Sorry Guy´s that I have been off for some days - but I had to put my hubby in hospital - he got an infection in the heart !?
Never heard of it before !!
But he is home and better now - just hope he will learn from it :-)
Anyway, here is a great article for you;
Network Marketing - What Is It?
by Sharon Bray-McPherson
I don't want to join a network marketing company!
A lot of people feel that way - unfortunately it's because most don't know any better. There's a suspicious, sneering, turn-up your nose attitude toward network marketing that came about as the result of some pretty rotten network marketing companies.
And of course there's the mistaken belief that MLM is some kind of pyramid scheme.
Network Marketing is a system which makes it possible for everyday people - like YOU and ME - to obtain unbelievable levels of financial freedom and personal rewards through persistence, concentrated effort, determination, and yes I'll say it - work.
It gives you the opportunity to build your own successful business without all the entanglements of traditional business: employee problems, payroll, overhead, etc. etc.
Over the past 50+ years multi-level-marketing has grown into a legitimate and most effecient way for a company to distribute their products or services. Many network marketing companies are now being traded publicly on NASDAQ and the New York Stock Exchange. To do so they must be open to the security and control of the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission). They must establish AND maintain high standards of business practices.
Let's talk for a moment about pyramids. Do you know that the pyramid is the strongest structure known to man? Are you also aware that almost every company you do business with is built on the geometric shape of a pyramid? Your bank, grocery store, gas station - they're all pyramids.
You can also include Coca Cola, McDonalds, Proctor & Gamble, Nabisco and hundreds of other companies that you purchase products from everyday to those that are built in the shape of a pyramid.
Well, you have the CEO at the top. On the next level you might have one, two or three Vice Presidents. Then comes the Management Team, of which there could be dozens, and finally but certainly not least, is the Everyday Work Force.
However in a MLM company, instead of having a CEO at the top of the pyramid there's YOU. All those who join the business through your efforts are placed under you, that is, they become members of your downline. Those who join the business under your downline are also placed under you, but your direct downline member (the person you personally sponsored), now moves to the top of their own pyramid.
Another difference between traditional business and network marketing is the pay structure. In traditional business will the assembly line worker earn as much income as the managers? NO. And the management team will not earn as much as the vice president(s). The vice president will not earn as much as the CEO. Each person's level of income is based on their posistion in the company's structure - the pyramid.
In network marketing each person has the opportunity to earn more income than the person above them. For instance - depending on the strength of YOUR efforts in working your business you could end up earning a higher income than the person who sponsored you. Someone that you sponsor could possibly surpass you in earnings based on their efforts.
No other industry that I know of gives you the opportunity to earn income based on your own efforts and those that you train - instead of your posistion or title in a company.
But what makes all of the above named companies, and network marketing different from an illegal pyramid scheme?
Products and Services!
An honest and legitimate MLM company has a product(s) or service(s) that they offer to the public through their distributors, and will place the most importance on selling the products. If you are approached by someone who tells you that you can make money just from the number of people that you sign up...Run for the Hills!
Earning income strictly from the number of others you can recruit into a program is illegal! That's not to say that a legitimate network marketing company won't give you the opportunity to receive a bonus or incentive on those that you sponsor but the main focus is still on the SALES OF PRODUCTS OR SERVICES.
Essentially what makes network marketing different from Coca Cola or Nabisco is the Method of Distributing Products or Services.
That twelve pack of soda or package of cookies you bought the other day went from the manufacturer to the wholesaler to the retailer to you.
In network marketing we cut out the middle men. The product goes from the Manufacturer to the Customer. Instead of spending millions of dollars on advertising, the network marketing company depends on the efforts of their individual distributors to spread the word about their product.
Our industry is based on the simple word-of-mouth recommendation of products or services.
You and your friends do network marketing all the time - you're just not aware of it.
Have you ever tried a new product and liked it so much that you told someone about it? The person you told then bought the product, tried it and liked it also. They then told someone else about it - who bought it, liked it and told someone else about it, and so on and so on.
Now ask yourself, who made money from YOUR recommendation of that product?
The retailer, the wholesaler and the manufacturer. Not You!
Now let's use the same scenario with your own network-marketing business. When you told your friend about that great new product that you found and she bought it - YOU would have earned income. Then when she told her friend about the product and they bought it, YOU and YOUR FRIEND would have earned income - and so on and so on.
In a Nutshell - That's Network Marketing! It is driven by PRODUCTS and SERVICES, not by Chain-letters or by recruiting people to pay for absolutely nothing else but the chance to recruit more people to pay for absolutely nothing ...
Tuesday, July 06, 2004
Tuesday, June 29, 2004
I've seen two shows lately that went on and on about how mid-life is a great time for women. Just last week Oprah had a whole show on how great menopause will be....
I've had a few thoughts of my own and would like to share them with you.
Whether you are pushing 40, 50, 60 (or maybe even just pushing your luck) you'll probably relate.
Mid-life is when the growth of hair on our legs slows down. This gives us plenty of time to care for our newly acquired mustache.
In mid-life women no longer have upper arms, we have wingspans. We are no longer women in sleeveless shirts, we are flying squirrels in drag.
Mid-life is when you can stand naked in front of a mirror and you can see your rear without turning around.
Mid-life is when you go for a mammogram and you realize that this is the only time someone will ask you to appear topless.
Mid-life is when you want to grab every firm young lovely in a tube top and scream, "Listen honey, even the Roman empire fell and those will too."
Mid-life brings wisdom to know that life throws us curves and we're sitting on our biggest ones.
Mid-life is when you look at your-know-it-all, beeper-wearing teenager and think: "For this I have stretch marks?"
In mid-life your memory starts to go In fact the only thing we can retain is water.
Mid-life means that your Body By Jake now includes Legs By Rand McNally -- more red and blue lines than an accurately scaled map of Wisconsin.
Mid-life means that you become more reflective...You start pondering the "big" questions. What is life? Why am I here? How much Healthy Choice ice cream can I eat before it's no longer a healthy choice?
But mid-life also brings with it an appreciation for what is important.
We realize that breasts sag, hips expand and chins double, but our loved ones make the journey worthwhile. Would any of you trade the knowledge that you have now for the body you had way back when?
Maybe our bodies simply have to expand to hold all the wisdom and love we've acquired.
That's my philosophy and I'm sticking to it!
Send this to four women and you will lose two pounds. Send this to
all the women you know (orever knew), and you will lose 10 pounds.
If you delete this message, youwill gain 10 pounds immediately.
(That's why I had to pass this on-I didn't want to risk it! :)
But serious;
if you want to loose weight, you should try the new all natural & safe product from Immunotec; PRYCENA !
You can read all about it here;
You can also sign up for a free health newsletter;
Weight-loss Motivation
Are you looking for new inspiration for healthy eating and exercise? Click on the Read More link to discover 12 motivation tips excerpted from an article by Nicci Micco from the Ladies’ Home Journal website.
Team-up with Prycena, the Weight Loss Accelerant with a healthy diet, exercise … and a little motivation and you’ll be on your way to slimming down!
Remember: its Bikini season :-)
Weight-Loss Motivation
By Nicci Micco
Here are 12 tips to give your eat-right, move-more efforts greater endurance.
1. Eliminate Excuses
"Even if you're not a morning person, schedule exercise for first thing in the morning," suggests Martica Heaner,
M.A., a New York-based exercise physiologist and author of Cross-Training for Dummies. "The later you wait to
exercise, the more reasons you'll have for not doing it." Sally White, Ph.D., dean and professor at the College of
Education at Lehigh University, in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, and an expert on motivation and exercise, agrees.
"Keep gym clothes everywhere -- in the car, at work -- so there's never a reason not to go."
2. Kid Around
Of course, finding time to work out was simpler B.C. (Before Children) -- but just because family precedes fitness
on your list of priorities doesn't mean there isn't room for both in your life. Get your children involved with you.
Take a family hike, go for a group bike ride -- or roll with it. "Scooters and in-line skates are great for kids and can
be just as much calorie-burning fun for moms," says Bonne Marano, a certified fitness instructor in New York
City. Plus, getting moving with you is good for the little guys, says White: "The children of families who exercise
together are more likely to be active later in life."
3. Plan with Your Partner
A study at Indiana University, in Bloomington, found that 94 percent of spouses who worked out together stuck to
their exercise plans, compared with only 57 percent of those who went at it alone. “Shoot hoops or toss around a
football”, offers Heaner. “A little one-on-one on the basketball court burns twice as many calories as walking.”
4. Get a Gadget
Investing in a simple tool that will measure the progress you're making can be a big motivator. Try something as
simple as a pedometer which counts your total steps over the course of a day. Looking for a fun way to figure out
how many calories you burned off during that extra-long elliptical session? Check out software for your computer
that logs calories in and calories out, then helps you devise a food budget based on how much exercise you get.
5. Write It Down
Keep your own food and exercise log: People who are successful at losing and maintaining their weight are good
at self-monitoring, according to several studies. "And remember to put positive feelings in print, too, to review on
days you need a boost," says Rachna D. Jain, Psy.D., a lifestyle coach and licensed psychologist in Columbia,
Maryland. Describing how good you felt after a workout, for instance, could help get you out the door next time.
6. Seek Inspiration
Feeling a little less than vibrant? Find a mental mentor to get you moving. Figure out who inspires you -- maybe
it's your friend who manages to make time for a morning walk despite having four kids under 10 -- and think of
her when you're feeling too tired or busy.
7. Paint Pretty Pictures
How will eating better or sticking to an exercise plan make you look and feel in the long term? Create "life
preservers," detailed visions of your ideal self, suggests Charles Stuart Platkin, author of Breaking the Pattern:
The 5 Principles You Need to Remodel Your Life. "The point is to have motivational scenarios you can think
about when you're having trouble sticking to your plan," says Platkin.
8. Treat Yourself
Did you refrain from finishing your daughter's fries today? Did you take a brisk walk on your lunch break? Reward
yourself. "Treat yourself to a simple pleasure," suggests Dr. Jain. "Promise yourself thirty minutes of quiet time to
read a novel, or buy yourself a new set of luxurious bath gels."
