Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Latest news from Worlddect - about the Feeder

Newsletter Worlddect

We are very proud to announce that our Downlinebuilder “Residualincome” will be ready for pre-registrations on Wednesday 30 May 2007. We will have a countdown clock on the website for kick-off.

This means that you will be able to secure yourself one spot at the very beginning of this fast growing “Downlinebuilder” before the rest of the world gets a chance to join. We have decided to restrict everybody to ONE spot each during the pre-registration period in order to make it fair play for everybody. According to our slogan: “One4all and All4one”. Pre-registration is limited to two weeks prior to the official launch.

To pre-register means you secure your spot to be placed in the first matrix according to entrance number as soon as we launch the full matrix system. Notice will be sent out to everyone who has pre-registered when this happens.

When you pre-register you pay the amount of 19.95$ which will cover the one time fee to enter the first matrix of the Feeder.

The Feeder consists of 3 matrixes. In each matrix you have to have 15 spots under you to qualify and commence the cycle.

You enter into matrix 1 for only 19.95$. When you qualify in matrix 1 you cycle into matrix 2 and receive a new Free entry back into matrix 1.

You can also enter directly into matrix 2 for only 149.95$ in order to cycle faster. When you qualify in matrix 2 you cycle into matrix 3 and receive a new Free entry back into matrix 2.

Matrix 3 is the final matrix to qualify in and progress to receive your 4250$ worth of benefit (3,000$ in cash). You can NOT buy your way into matrix 3 but only cycle either through matrix 1 or matrix 2. When you qualify in matrix 3 you receive a new Free entry back into matrix 3, which means you will cycle again and again!

I can hardly wait (or sleep) until then ;-)
The Mother Blogger

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