måske kan have værdi for din forretning og give dig en ide om i hvilken retning tingene bevæger sig.
Eksterne forhold:
Analytikere, som TradingValues arbejder sammen med anslår, at den europæiske økonomi generelt vil være i vækst frem til efteråret 2008. Det betyder bl.a. flere penge i samfundet. Det må derfor formodes, at den hidtidige vækst i nethandel forstærkes yderligere. Forhold som en svag dollar contra euro betyder også, at nye amerikanske varer vil blive importeret til Europa. DubLi kan profitere af dette ved at hjælpe forbrugeren til at få overblik over de bedste tilbud på det amerikanske marked.
Ydermere vil vi fremover, op til hver weekend, emaile små fif omkring Network Marketing, som du umiddelbart kan bruge som et ekstra redskab i din forretning.
Slutteligt ønsker vi dig held og lykke med din forretning. Vi håber at se dig 2. maj 2004.
Best regards / Med venlig hilsen
TradingValues Support Team
Saturday, April 17, 2004
Here is what I wrote to an ops today;
The problem is, that I don't have the actual web shop to show you yet - they will be distributed the 30/4.
But I can promise you its beautiful :-)
It has a design like Windows XP - really nice to look at, and easy to navigate in !
Compared to other web trading portals, there are almost more benefits than I can list - but here is some of them;
DubLi doesn't charge listing fee
DubLi will always charge cheaper trading fees than other shops
DubLi lets you choose the language you want to see the page in (others will only show in the language of the country you are logged on from)
DubLi have payment guarantees (the Vendor is secured money for their goods)
DubLi have delivery guarantee, with whomever the clients want to use; post, UPS, FedEx etc.
DubLi is (as far as I know) the only trading portal where you can choose between 3 different trading forms;
1. auction 2. marketplace 3. shopping mall
DubLi has no restrictions on the portal - except for adult content (people will have to log on with proof of being over 18 years of age)
DubLi has clear view of the total price for items, including freight, the specific country´s import tax etc. (for the customer to compare prices before the buy)
DubLi has a database for items you are interested in - you get an email when its for sale somewhere
DubLi has much easier search engines for customers, with about 21.000 groups
DubLi web shop itself is free - with all the professional programming for administrative needs (almost priceless);
1. customer database,
2. easy search engines,
3. VAT/tax reports,
4. items database with up to 50.000 items numbers,
5. choice of languages and areas/countries of market,
6. merge with your existing computer programs, to upload stock, customer database etc,
7. easy to maintain; just download the shop, to make changes (without webmaster knowledge)
All this and more, for a small yearly maintenance fee of 49$ (but for every new customer you get, DubLi pays you 10 DubLi-$ - so you only need 5 customers; and your shop is totally free!)
For Ambassadors:
personal account with Lloyds of London - in Isle of Man (Off-shore account) with VISA card. To where all commissions are transferred (read bonus plans)
Unique for small business people in "not so developed" countries; the have the opportunity to get their products /services known & sold world wide, without expenses to marketing, and with no knowledge of Internet / web building etc.
That also gives all the rest of us the opportunity to buy their products (from "the other end of the world") - cheaper !
Microsoft is "supporting" the DUBLI portal (Imagine that !!!) - IBM is supporting EBay for example - but Microsoft have never before supported anybody !!!
That's its for now :-)
The problem is, that I don't have the actual web shop to show you yet - they will be distributed the 30/4.
But I can promise you its beautiful :-)
It has a design like Windows XP - really nice to look at, and easy to navigate in !
Compared to other web trading portals, there are almost more benefits than I can list - but here is some of them;
DubLi doesn't charge listing fee
DubLi will always charge cheaper trading fees than other shops
DubLi lets you choose the language you want to see the page in (others will only show in the language of the country you are logged on from)
DubLi have payment guarantees (the Vendor is secured money for their goods)
DubLi have delivery guarantee, with whomever the clients want to use; post, UPS, FedEx etc.
DubLi is (as far as I know) the only trading portal where you can choose between 3 different trading forms;
1. auction 2. marketplace 3. shopping mall
DubLi has no restrictions on the portal - except for adult content (people will have to log on with proof of being over 18 years of age)
DubLi has clear view of the total price for items, including freight, the specific country´s import tax etc. (for the customer to compare prices before the buy)
DubLi has a database for items you are interested in - you get an email when its for sale somewhere
DubLi has much easier search engines for customers, with about 21.000 groups
DubLi web shop itself is free - with all the professional programming for administrative needs (almost priceless);
1. customer database,
2. easy search engines,
3. VAT/tax reports,
4. items database with up to 50.000 items numbers,
5. choice of languages and areas/countries of market,
6. merge with your existing computer programs, to upload stock, customer database etc,
7. easy to maintain; just download the shop, to make changes (without webmaster knowledge)
All this and more, for a small yearly maintenance fee of 49$ (but for every new customer you get, DubLi pays you 10 DubLi-$ - so you only need 5 customers; and your shop is totally free!)
For Ambassadors:
personal account with Lloyds of London - in Isle of Man (Off-shore account) with VISA card. To where all commissions are transferred (read bonus plans)
Unique for small business people in "not so developed" countries; the have the opportunity to get their products /services known & sold world wide, without expenses to marketing, and with no knowledge of Internet / web building etc.
That also gives all the rest of us the opportunity to buy their products (from "the other end of the world") - cheaper !
Microsoft is "supporting" the DUBLI portal (Imagine that !!!) - IBM is supporting EBay for example - but Microsoft have never before supported anybody !!!
That's its for now :-)
Next step, in my online work, will be the actual web page for;
When I find the time to make it - or find somebody to help me :-)
The idea with that homepage, will be the same; help to other Ambassadors !
And a place to post programs to help onliners, training material etc. etc.
There is a whole world out there - go and grab your piece (before somebody else beats you to it :-)
Have a great day
When I find the time to make it - or find somebody to help me :-)
The idea with that homepage, will be the same; help to other Ambassadors !
And a place to post programs to help onliners, training material etc. etc.
There is a whole world out there - go and grab your piece (before somebody else beats you to it :-)
Have a great day
Hi everybody :-)
This is my new blog !
I just found out about this smart system, so forgive me if I am not doing it "right" in the beginning :-)
From now on, I will tell you about this brand new, fantastic International business, with TradingValues and the International Trading Portal; DubLi !
You will get all the news, tips & tricks + all other useful information I find on my way, that might help you in your ongoing endeavors !
My only hope is to be able to make it interesting enough, to make you come back often :-)
All the best to all of my Internet friends & business connections - may you have lots of good luck and love in your life !!!
Tina Jonasen
"The Dane in Spain" :-)
This is my new blog !
I just found out about this smart system, so forgive me if I am not doing it "right" in the beginning :-)
From now on, I will tell you about this brand new, fantastic International business, with TradingValues and the International Trading Portal; DubLi !
You will get all the news, tips & tricks + all other useful information I find on my way, that might help you in your ongoing endeavors !
My only hope is to be able to make it interesting enough, to make you come back often :-)
All the best to all of my Internet friends & business connections - may you have lots of good luck and love in your life !!!
Tina Jonasen
"The Dane in Spain" :-)
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