9. Tune In to Tone Up
When it comes to exercise, music can move you -- not only because it offers mental stimulation, but also
because it may help put you in a better mood. "Music's rhythm also helps exercisers maintain a reasonable
intensity level," says Vince Nethery, Ph.D., professor of exercise science at Central Washington University, in
Ellensburg, Washington. And listening to music may even help you work out longer and harder. A study at
Hampden-Sydney College, in Farmville, Virginia, recently found that college students who exercised to music
were able to work out 11 percent longer than those who worked out in silence or a noisy environment.
10. Sweat for a Cause
Sign up for a charity walk/run and help yourself by helping others. Plus, after hitting up friends and family for
donations, you'll be motivated to reach your goal.
11. Post Your Progress
Find a way to remind yourself how far you've come in your efforts to exercise and eat more healthfully. "Toss a
dollar in a jar every time you fit in a workout, then cash out on a non-food splurge," suggests Dr. Jain.
12. Dress for Success
"If you're the kind who exercises in T-shirts and baggy sweats because your body wasn't meant for Lycra, think
again," says Heaner. "Shapeless exercise clothes actually make you look worse than fitted ones do. You don't
have to wear skimpy bras or butt-high hot pants -- just form-fitted clothing that lets you see your muscles."
I've had a few thoughts of my own and would like to share them with you.
Whether you are pushing 40, 50, 60 (or maybe even just pushing your luck) you'll probably relate.
Mid-life is when the growth of hair on our legs slows down. This gives us plenty of time to care for our newly acquired mustache.
In mid-life women no longer have upper arms, we have wingspans. We are no longer women in sleeveless shirts, we are flying squirrels in drag.
Mid-life is when you can stand naked in front of a mirror and you can see your rear without turning around.
Mid-life is when you go for a mammogram and you realize that this is the only time someone will ask you to appear topless.
Mid-life is when you want to grab every firm young lovely in a tube top and scream, "Listen honey, even the Roman empire fell and those will too."
Mid-life brings wisdom to know that life throws us curves and we're sitting on our biggest ones.
Mid-life is when you look at your-know-it-all, beeper-wearing teenager and think: "For this I have stretch marks?"
In mid-life your memory starts to go In fact the only thing we can retain is water.
Mid-life means that your Body By Jake now includes Legs By Rand McNally -- more red and blue lines than an accurately scaled map of Wisconsin.
Mid-life means that you become more reflective...You start pondering the "big" questions. What is life? Why am I here? How much Healthy Choice ice cream can I eat before it's no longer a healthy choice?
But mid-life also brings with it an appreciation for what is important.
We realize that breasts sag, hips expand and chins double, but our loved ones make the journey worthwhile. Would any of you trade the knowledge that you have now for the body you had way back when?
Maybe our bodies simply have to expand to hold all the wisdom and love we've acquired.
That's my philosophy and I'm sticking to it!
Send this to four women and you will lose two pounds. Send this to
all the women you know (orever knew), and you will lose 10 pounds.
If you delete this message, youwill gain 10 pounds immediately.
(That's why I had to pass this on-I didn't want to risk it! :)
But serious;
if you want to loose weight, you should try the new all natural & safe product from Immunotec; PRYCENA !
You can read all about it here;
You can also sign up for a free health newsletter;
Weight-loss Motivation
Are you looking for new inspiration for healthy eating and exercise? Click on the Read More link to discover 12 motivation tips excerpted from an article by Nicci Micco from the Ladies’ Home Journal website.
Team-up with Prycena, the Weight Loss Accelerant with a healthy diet, exercise … and a little motivation and you’ll be on your way to slimming down!
Remember: its Bikini season :-)
Weight-Loss Motivation
By Nicci Micco
Here are 12 tips to give your eat-right, move-more efforts greater endurance.
1. Eliminate Excuses
"Even if you're not a morning person, schedule exercise for first thing in the morning," suggests Martica Heaner,
M.A., a New York-based exercise physiologist and author of Cross-Training for Dummies. "The later you wait to
exercise, the more reasons you'll have for not doing it." Sally White, Ph.D., dean and professor at the College of
Education at Lehigh University, in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, and an expert on motivation and exercise, agrees.
"Keep gym clothes everywhere -- in the car, at work -- so there's never a reason not to go."
2. Kid Around
Of course, finding time to work out was simpler B.C. (Before Children) -- but just because family precedes fitness
on your list of priorities doesn't mean there isn't room for both in your life. Get your children involved with you.
Take a family hike, go for a group bike ride -- or roll with it. "Scooters and in-line skates are great for kids and can
be just as much calorie-burning fun for moms," says Bonne Marano, a certified fitness instructor in New York
City. Plus, getting moving with you is good for the little guys, says White: "The children of families who exercise
together are more likely to be active later in life."
3. Plan with Your Partner
A study at Indiana University, in Bloomington, found that 94 percent of spouses who worked out together stuck to
their exercise plans, compared with only 57 percent of those who went at it alone. “Shoot hoops or toss around a
football”, offers Heaner. “A little one-on-one on the basketball court burns twice as many calories as walking.”
4. Get a Gadget
Investing in a simple tool that will measure the progress you're making can be a big motivator. Try something as
simple as a pedometer which counts your total steps over the course of a day. Looking for a fun way to figure out
how many calories you burned off during that extra-long elliptical session? Check out software for your computer
that logs calories in and calories out, then helps you devise a food budget based on how much exercise you get.
5. Write It Down
Keep your own food and exercise log: People who are successful at losing and maintaining their weight are good
at self-monitoring, according to several studies. "And remember to put positive feelings in print, too, to review on
days you need a boost," says Rachna D. Jain, Psy.D., a lifestyle coach and licensed psychologist in Columbia,
Maryland. Describing how good you felt after a workout, for instance, could help get you out the door next time.
6. Seek Inspiration
Feeling a little less than vibrant? Find a mental mentor to get you moving. Figure out who inspires you -- maybe
it's your friend who manages to make time for a morning walk despite having four kids under 10 -- and think of
her when you're feeling too tired or busy.
7. Paint Pretty Pictures
How will eating better or sticking to an exercise plan make you look and feel in the long term? Create "life
preservers," detailed visions of your ideal self, suggests Charles Stuart Platkin, author of Breaking the Pattern:
The 5 Principles You Need to Remodel Your Life. "The point is to have motivational scenarios you can think
about when you're having trouble sticking to your plan," says Platkin.
8. Treat Yourself
Did you refrain from finishing your daughter's fries today? Did you take a brisk walk on your lunch break? Reward
yourself. "Treat yourself to a simple pleasure," suggests Dr. Jain. "Promise yourself thirty minutes of quiet time to
read a novel, or buy yourself a new set of luxurious bath gels."
9. Tune In to Tone Up
When it comes to exercise, music can move you -- not only because it offers mental stimulation, but also
because it may help put you in a better mood. "Music's rhythm also helps exercisers maintain a reasonable
intensity level," says Vince Nethery, Ph.D., professor of exercise science at Central Washington University, in
Ellensburg, Washington. And listening to music may even help you work out longer and harder. A study at
Hampden-Sydney College, in Farmville, Virginia, recently found that college students who exercised to music
were able to work out 11 percent longer than those who worked out in silence or a noisy environment.
10. Sweat for a Cause
Sign up for a charity walk/run and help yourself by helping others. Plus, after hitting up friends and family for
donations, you'll be motivated to reach your goal.
11. Post Your Progress
Find a way to remind yourself how far you've come in your efforts to exercise and eat more healthfully. "Toss a
dollar in a jar every time you fit in a workout, then cash out on a non-food splurge," suggests Dr. Jain.
12. Dress for Success
"If you're the kind who exercises in T-shirts and baggy sweats because your body wasn't meant for Lycra, think
again," says Heaner. "Shapeless exercise clothes actually make you look worse than fitted ones do. You don't
have to wear skimpy bras or butt-high hot pants -- just form-fitted clothing that lets you see your muscles."
7 Tips for Building a Successful Downline
7 Tips for Building a Successful Downline
by: Tricia A. Gibson
Have you ever joined a program that seems to be working for everyone else but you?
Is your drop-out rate just as fast as your sign-up rate?
Do you wonder why is it that you are not doing as well as the others? Well Your problem stems from one of two things or a combination of both.
1. You do not have the backbone support of your upline.
2. You do not provide a backbone support for YOUR downline.
Affiliate Marketing is not about who can get the most persons in their downline - it is who can get the most productive, goal-oriented persons in their downline.
Having been through the rigours of starting an internet home business myself, I came to realise that I was not being properly motivated. I had to do my own research and experiments to get to where I am today.
Yes, I did get messages from my upline, but those were the generic messages set by the system. These people had no creativity. Do you really think they were interested in making money??
I certainly don't. But I am also guilty of this. That's what I did when I started my first couple programs. Needless to say, I failed! That's why I am qualified today to tell you what will
work when you are starting a home business in which a downline is required.
Here are some tips to help you keep and expand your downline.
1. Send a personal welcome to each of your downline members. Let them know where to find training tools and make yourself available to help them get started on the right path.
2. Make sure each individual understands the program that they've signed up for. You can't effectively sell what you don't know about. Explain what they are uncertain about.
3. Remember that you are dealing with humans - you each have the same goals - to make money. Show them the benefits of being a part of your team. Give them your contact email address - let them know their sponsor is a real person - like them.
4. Teach them to duplicate what you've done. The big ssh ssh secret in affiliate marketing and downline building is not how many people you can recruit - it is how well you can motivate your team to duplicate your efforts. Bottom line - you will never be successful if your team isn't.
5. Make them feel wanted. Let them know your recruitment "secrets". Create a chain effect by having them pass that information onto their downline. Keep them motivated by sharing info on e-books, resources or tips that you've found to be successful. Ask for their ideas for making the team stronger. If you have a website, provide a discussion board so your downline can meet and share tips, even brain-storm.
