Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas is reading time least for me ;-)

These days I am reading;

"The Answer - Your guide to achieving financial freedom and living an extraordinary life" by John Assaraf and Murray Smith (again ;-)


"The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe" by Lynne McTaggart (gift from my dear friend and fellow BlackStar Mikkel Pitzner)

Law Of Attraction is indeed one of my biggest interests (next after networking with humans ;-)
But I am only human - so at times I too need help to "Walk the Talk"
- and for that I have found a great help in "The Goals Guy";
Gary Ryan Blair and his 100 days plan etc.
Not to talk about New Years Resolutions :-0)

One of mine is to be better at Time Management!
Which is why I have also just read;
The 4-Hour WorkweekImage via Wikipedia
The 4 hour work week" by Timothy Ferriss

For more information about the "Mother-Blogger" (note; not with an F :-) - go HERE


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