6. Remember - everyone is not the same. You may have a member in your team who may not be as successful in recruiting and training as the others. Do not let them fail!. Even if it means doing it for them. Your hard work will be reflected in your commission check(s). That particular member might be going throught a rough time at the moment. I'm not telling you to enquire, but chances are they will pick themselves up and be more motivated to continue if they are aware that the "team" [to coin a phrase] " has their back".
7. If you are not good at following up or contacting persons, there are many systems on the market that will do this for you. Each individual is different - you may not be very adept at public speaking or keeping in contact with your downlines. If you are such a person, try to find a system that can easily automate these tasks for you. That is - if your primary program does not offer such a system.
To sum this article up. Always, ALWAYS - treat your downline members as your business partners. That's what they really are. For your partnership to be successful, you need to build a personal relationship with them. Let them know you can be contacted for advice on any aspect of the business.You are only as good as your team. Your success is dependent on the teams' effort.
Handle your downline with care!
Sponsored Links:
About the Author
Tricia Gibson is an Affiliate Marketer with over 5 years experience. She is the Editor of Tagteambiz Ezine which tells the secrets of how to recruit and build successful downlines, choosing the right home business, Get FREE advice, ebooks, articles etc.
by: Tricia A. Gibson
Have you ever joined a program that seems to be working for everyone else but you?
Is your drop-out rate just as fast as your sign-up rate?
Do you wonder why is it that you are not doing as well as the others? Well Your problem stems from one of two things or a combination of both.
1. You do not have the backbone support of your upline.
2. You do not provide a backbone support for YOUR downline.
Affiliate Marketing is not about who can get the most persons in their downline - it is who can get the most productive, goal-oriented persons in their downline.
Having been through the rigours of starting an internet home business myself, I came to realise that I was not being properly motivated. I had to do my own research and experiments to get to where I am today.
Yes, I did get messages from my upline, but those were the generic messages set by the system. These people had no creativity. Do you really think they were interested in making money??
I certainly don't. But I am also guilty of this. That's what I did when I started my first couple programs. Needless to say, I failed! That's why I am qualified today to tell you what will
work when you are starting a home business in which a downline is required.
Here are some tips to help you keep and expand your downline.
1. Send a personal welcome to each of your downline members. Let them know where to find training tools and make yourself available to help them get started on the right path.
2. Make sure each individual understands the program that they've signed up for. You can't effectively sell what you don't know about. Explain what they are uncertain about.
3. Remember that you are dealing with humans - you each have the same goals - to make money. Show them the benefits of being a part of your team. Give them your contact email address - let them know their sponsor is a real person - like them.
4. Teach them to duplicate what you've done. The big ssh ssh secret in affiliate marketing and downline building is not how many people you can recruit - it is how well you can motivate your team to duplicate your efforts. Bottom line - you will never be successful if your team isn't.
5. Make them feel wanted. Let them know your recruitment "secrets". Create a chain effect by having them pass that information onto their downline. Keep them motivated by sharing info on e-books, resources or tips that you've found to be successful. Ask for their ideas for making the team stronger. If you have a website, provide a discussion board so your downline can meet and share tips, even brain-storm.
6. Remember - everyone is not the same. You may have a member in your team who may not be as successful in recruiting and training as the others. Do not let them fail!. Even if it means doing it for them. Your hard work will be reflected in your commission check(s). That particular member might be going throught a rough time at the moment. I'm not telling you to enquire, but chances are they will pick themselves up and be more motivated to continue if they are aware that the "team" [to coin a phrase] " has their back".
7. If you are not good at following up or contacting persons, there are many systems on the market that will do this for you. Each individual is different - you may not be very adept at public speaking or keeping in contact with your downlines. If you are such a person, try to find a system that can easily automate these tasks for you. That is - if your primary program does not offer such a system.
To sum this article up. Always, ALWAYS - treat your downline members as your business partners. That's what they really are. For your partnership to be successful, you need to build a personal relationship with them. Let them know you can be contacted for advice on any aspect of the business.You are only as good as your team. Your success is dependent on the teams' effort.
Handle your downline with care!
Sponsored Links:
About the Author
Tricia Gibson is an Affiliate Marketer with over 5 years experience. She is the Editor of Tagteambiz Ezine which tells the secrets of how to recruit and build successful downlines, choosing the right home business, Get FREE advice, ebooks, articles etc.
Monday, June 28, 2004
The Ten Truth's About Spyware
No one should be too paranoid, but an informed user is a safe user. Spyware has recently begun cascading into the computer market at an astonishing rate. Surprisingly there are a lot of misconceptions about what spyware really is and how dangerous it can be.
Fact #1: Spyware and Adware are fundamentally different- This is important and often made confusing by the media and privacy advocates. Many people have the common misconception that spy software is made by advertisers to profile their shopping and surfing habits. This is a false and potentially dangerous assumption.
This misconception probably stems from the fall of two companies- Radiate and Conducent. Both of these companies attempted to sell banner space inside of freeware applications and to share this revenue with software authors in exchange for letting them distribute and selling space inside the freeware. This seemed to be a fair deal but what they didn't disclose to software authors and didn't tell consumers is that they were secretly profiling and logging surfing habits and sending this information back to their servers for analysis.
Conducent and Radiate are no longer functioning, or at least they don't seem to be, but they left the legacy of adware paranoia with them. Adware may have spyware-like features, it may profile shopping habits, it is usually annoying, has the potential to be a security threat but it is nowhere near the security threat that real spyware can be. In short most Adware is not trying to capture your sëcret chats, e-mails or passwörds. It usually is trying to entice you to buy something by showing ads, throwing out pop-up windows, profiling your surfing habits or gathering broad and general information about you.
Fact #2: Spy software creates dangerous security holes- The latest "rage" among spyware vendors is the ability to let the spy remotely connect to the target's computers. We have identified several spyware programs opening a default port on the system and using a hard-coded or default, easy to guess or easy to brute force password. We have analyzed and carried out simulated attacks in this scenario. Hackers can use a simple port scanning tool to scan entire networks and easily penetrate affected machines.
People who have certain remote spyware programs installed on their machines are literally sitting ducks. Ironically, in the case of shared-machine spousal spying, the spy has actually opened themselves up to severe security threats because they operate on the same machine as the victim. The very same spyware that was supposed to protect their children by monitoring their activity is leaving them vulnerable to outside attacks.
Fact #3: Spyware is often illegal- The use of Spyware or key recorders is illegal in some countries. If you are thinking about spying on people's computers then think again. It may carry stiff lëgal penalties, up to and including prison time. In the U.S. installing a keylogger or spyware on someone's machine without their permission carries severe lëgal penalties.
Unfortunately there are virtually no laws currently restricting an employer from monitoring computers in the workplace for citizens of the United States. The good news is there is pending legislation to tighten these rules focusing on requiring notification of employees if their computer activity is being monitored. As of today this disclosure is not required.
Recently The Utah state legislature passed a bill, the Utah Spyware Control Act, outlawing certain activities in which most spyware engages. This includes, without first seeking permission from the owner of the computer, reporting online behavior, sending information about a user to third parties and creating pop-up advertisements based on the context of a web site a person is visiting. Currently this bill is being challenged by WhenU, a large adware vendor, on the grounds of limiting frëe speech.
Fact #4: Spyware is common- We know what you might be thinking; spy software seems rather "James Bondish" and beyond the reach of average users. This is not so. It is mass-marketed, cheap and very easy to acquire. You can find spyware for sale through Internet auctions, via e-mails (often sp@m), and all over the Web. You can even get spyware for frëe if you know where to look.
Fact #5: Spyware is easy to install- There are no special technical skills needed to install these programs. A teenager can do it and according to reports received by ourselves and other anti-spyware vendors they sometimes do. Spy software companies have made it very easy for just about anyone to start spying. We have documented cases of children installing spyware on their parent's machines to circumvent parental control software.
Fact #6: Spyware may be sold under legitïmate pretenses- Many spy programs are marketed as "child monitoring systems" when in fact they are bought by employers, spouses, and other individuals for the sole purpose of gathering system and personal information without a user's consent. Because of this "legitimacy" these programs are often missed by anti-virus software designed to target viruses and trojan horses. Let's be realistic, spy software makers know exactly why people are really buying these programs.
We believe parents have a right to monitor there children but if a system is monitored it should be made clear this software is in place and the software should give the user adequate warning while it is in operation. The same holds true for employers and employees.
Fact #7: Spies intentionally 'misuse' monitoring software- Established spy software companies usually ask purchasers to agree through a EULA (End User License Agreement) not to monitor users without their knowledge and consent. You guessed it- most spies have absolutely no intention of letting users know they are under surveillance.
Fact #8: Spyware software can be detected- Spy software makers will go to great lengths to convince users they are 'untraceable' or they cannot be sniffed out by counter-surveillance probes. While spyware makers often use very sophisticated counter-detection and stealth technologies the vast majority of them can be scanned against and removed. If it is being sold on the commercial market- it can be targeted.
Fact #9: Some commercial spy programs are repurposed 'Trojan horses'- This is sad but shockingly true. Some spyware vendors have gone as far as to repurpose old Trojan horse programs found on technical minded boards and are selling them as new spy technology. (A Trojan horse is a malicious, security-breaking program disguised as something benign.)
Fact#10: Deleting history and computer use logs does nothing against true spyware- While erasing usage history is useful to protect your privacy this type of protection is useless if your activity is being logged or snapshots are being taken of your computer use. Deleting history, files, cache and cookies cannot and will not protect you against the prying eyes of active spies on your machine.
The safest way to remain frëe from spyware is to use one or more anti-spy programs that actively scan your system for intrusion and utilities that help inoculate your system from penetration. Good anti-spy programs will use a variety of methods for detection including registry scanning, md5 signatures, digital fingerprints, filesize, CLSID, windows titles and other traces that spyware leaves on your machine.
Even with anti-spy software programs active, do not develop a false sense of security. The battle to contain these programs rages on daily basis with some rogue programs creating over two-hundrend variants in a single day! One lapse in security can lead to unwanted infection, so above all- use common sense. Don't download files from sites you don't know or trust, don't use P2P file sharing software, do not open e-mail attachments and be sure you have good anti-virus and firewall software running at all times.
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About the Author
Wayne Porter is the Co-Founder of a leading online database of spyware and adware information. Mr. Porter also serves as CEO of Xblock Software the creators of the popular X-Cleaner and RegBlock personal privacy products.
Fact #1: Spyware and Adware are fundamentally different- This is important and often made confusing by the media and privacy advocates. Many people have the common misconception that spy software is made by advertisers to profile their shopping and surfing habits. This is a false and potentially dangerous assumption.
This misconception probably stems from the fall of two companies- Radiate and Conducent. Both of these companies attempted to sell banner space inside of freeware applications and to share this revenue with software authors in exchange for letting them distribute and selling space inside the freeware. This seemed to be a fair deal but what they didn't disclose to software authors and didn't tell consumers is that they were secretly profiling and logging surfing habits and sending this information back to their servers for analysis.
Conducent and Radiate are no longer functioning, or at least they don't seem to be, but they left the legacy of adware paranoia with them. Adware may have spyware-like features, it may profile shopping habits, it is usually annoying, has the potential to be a security threat but it is nowhere near the security threat that real spyware can be. In short most Adware is not trying to capture your sëcret chats, e-mails or passwörds. It usually is trying to entice you to buy something by showing ads, throwing out pop-up windows, profiling your surfing habits or gathering broad and general information about you.
Fact #2: Spy software creates dangerous security holes- The latest "rage" among spyware vendors is the ability to let the spy remotely connect to the target's computers. We have identified several spyware programs opening a default port on the system and using a hard-coded or default, easy to guess or easy to brute force password. We have analyzed and carried out simulated attacks in this scenario. Hackers can use a simple port scanning tool to scan entire networks and easily penetrate affected machines.
People who have certain remote spyware programs installed on their machines are literally sitting ducks. Ironically, in the case of shared-machine spousal spying, the spy has actually opened themselves up to severe security threats because they operate on the same machine as the victim. The very same spyware that was supposed to protect their children by monitoring their activity is leaving them vulnerable to outside attacks.
Fact #3: Spyware is often illegal- The use of Spyware or key recorders is illegal in some countries. If you are thinking about spying on people's computers then think again. It may carry stiff lëgal penalties, up to and including prison time. In the U.S. installing a keylogger or spyware on someone's machine without their permission carries severe lëgal penalties.
Unfortunately there are virtually no laws currently restricting an employer from monitoring computers in the workplace for citizens of the United States. The good news is there is pending legislation to tighten these rules focusing on requiring notification of employees if their computer activity is being monitored. As of today this disclosure is not required.
Recently The Utah state legislature passed a bill, the Utah Spyware Control Act, outlawing certain activities in which most spyware engages. This includes, without first seeking permission from the owner of the computer, reporting online behavior, sending information about a user to third parties and creating pop-up advertisements based on the context of a web site a person is visiting. Currently this bill is being challenged by WhenU, a large adware vendor, on the grounds of limiting frëe speech.
Fact #4: Spyware is common- We know what you might be thinking; spy software seems rather "James Bondish" and beyond the reach of average users. This is not so. It is mass-marketed, cheap and very easy to acquire. You can find spyware for sale through Internet auctions, via e-mails (often sp@m), and all over the Web. You can even get spyware for frëe if you know where to look.
Fact #5: Spyware is easy to install- There are no special technical skills needed to install these programs. A teenager can do it and according to reports received by ourselves and other anti-spyware vendors they sometimes do. Spy software companies have made it very easy for just about anyone to start spying. We have documented cases of children installing spyware on their parent's machines to circumvent parental control software.
Fact #6: Spyware may be sold under legitïmate pretenses- Many spy programs are marketed as "child monitoring systems" when in fact they are bought by employers, spouses, and other individuals for the sole purpose of gathering system and personal information without a user's consent. Because of this "legitimacy" these programs are often missed by anti-virus software designed to target viruses and trojan horses. Let's be realistic, spy software makers know exactly why people are really buying these programs.
We believe parents have a right to monitor there children but if a system is monitored it should be made clear this software is in place and the software should give the user adequate warning while it is in operation. The same holds true for employers and employees.
Fact #7: Spies intentionally 'misuse' monitoring software- Established spy software companies usually ask purchasers to agree through a EULA (End User License Agreement) not to monitor users without their knowledge and consent. You guessed it- most spies have absolutely no intention of letting users know they are under surveillance.
Fact #8: Spyware software can be detected- Spy software makers will go to great lengths to convince users they are 'untraceable' or they cannot be sniffed out by counter-surveillance probes. While spyware makers often use very sophisticated counter-detection and stealth technologies the vast majority of them can be scanned against and removed. If it is being sold on the commercial market- it can be targeted.
Fact #9: Some commercial spy programs are repurposed 'Trojan horses'- This is sad but shockingly true. Some spyware vendors have gone as far as to repurpose old Trojan horse programs found on technical minded boards and are selling them as new spy technology. (A Trojan horse is a malicious, security-breaking program disguised as something benign.)
Fact#10: Deleting history and computer use logs does nothing against true spyware- While erasing usage history is useful to protect your privacy this type of protection is useless if your activity is being logged or snapshots are being taken of your computer use. Deleting history, files, cache and cookies cannot and will not protect you against the prying eyes of active spies on your machine.
The safest way to remain frëe from spyware is to use one or more anti-spy programs that actively scan your system for intrusion and utilities that help inoculate your system from penetration. Good anti-spy programs will use a variety of methods for detection including registry scanning, md5 signatures, digital fingerprints, filesize, CLSID, windows titles and other traces that spyware leaves on your machine.
Even with anti-spy software programs active, do not develop a false sense of security. The battle to contain these programs rages on daily basis with some rogue programs creating over two-hundrend variants in a single day! One lapse in security can lead to unwanted infection, so above all- use common sense. Don't download files from sites you don't know or trust, don't use P2P file sharing software, do not open e-mail attachments and be sure you have good anti-virus and firewall software running at all times.
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About the Author
Wayne Porter is the Co-Founder of a leading online database of spyware and adware information. Mr. Porter also serves as CEO of Xblock Software the creators of the popular X-Cleaner and RegBlock personal privacy products.
Thursday, June 24, 2004
The DubLi Trading Team Blog !
For members, friends and others who are interested in daily tips & tricks to the Net, Health, online Biz, Marketing and International Trading !
For more information on the Team, Health & Wealth - go to;
For more information about the "Mother-Blogger" (note; not with an F :-) - go to:
(Do you want an invitation? just write me;
The DubLi Trading Team Blog !
For members, friends and others who are interested in daily tips & tricks to the Net, Health, online Biz, Marketing and International Trading !
For more information on the Team, Health & Wealth - go to;
For more information about the "Mother-Blogger" (note; not with an F :-) - go to:
(Do you want an invitation? just write me;
Breast milk has a compound that destroys skin warts, could protect against cancers
24 Jun 2004
Swedish scientists have found that breast milk contains a compound that destroys skin warts, it could also protect against cervical cancer and an array of fatal diseases. The human papilloma virus causes skin warts. It is a very common virus.
The scientists tried applying human breast-milk to the skin and found that the human papilloma virus was killed as a result (the virus in the warts). The virus, in these cases, had been resistant to traditional medical treatment.
Scientists are calling the compound Hamlet. You can read about this discovery in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Dr. Catharina Svanborg, Prof. Clinical Immunology, Lund University, Sweden, said that this discovery could have relevance for the treatment of cervical cancer. She said the virus found in warts is quite similar to the virus found in cervical cancer.
They plan to carry out a small trial on women who have cervical cancer.
The human papilloma virus comes in many forms – in fact there are at least 130 types of them. In the case of cervical cancer, it is caused by the sexual transmission of two of them.
Millions of people have the virus in their bodies, but not all become ill as a result.
The scientists found that when they applied the breast milk to patients with warts, some of them quite unpleasant ones – plantar warts that attack your feet – they found that the warts shrank by over 75% within three weeks. 75% of the patients got rid of their warts after the second treatment.
24 Jun 2004
Swedish scientists have found that breast milk contains a compound that destroys skin warts, it could also protect against cervical cancer and an array of fatal diseases. The human papilloma virus causes skin warts. It is a very common virus.
The scientists tried applying human breast-milk to the skin and found that the human papilloma virus was killed as a result (the virus in the warts). The virus, in these cases, had been resistant to traditional medical treatment.
Scientists are calling the compound Hamlet. You can read about this discovery in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Dr. Catharina Svanborg, Prof. Clinical Immunology, Lund University, Sweden, said that this discovery could have relevance for the treatment of cervical cancer. She said the virus found in warts is quite similar to the virus found in cervical cancer.
They plan to carry out a small trial on women who have cervical cancer.
The human papilloma virus comes in many forms – in fact there are at least 130 types of them. In the case of cervical cancer, it is caused by the sexual transmission of two of them.
Millions of people have the virus in their bodies, but not all become ill as a result.
The scientists found that when they applied the breast milk to patients with warts, some of them quite unpleasant ones – plantar warts that attack your feet – they found that the warts shrank by over 75% within three weeks. 75% of the patients got rid of their warts after the second treatment.
12 Things you should know when starting an Online Business
Having your own business is the American dream. It’s an escape from the day to day job that we hate or the boss that drives us crazy. For many of us, having that dream was fairly unattainable until the birth of the internet. E-commerce is an exploding business that is turning out new netrepreneurs every day. People have quit their jobs and dedicated their off hours to starting that dream. It’s an attainable goal for anyone but requires careful planning and consideration.
1. Easy or Not So Easy?
Don’t let anyone tell you that a business online is an easy way to go or a way to get rich quick. If you fall into that trap you’re in for disappointment. Don’t get me wrong, internet marketing can be extremely profitable and certainly a bit more affordable than
most offline businesses but it’s not a cakewalk. Just as in any business you need to do your homework. Understand how things work and research, research, research. The good news is the internet offers lots of information to help your research.
2. Do you have what they want?
This is the million dollar question. Is what I have to offer in demand? Will people buy it? There are lots of tools out there to help you in this area. Google and Overture offer tools to help you know what people are searching for. Ask your friends if they’d buy your product online. Visit forums and see what people have to say.
Is there a lot of competition for your product? Don’t be afraid if there is, this just means there’s high demand and an opportunity for you to make your product or site better. If there’s not a lot of competition this may be a huge opportunity for you.
3. It won’t happen overnight.
The internet is a “learn as you” go process. Things are changing all the time and experience is key. Don’t expect too much too soon and don’t get discouraged if things look a bit bleak heading out of the shoot. Most internet businesses took at least a year to show a profit and many took a lot longer. Resign yourself to the fact that it will take time. Nothing worthwhile happened over night. Stay focused on your goals and practice patience and persistence.
4. Will you make money on your own product or someone else’s?
You can sell your own product or business – In this process you do it all. You have a product or service and you to sell it online. You will need to coordinate the logistics of collecting money and providing delivery. You will do payment processing and you
will perform customer service.
Affiliate sales – Affiliate sales is the process of marketing other merchants products or services. This can be done with or without a website. You are given a special tracking website address that tracks sales referred by your URL and you
receive a percentage of each sale. You only perform advertising. There is no money to collect, or customer service to perform.
Drop shipping- The drop shipping process is where you accept orders for items you advertise on your website, however you do not hold any items in stock, instead you place orders you receive directly with the wholesaler and they deliver the items
directly to your customer. You pay the wholesale price and your customer pays retail price. Your profit is the difference. You don’t have inventory to consider but you do have payables and receivables to process and customers to respond to.
4a. There’s millions of sites out there, are they going to find you?
If you have a website, search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial. You won’t attract traffic to your website without it. There are things you can do to optimize your site. Read up on meta tag creation, there are lots of sites that offer free information on this. Also research website linking techniques. Both of these tactics will help you attain search engine ranking and acquire decent website traffic
5. Know your customers
Analyze your site traffic. Know what your customers are doing when they come to your site, where do they navigate to? Put yourself in their shoes. Find out what it is they are looking for. When they come to your site, how long are they there? There
are free software tools that will help you with this but also you can post surveys, ask questions and get as much feedback as you can. Listen to your customers and they’ll respond favorably.
6. Know your products.
It’s a good rule of thumb to purchase and use the products you are promoting. This isn’t an absolute must but you’d be surprised how your ad campaign and marketing strategy can take form if you’ve actually used and experienced the product or service you’re selling. It’s a lot harder to convince someone they need something if you haven’t seen or used it yourself.
7. If it sounds too good to be true … you know the rest.
I’m constantly frustrated with ads that claim you can make lots of money and make it fast with little or no effort. There is no legitimate business that can do that for you. Get rich quick schemes are just that, they are schemes that could possibly
bring in money through some illegal or legal creative maneuvering, but almost always disappoint you in the end. Check out all programs thoroughly and ask lots of questions.
8. Getting set up and the various costs.
Internet business costs are not as great as other business startups but you will have a few costs that you must budget for. For example, if you build a website there will be hosting costs. These are generally monthly fees and can be anywhere from $10 to $50 a month depending on your plan. Courses/Education should be budgeted. Search engine submission, with the exception of Google and DMOZ, now require yearly fees
that can range anywhere from $20-$100 or more depending on your choices. Website building software may also have a fee. If you’ll be selling your own product you’ll need a merchant account to set up credit cards, etc. Don’t forget internet connection costs whereby you’ll need cable or dial up.
I may have forgotten a few but these are the most common startup costs that you should consider budgeting for.
9. What to watch out for.
Scams are the biggest problem on the internet. Keep yourself aware of the latest scams by going to . Also invest in virus and firewall protection software. These aren’t popular expenses, especially starting out, but losing your computer to an attack is a dismal alternative.
10. To build a website or not to build a website.
Regardless of your internet business, it is a good idea to start with a website. It will ultimately become a reflection of you and your business. A website will build an image and draw viewers to your product or service. It will also allow you to provide and receive feedback as well as update your viewers on your products or services.
11. Email marketing.
Email and spam is a huge issue with regard to the internet. Know what the rules are before emailing anyone. The following site contains all the laws and may help you avoid unwanted trouble.
12.The internet can be a lonely place.
Don’t go it alone. Make contacts and ask questions through the use of forums. This gives you the opportunity to learn the successes and failures of others and to also ask questions. You may even develop some great business partners in the process or possibly make a friend or two.
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About the Author
Elizabeth McGee is the owner of Pro-Marketing-Online, the Expert Marketing Tools site. If you wish to learn more about how to market online from the experts and find expert, trusted tools for promoting your site then please visit Pro-Marketing-Online or subscribe to her newsletter found at or email Elizabeth at
1. Easy or Not So Easy?
Don’t let anyone tell you that a business online is an easy way to go or a way to get rich quick. If you fall into that trap you’re in for disappointment. Don’t get me wrong, internet marketing can be extremely profitable and certainly a bit more affordable than
most offline businesses but it’s not a cakewalk. Just as in any business you need to do your homework. Understand how things work and research, research, research. The good news is the internet offers lots of information to help your research.
2. Do you have what they want?
This is the million dollar question. Is what I have to offer in demand? Will people buy it? There are lots of tools out there to help you in this area. Google and Overture offer tools to help you know what people are searching for. Ask your friends if they’d buy your product online. Visit forums and see what people have to say.
Is there a lot of competition for your product? Don’t be afraid if there is, this just means there’s high demand and an opportunity for you to make your product or site better. If there’s not a lot of competition this may be a huge opportunity for you.
3. It won’t happen overnight.
The internet is a “learn as you” go process. Things are changing all the time and experience is key. Don’t expect too much too soon and don’t get discouraged if things look a bit bleak heading out of the shoot. Most internet businesses took at least a year to show a profit and many took a lot longer. Resign yourself to the fact that it will take time. Nothing worthwhile happened over night. Stay focused on your goals and practice patience and persistence.
4. Will you make money on your own product or someone else’s?
You can sell your own product or business – In this process you do it all. You have a product or service and you to sell it online. You will need to coordinate the logistics of collecting money and providing delivery. You will do payment processing and you
will perform customer service.
Affiliate sales – Affiliate sales is the process of marketing other merchants products or services. This can be done with or without a website. You are given a special tracking website address that tracks sales referred by your URL and you
receive a percentage of each sale. You only perform advertising. There is no money to collect, or customer service to perform.
Drop shipping- The drop shipping process is where you accept orders for items you advertise on your website, however you do not hold any items in stock, instead you place orders you receive directly with the wholesaler and they deliver the items
directly to your customer. You pay the wholesale price and your customer pays retail price. Your profit is the difference. You don’t have inventory to consider but you do have payables and receivables to process and customers to respond to.
4a. There’s millions of sites out there, are they going to find you?
If you have a website, search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial. You won’t attract traffic to your website without it. There are things you can do to optimize your site. Read up on meta tag creation, there are lots of sites that offer free information on this. Also research website linking techniques. Both of these tactics will help you attain search engine ranking and acquire decent website traffic
5. Know your customers
Analyze your site traffic. Know what your customers are doing when they come to your site, where do they navigate to? Put yourself in their shoes. Find out what it is they are looking for. When they come to your site, how long are they there? There
are free software tools that will help you with this but also you can post surveys, ask questions and get as much feedback as you can. Listen to your customers and they’ll respond favorably.
6. Know your products.
It’s a good rule of thumb to purchase and use the products you are promoting. This isn’t an absolute must but you’d be surprised how your ad campaign and marketing strategy can take form if you’ve actually used and experienced the product or service you’re selling. It’s a lot harder to convince someone they need something if you haven’t seen or used it yourself.
7. If it sounds too good to be true … you know the rest.
I’m constantly frustrated with ads that claim you can make lots of money and make it fast with little or no effort. There is no legitimate business that can do that for you. Get rich quick schemes are just that, they are schemes that could possibly
bring in money through some illegal or legal creative maneuvering, but almost always disappoint you in the end. Check out all programs thoroughly and ask lots of questions.
8. Getting set up and the various costs.
Internet business costs are not as great as other business startups but you will have a few costs that you must budget for. For example, if you build a website there will be hosting costs. These are generally monthly fees and can be anywhere from $10 to $50 a month depending on your plan. Courses/Education should be budgeted. Search engine submission, with the exception of Google and DMOZ, now require yearly fees
that can range anywhere from $20-$100 or more depending on your choices. Website building software may also have a fee. If you’ll be selling your own product you’ll need a merchant account to set up credit cards, etc. Don’t forget internet connection costs whereby you’ll need cable or dial up.
I may have forgotten a few but these are the most common startup costs that you should consider budgeting for.
9. What to watch out for.
Scams are the biggest problem on the internet. Keep yourself aware of the latest scams by going to . Also invest in virus and firewall protection software. These aren’t popular expenses, especially starting out, but losing your computer to an attack is a dismal alternative.
10. To build a website or not to build a website.
Regardless of your internet business, it is a good idea to start with a website. It will ultimately become a reflection of you and your business. A website will build an image and draw viewers to your product or service. It will also allow you to provide and receive feedback as well as update your viewers on your products or services.
11. Email marketing.
Email and spam is a huge issue with regard to the internet. Know what the rules are before emailing anyone. The following site contains all the laws and may help you avoid unwanted trouble.
12.The internet can be a lonely place.
Don’t go it alone. Make contacts and ask questions through the use of forums. This gives you the opportunity to learn the successes and failures of others and to also ask questions. You may even develop some great business partners in the process or possibly make a friend or two.
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About the Author
Elizabeth McGee is the owner of Pro-Marketing-Online, the Expert Marketing Tools site. If you wish to learn more about how to market online from the experts and find expert, trusted tools for promoting your site then please visit Pro-Marketing-Online or subscribe to her newsletter found at or email Elizabeth at
Monday, June 21, 2004
Why should I start a home based business?
Start your new work at home business today. The right time to find a work at home opportunity is right now. There has never been a better time or opportunity to make money online working at home in front of your computer. With so many people using the Internet it has become easier than ever to make money online. Home businesses are an increasingly popular option for people seeking a way to earn an income in a way that better fits their lifestyle.
Don't delay! The conditions will never be exactly what you want them to be. You'll never have all the time you need, and you get confidence and expertise by doing, not by thinking and studying. The big question is "Why should I start working at home?". Here is a quick list of reasons why you should take a serious look at having your own home-based businesses and join this Business Opportunity following the work at home idea.
At every stage in life a person should build income streams as they become available. The Internet has made this more possible than ever. Most people dream an automatic internet money machine. They want to make money through Internet facilities. Work at home business can give you the financial vehicle to break free of chains. Because of the automation of the Internet you can create multiple streams of income for you and your family. The computer does all the mundane things most of us don’t like doing and you can literally have a business working for you 24 hours a day, worldwide, even when you sleep. You can now work at home with today’s low cost technology (internet, computer, etc.) that gives you all the capabilities of a large corporation.
Most people work for someone else and they have to go by someone else's schedule. When you work at home, you work for yourself, you're the boss, and you can do what you want when you want. It's nice to set your own schedule. If you need to take two days off, you can. You have to make it up somewhere, but you don't have to worry about letting your boss down or asking for the time two weeks in advance. When you start a home based business, you control your destiny! You get 100% of the profit from all your hard work and you have no boss and no one to answer to. This is an incredible feeling of freedom and peace to 99% of the people who experience it.
Meet people
In what other job would you have had the opportunity to meet people from all over the country, all over the world — Australia, Europe, Asia, Africa, America. It will amaze you everyday to meet and talk with new people from every walk of life. What other job allows that?
The biggest blessing that will come from a "work at home" job is being able to be home and watch your children grow. It does not matter how much money you make, if you have to give up YOUR LIFE just to get it.
Remember ... Internet is completely changing how people are doing business. It allows you to work all types of business from home to anywhere in the world and make very good money doing it. Don't put off until tomorrow what can be done today. If you want to start a business, don't put it off. There will never be a better time than now. Things in your life will never be at the "perfect" place for starting a business. Today is the perfect day. Make that life-changing decision that will allow you complete control over your future. Start a work at home business and your only regret will be that someone didn’t show you how to do this sooner.
About the Author
Computer Work At Home Careers
The DubLi Trading Team Blog !
For members, friends and others who are interested in daily tips & tricks to the Net, Health, online Biz, Marketing and International Trading !
For more information on the Team, Health & Wealth - go to;
For more information about the "Mother-Blogger" (note; not with an F :-) - go to:
(Do you want an invitation? just write me;
Don't delay! The conditions will never be exactly what you want them to be. You'll never have all the time you need, and you get confidence and expertise by doing, not by thinking and studying. The big question is "Why should I start working at home?". Here is a quick list of reasons why you should take a serious look at having your own home-based businesses and join this Business Opportunity following the work at home idea.
At every stage in life a person should build income streams as they become available. The Internet has made this more possible than ever. Most people dream an automatic internet money machine. They want to make money through Internet facilities. Work at home business can give you the financial vehicle to break free of chains. Because of the automation of the Internet you can create multiple streams of income for you and your family. The computer does all the mundane things most of us don’t like doing and you can literally have a business working for you 24 hours a day, worldwide, even when you sleep. You can now work at home with today’s low cost technology (internet, computer, etc.) that gives you all the capabilities of a large corporation.
Most people work for someone else and they have to go by someone else's schedule. When you work at home, you work for yourself, you're the boss, and you can do what you want when you want. It's nice to set your own schedule. If you need to take two days off, you can. You have to make it up somewhere, but you don't have to worry about letting your boss down or asking for the time two weeks in advance. When you start a home based business, you control your destiny! You get 100% of the profit from all your hard work and you have no boss and no one to answer to. This is an incredible feeling of freedom and peace to 99% of the people who experience it.
Meet people
In what other job would you have had the opportunity to meet people from all over the country, all over the world — Australia, Europe, Asia, Africa, America. It will amaze you everyday to meet and talk with new people from every walk of life. What other job allows that?
The biggest blessing that will come from a "work at home" job is being able to be home and watch your children grow. It does not matter how much money you make, if you have to give up YOUR LIFE just to get it.
Remember ... Internet is completely changing how people are doing business. It allows you to work all types of business from home to anywhere in the world and make very good money doing it. Don't put off until tomorrow what can be done today. If you want to start a business, don't put it off. There will never be a better time than now. Things in your life will never be at the "perfect" place for starting a business. Today is the perfect day. Make that life-changing decision that will allow you complete control over your future. Start a work at home business and your only regret will be that someone didn’t show you how to do this sooner.
About the Author
Computer Work At Home Careers
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The DubLi Trading Team Blog !
For members, friends and others who are interested in daily tips & tricks to the Net, Health, online Biz, Marketing and International Trading !
For more information on the Team, Health & Wealth - go to;
For more information about the "Mother-Blogger" (note; not with an F :-) - go to:
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Good luck all
The DubLi Trading Team Blog !
For members, friends and others who are interested in daily tips & tricks to the Net, Health, online Biz, Marketing and International Trading !
For more information on the Team, Health & Wealth - go to;
For more information about the "Mother-Blogger" (note; not with an F :-) - go to:
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Wednesday, June 16, 2004
The DubLi Trading Team Blog !
For members, friends and others who are interested in daily tips & tricks to the Net, Health, online Biz, Marketing and International Trading !
For more information on the Team, Health & Wealth - go to;
For more information about the "Mother-Blogger" (note; not with an F :-) - go to:
(Do you want an invitation? just write me;
For members, friends and others who are interested in daily tips & tricks to the Net, Health, online Biz, Marketing and International Trading !
For more information on the Team, Health & Wealth - go to;
For more information about the "Mother-Blogger" (note; not with an F :-) - go to:
(Do you want an invitation? just write me;
The DubLi Trading Team Blog !
For members, friends and others who are interested in daily tips & tricks to the Net, Health, online Biz, Marketing and International Trading !
For more information on the Team, Health & Wealth - go to;
For more information about the "Mother-Blogger" (note; not with an F :-) - go to:
(Do you want an invitation? Just write me;
For members, friends and others who are interested in daily tips & tricks to the Net, Health, online Biz, Marketing and International Trading !
For more information on the Team, Health & Wealth - go to;
For more information about the "Mother-Blogger" (note; not with an F :-) - go to:
(Do you want an invitation? Just write me;
Wednesday, June 09, 2004
Brilliant article on how to get subscribers / visitors
Here are a few things that will help you to make your list grow bigger and your subscribers more responsive.
All comments are welcome.
1. How to Generate Subscribers
Once you’ve got your ezine set up and ready to roll, you’ll need to start getting opt-in subscribers. Every promotion and advertising you do should be targeted towards this aim. Here are PROVEN methods to generating new subscribers:
a. From Your Website
Place a subscription box on every page of your website. Visitors may enter from many other pages other than your main index page. They may never even visit your main page, so make sure your subscription box is visible on every page of your website.
Use a pop-up or pop-under to allow subscribers to sign up easily. This has been shown to increase response rate by at least 300%!
b. Incentive Subscriptions
Provide attractive incentives or reasons to subscribe to your ezine, related to your target market needs. The incentive may be in the form of a free ebook, software, contest, free ad, e-course or combinations of the above.
It’s simple and nothing new but don’t let this fool you, it still works like a charm and many Internet marketers are not utilizing it fully. Everyone should include this as part of their list-building strategy. I recommend using this technique in the following ways…
Create A Killer Subscription Page
You’ve got to build an attractive subscription page WITH an irresistible offer to entice potential subscribers to hit the subscribe button.
The best types are those in the ‘direct response’ style - clean, simple, eye-catching web pages carrying action–oriented sales messages.
Now let’s break it down, what must you include in your subscription page to build your list? Here’re the THREE most necessary factors...
* Benefit-driven Headline *
Tell them WHY they should subscribe. What do they gain, what can they expect? Sum up your biggest benefit or unique advantage in the main headline.
* Irresistible Incentive *
You’ve got to create a superb incentive that any breathing prospect would be crazy to miss out on!
How? Do something different, packed it full of value, and again, make sure that it’s relevant to the market you’re targeting at. A good gauge would be something you feel you could SELL equally well.
* Eye-catching Image *
Words sell, yes, but so do pictures, perhaps even better for this particular strategy…
Your subscription page should (no, make that a must) have an e-cover of your ezine or whatever you’re giving away. An e-cover provides ‘tangibility’ and increases the perceived value of your product dramatically.
Promote your new subscription page everywhere and in no time flat, you’ll be able to have your own huge guru-size opt-in list…without having to pay a single cent for it!
c. Write Viral Articles
This has got to be one of the best methods of free advertising that can get you more subscribers and build your credibility at the same time! Write quality targeted articles and allow them to be freely published.
The key to using articles for effective free advertising is by making sure your article is informative and then encouraging click-throughs with a killer ‘ad’ in your resource box.
For further information on writing successful sales letters and articles, read “Dr. Joe Vitale books”
(To find his books go to Google and type "sales letters+Joe Vitale")
Submit your articles to Major directories!
Just do a search at any search engine for ‘ezine directory’ without the quotes.
d. Ezine Advertising
Ezine advertising can help build your subscriber base easily. Look at it as an investment, which you can recoup back from in the future.
Common ezine ads offered are – Solo Ads, Sponsor Ads (top, middle and bottom sponsors) and Free Classified Ads.
I’d recommend using Top Sponsor Ads only for the best results at an affordable price. Again, creating a killer ad is important. Track each ezine ad to determine which gives the best bang for the buck.
e. Co-Op Advertising
If you’re an ezine publisher, you have a choice of joining an ezine co-op. What this co-op basically does is provide you subscribers, with the condition that you allow at least one free ad per subscriber in your ezine when they join.
Memberships into these co-ops are normally free, and they do work to get you subscribers fast.
However, a word of warning…these subscribers can be mostly untargeted. They join for the free ad, you’ll have to cultivate them slowly. Plus make sure that you’re able to keep up with publishing new ads.
Here are two examples:
f. Pay-per-subscriber services
Do you know you can actually buy subscribers?
This is a good way to build your initial subscriber base quickly to kick-start your ezine. Such services promote your ezine FOR YOU. Potential subscribers who are interested can sign up through a shared subscription box for your ezine. They offer either single or double opt-in subscriptions. They are often known as co-registration services.
View paid subscribers as an investment. Cultivate and build them into profitable subscribers as they’ll not trust you immediately. Note that while you may want to invest in pay-per-subscribers services, it can be a risk too. There MAY be certain percentage of unsubscribes, undeliverables and even accusations of spam. But as long as you have full details of their subscriptions as given by the providers, you’re safe.
For respected co-registration services please PM me!
g. Subscription Network
Join a shared subscription network to gain new subscribers. Each webmaster have to place a unique code on their sites, which displays an exit pop-up consisting of each other’s ezine details. Potential subscribers can just check each ezine they want to be subscribed to. You basically be leveraging on each other’s traffic and promotion.
Again, your ezine description ad will play a big part in converting more subscribers.
The two most popular shared networks are:
i. Viral Marketing
Get subscribers by leveraging on other people’s effort. This can be achieved through viral marketing, which though nothing spectacularly new, still produces amazing results!
The basic forms of viral marketing include creating free-to-distribute viral tools such as special reports, ebooks, e-courses or software.
Submit them to freebie sites, online forums, on your own website, include them in package or membership sites, etc. Another proven way is to create a service that allows people to gain referrals, credits for recruiting members, e.g. traffic exchanges, downline clubs, etc.
2. Keep Your Subscribers Happy
With almost 1,000,000 ezines (and growing) online, it’s all the more important to make yours stand out and gain your subscribers trust.
Your next priority should then focus on retaining current subscribers, on top of getting new ones. With that in mind, here are some strategies to look at to keep your subscribers happy!
Project Your Personality
Project your personality in your writing! Show some passion! However, be positive here, never use your ezine to spread negative comments or throw cold blankets on your subscribers. That would come across as being unprofessional and having poor attitude, and you'll see people unsubscribing in droves!
I mean, even in the real world, who wants to be around negative folks? So spread some good, old love instead. Be known as an editor, who's real, approachable and friendly to build a better relationship with your subscribers.
Show Some Respect
You should be treating your valuable subscriber as a friend. I'm sure you won't mislead, ignore or harm your friend?
What I mean to say is treat your subscribers with respect. For starters, never bombard him or her with senseless ads every two days!
And keep your classified ads to the absolute minimum, separate solo ads from your regular issue. And never promote just any product to your list just to earn a buck.
Your goal is to provide quality information.
Remember, trust is difficult to acquire but easy to lose…it can be gone in a second.
Contact Me Please
Always provide a valid and working email address so that your subscriber can contact you. Do not attempt to hide your email from them. And if your phone is available, all the merrier!
We’re talking about a long-term relationship here, and how can a relationship be started or sustained without some form of communication?
Subscribers may need to contact you for assistance, questions or feedback. Open this avenue to them, it’ll benefit you too.
And I forgot one important thing…reply to emails!
Work Hard for Your List
Here’s an absolutely crucial factor – YOUR ezine must be able to provide what the subscriber other words, true value.
Ask yourself, what makes a subscriber subscribe? To get your ads? No! He or she does so as they believe your ezine can help satisfy their needs.
That is, the associated value, real or perceived, that your ezine can provide them.
This may come in the form of good content, resources, reviews or discounts, etc. What I’m suggesting here is, you’ve got to work hard for your subscribers….
• Provide relevant quality content, or write your own articles!
• Give them valuable tools and resources that cater to their needs
• Seek and negotiate genuine discounts and promotions for them
• Keep them up to date in their areas of interest...etc!
Putting serious effort into your ezine will make your subscribers appreciate you more, cause it shows.
3. Find Their Needs
In all marketing and selling, you’ve got to find a need and fulfil it – NOT the other way round.
Similarly, find out the needs and wants of your subscribers. What are they looking for? What do they need to solve their problems? What specific information would help them achieve their objectives?
How do you discover these needs?
The best way to do that is to ask.
Using polls, surveys or basic email exchanges are all excellent methods of understanding your subscribers. This will be a rewarding and win-win experience.
For instance, conduct online surveys with them using services from…
4. Recommend Affiliate Products That Fulfil Their Needs
Aha! The magic moment…if you’ve done all the above steps, you’ll have a list of responsive opt-in subscribers, who are eager to hear your recommendations!
This is where it’s different, you’re only gonna promote affiliate products that they want – as discovered previously. This approach almost guarantees higher clickthroughs and responses.
Here’s a good copy format to use for recommending affiliate products or services to your list…
· State the initial problem or needs that they are looking for
· Build it up to a worst case scenario if they don’t find the solution
· Introduce a solution to them
· Write a genuine recommendation based on your own usage
· Tell them results you’ve experience
· Get their agreement that this is the solution to their problems
· Show them the results they can achieve by using the product
· Create urgency
· Encourage immediate action
You can search and join suitable affiliate programs at the following websites:
Try to promote residual or at least a two-tier affiliate program so that you can create residual income through a one-time action.
An excellent program that provides $20 instant bonus for every direct referral, PLUS residual commissions up to 5 tiers is Push Button Publishing.
If you need my link to join just PM me! ;-)
Create Your Own Product Based On These Needs
This next step will get you into product creation of your own.
By now (this may be 3, 6 months or more down the road):
- You have an established ezine or opt-in list…
- Your subscriber list is growing bigger by the day…
- You are making money through various affiliate programs...
- You have residual income from certain affiliate programs…
- You’ve a better idea of what your subscribers are looking for…
- You are ready to re-invest some profits into creating your own product!
Follow these points in preparing for your product creation:
- Survey and ask your subscribers what products they want
- Double check the potential at online forums
- Check if there’s a profitable market by determining how many people are searching for it at the search engines. Use tools like , or
- Look offline at magazines, newspapers to see what’s being advertised regularly and successfully.
Find a starving crowd and feed them!
Once you’ve come up with good product ideas, and had researched the market profitability of your ideas, start creating!
5. Turn Subscribers into Partners
Your subscriber list is easily the most accessible profit source open to you at anytime. They already know, trust and hopefully respond well to you so you have a good relationship going.
It’s more effective and easier to work with existing established relationships.
You must look upon them as partners in profit. Train your list to be successful, and you’ll be successful too! There’s something of a universal law in this.
The first step after creating and launching your product would be to set up an affiliate program, after which you get your subscribers to become your joint venture partners and affiliates.
Either provide them a copy of your product, or offer it to them at a superb discount, so that they know what they’re promoting. Create winning affiliate tools to help them, similarly as what you would for normal affiliates.
If you have a relatively huge and responsive list, plus a quality product, you’re going to get phenomenal results from this one tactic alone!
Some people believe that the list should be squeezed dry till the last drop of money is gone, but why not treat subscribers as partners instead as mentioned before?
It’s a definite win-win relationship, everyone benefits and make money together.
Similarly, this works even if you do not have your own product.
Recruit subscribers and train them as your sub-affiliates.
If you create your own tools to promote an external affiliate program, offer it to your subscribers for their own use as your sub-affiliates! A perfect example is articles.
Your list of subscribers is your nearest goldmine, don’t go digging somewhere else without tapping on this source first.
Hope you‘ve enjoyed this Internet profit system and it has benefited you.
Don’t stop and once you’ve experience success, DUPLICATE your results with new ezines and multiple LISTS!
Thanks for reading...;-)
Rostislav Roytman
All comments are welcome.
1. How to Generate Subscribers
Once you’ve got your ezine set up and ready to roll, you’ll need to start getting opt-in subscribers. Every promotion and advertising you do should be targeted towards this aim. Here are PROVEN methods to generating new subscribers:
a. From Your Website
Place a subscription box on every page of your website. Visitors may enter from many other pages other than your main index page. They may never even visit your main page, so make sure your subscription box is visible on every page of your website.
Use a pop-up or pop-under to allow subscribers to sign up easily. This has been shown to increase response rate by at least 300%!
b. Incentive Subscriptions
Provide attractive incentives or reasons to subscribe to your ezine, related to your target market needs. The incentive may be in the form of a free ebook, software, contest, free ad, e-course or combinations of the above.
It’s simple and nothing new but don’t let this fool you, it still works like a charm and many Internet marketers are not utilizing it fully. Everyone should include this as part of their list-building strategy. I recommend using this technique in the following ways…
Create A Killer Subscription Page
You’ve got to build an attractive subscription page WITH an irresistible offer to entice potential subscribers to hit the subscribe button.
The best types are those in the ‘direct response’ style - clean, simple, eye-catching web pages carrying action–oriented sales messages.
Now let’s break it down, what must you include in your subscription page to build your list? Here’re the THREE most necessary factors...
* Benefit-driven Headline *
Tell them WHY they should subscribe. What do they gain, what can they expect? Sum up your biggest benefit or unique advantage in the main headline.
* Irresistible Incentive *
You’ve got to create a superb incentive that any breathing prospect would be crazy to miss out on!
How? Do something different, packed it full of value, and again, make sure that it’s relevant to the market you’re targeting at. A good gauge would be something you feel you could SELL equally well.
* Eye-catching Image *
Words sell, yes, but so do pictures, perhaps even better for this particular strategy…
Your subscription page should (no, make that a must) have an e-cover of your ezine or whatever you’re giving away. An e-cover provides ‘tangibility’ and increases the perceived value of your product dramatically.
Promote your new subscription page everywhere and in no time flat, you’ll be able to have your own huge guru-size opt-in list…without having to pay a single cent for it!
c. Write Viral Articles
This has got to be one of the best methods of free advertising that can get you more subscribers and build your credibility at the same time! Write quality targeted articles and allow them to be freely published.
The key to using articles for effective free advertising is by making sure your article is informative and then encouraging click-throughs with a killer ‘ad’ in your resource box.
For further information on writing successful sales letters and articles, read “Dr. Joe Vitale books”
(To find his books go to Google and type "sales letters+Joe Vitale")
Submit your articles to Major directories!
Just do a search at any search engine for ‘ezine directory’ without the quotes.
d. Ezine Advertising
Ezine advertising can help build your subscriber base easily. Look at it as an investment, which you can recoup back from in the future.
Common ezine ads offered are – Solo Ads, Sponsor Ads (top, middle and bottom sponsors) and Free Classified Ads.
I’d recommend using Top Sponsor Ads only for the best results at an affordable price. Again, creating a killer ad is important. Track each ezine ad to determine which gives the best bang for the buck.
e. Co-Op Advertising
If you’re an ezine publisher, you have a choice of joining an ezine co-op. What this co-op basically does is provide you subscribers, with the condition that you allow at least one free ad per subscriber in your ezine when they join.
Memberships into these co-ops are normally free, and they do work to get you subscribers fast.
However, a word of warning…these subscribers can be mostly untargeted. They join for the free ad, you’ll have to cultivate them slowly. Plus make sure that you’re able to keep up with publishing new ads.
Here are two examples:
f. Pay-per-subscriber services
Do you know you can actually buy subscribers?
This is a good way to build your initial subscriber base quickly to kick-start your ezine. Such services promote your ezine FOR YOU. Potential subscribers who are interested can sign up through a shared subscription box for your ezine. They offer either single or double opt-in subscriptions. They are often known as co-registration services.
View paid subscribers as an investment. Cultivate and build them into profitable subscribers as they’ll not trust you immediately. Note that while you may want to invest in pay-per-subscribers services, it can be a risk too. There MAY be certain percentage of unsubscribes, undeliverables and even accusations of spam. But as long as you have full details of their subscriptions as given by the providers, you’re safe.
For respected co-registration services please PM me!
g. Subscription Network
Join a shared subscription network to gain new subscribers. Each webmaster have to place a unique code on their sites, which displays an exit pop-up consisting of each other’s ezine details. Potential subscribers can just check each ezine they want to be subscribed to. You basically be leveraging on each other’s traffic and promotion.
Again, your ezine description ad will play a big part in converting more subscribers.
The two most popular shared networks are:
i. Viral Marketing
Get subscribers by leveraging on other people’s effort. This can be achieved through viral marketing, which though nothing spectacularly new, still produces amazing results!
The basic forms of viral marketing include creating free-to-distribute viral tools such as special reports, ebooks, e-courses or software.
Submit them to freebie sites, online forums, on your own website, include them in package or membership sites, etc. Another proven way is to create a service that allows people to gain referrals, credits for recruiting members, e.g. traffic exchanges, downline clubs, etc.
2. Keep Your Subscribers Happy
With almost 1,000,000 ezines (and growing) online, it’s all the more important to make yours stand out and gain your subscribers trust.
Your next priority should then focus on retaining current subscribers, on top of getting new ones. With that in mind, here are some strategies to look at to keep your subscribers happy!
Project Your Personality
Project your personality in your writing! Show some passion! However, be positive here, never use your ezine to spread negative comments or throw cold blankets on your subscribers. That would come across as being unprofessional and having poor attitude, and you'll see people unsubscribing in droves!
I mean, even in the real world, who wants to be around negative folks? So spread some good, old love instead. Be known as an editor, who's real, approachable and friendly to build a better relationship with your subscribers.
Show Some Respect
You should be treating your valuable subscriber as a friend. I'm sure you won't mislead, ignore or harm your friend?
What I mean to say is treat your subscribers with respect. For starters, never bombard him or her with senseless ads every two days!
And keep your classified ads to the absolute minimum, separate solo ads from your regular issue. And never promote just any product to your list just to earn a buck.
Your goal is to provide quality information.
Remember, trust is difficult to acquire but easy to lose…it can be gone in a second.
Contact Me Please
Always provide a valid and working email address so that your subscriber can contact you. Do not attempt to hide your email from them. And if your phone is available, all the merrier!
We’re talking about a long-term relationship here, and how can a relationship be started or sustained without some form of communication?
Subscribers may need to contact you for assistance, questions or feedback. Open this avenue to them, it’ll benefit you too.
And I forgot one important thing…reply to emails!
Work Hard for Your List
Here’s an absolutely crucial factor – YOUR ezine must be able to provide what the subscriber other words, true value.
Ask yourself, what makes a subscriber subscribe? To get your ads? No! He or she does so as they believe your ezine can help satisfy their needs.
That is, the associated value, real or perceived, that your ezine can provide them.
This may come in the form of good content, resources, reviews or discounts, etc. What I’m suggesting here is, you’ve got to work hard for your subscribers….
• Provide relevant quality content, or write your own articles!
• Give them valuable tools and resources that cater to their needs
• Seek and negotiate genuine discounts and promotions for them
• Keep them up to date in their areas of interest...etc!
Putting serious effort into your ezine will make your subscribers appreciate you more, cause it shows.
3. Find Their Needs
In all marketing and selling, you’ve got to find a need and fulfil it – NOT the other way round.
Similarly, find out the needs and wants of your subscribers. What are they looking for? What do they need to solve their problems? What specific information would help them achieve their objectives?
How do you discover these needs?
The best way to do that is to ask.
Using polls, surveys or basic email exchanges are all excellent methods of understanding your subscribers. This will be a rewarding and win-win experience.
For instance, conduct online surveys with them using services from…
4. Recommend Affiliate Products That Fulfil Their Needs
Aha! The magic moment…if you’ve done all the above steps, you’ll have a list of responsive opt-in subscribers, who are eager to hear your recommendations!
This is where it’s different, you’re only gonna promote affiliate products that they want – as discovered previously. This approach almost guarantees higher clickthroughs and responses.
Here’s a good copy format to use for recommending affiliate products or services to your list…
· State the initial problem or needs that they are looking for
· Build it up to a worst case scenario if they don’t find the solution
· Introduce a solution to them
· Write a genuine recommendation based on your own usage
· Tell them results you’ve experience
· Get their agreement that this is the solution to their problems
· Show them the results they can achieve by using the product
· Create urgency
· Encourage immediate action
You can search and join suitable affiliate programs at the following websites:
Try to promote residual or at least a two-tier affiliate program so that you can create residual income through a one-time action.
An excellent program that provides $20 instant bonus for every direct referral, PLUS residual commissions up to 5 tiers is Push Button Publishing.
If you need my link to join just PM me! ;-)
Create Your Own Product Based On These Needs
This next step will get you into product creation of your own.
By now (this may be 3, 6 months or more down the road):
- You have an established ezine or opt-in list…
- Your subscriber list is growing bigger by the day…
- You are making money through various affiliate programs...
- You have residual income from certain affiliate programs…
- You’ve a better idea of what your subscribers are looking for…
- You are ready to re-invest some profits into creating your own product!
Follow these points in preparing for your product creation:
- Survey and ask your subscribers what products they want
- Double check the potential at online forums
- Check if there’s a profitable market by determining how many people are searching for it at the search engines. Use tools like , or
- Look offline at magazines, newspapers to see what’s being advertised regularly and successfully.
Find a starving crowd and feed them!
Once you’ve come up with good product ideas, and had researched the market profitability of your ideas, start creating!
5. Turn Subscribers into Partners
Your subscriber list is easily the most accessible profit source open to you at anytime. They already know, trust and hopefully respond well to you so you have a good relationship going.
It’s more effective and easier to work with existing established relationships.
You must look upon them as partners in profit. Train your list to be successful, and you’ll be successful too! There’s something of a universal law in this.
The first step after creating and launching your product would be to set up an affiliate program, after which you get your subscribers to become your joint venture partners and affiliates.
Either provide them a copy of your product, or offer it to them at a superb discount, so that they know what they’re promoting. Create winning affiliate tools to help them, similarly as what you would for normal affiliates.
If you have a relatively huge and responsive list, plus a quality product, you’re going to get phenomenal results from this one tactic alone!
Some people believe that the list should be squeezed dry till the last drop of money is gone, but why not treat subscribers as partners instead as mentioned before?
It’s a definite win-win relationship, everyone benefits and make money together.
Similarly, this works even if you do not have your own product.
Recruit subscribers and train them as your sub-affiliates.
If you create your own tools to promote an external affiliate program, offer it to your subscribers for their own use as your sub-affiliates! A perfect example is articles.
Your list of subscribers is your nearest goldmine, don’t go digging somewhere else without tapping on this source first.
Hope you‘ve enjoyed this Internet profit system and it has benefited you.
Don’t stop and once you’ve experience success, DUPLICATE your results with new ezines and multiple LISTS!
Thanks for reading...;-)
Rostislav Roytman
About building a web site right - layout
Article printed from SiteProNews:
HTML version available at:
Define The Design of Your Website
by Steven Boaze ©Copyright 2004
The single most important step before you begin designing your
website is defining the structure and purpose of your site. Once
you have your structure planned out, you can unleash your
creative genius.
What kind of navigation buttons do you want? Would animations,
photos or diagrams help get your message across? What sort of
layout do you prefer? How will customers navigate through your
site? While keeping in mind a few basic guidelines for
attractive design, feel free to experiment and be creative with
the look and feel of your site. It may help to draw your ideas
on paper first. Decide which colors you want to use. Do you
already have an attractive logo on your advertising, letterhead
or business cards? Use it. Try to visualize any graphics you
want to liven up your content. You may be able to find suitable
images in an off-the-shelf clip art collection or on the web at
one of the clip art repositories. Depending on the size of your
company or business and your priorities, you may also want to
consider paying a design professional to create the graphics for
your site. Alternatively, you could invest some time and money
buying and learning to use one of the many commercially available
image editing programs.
Most websites utilize some variations of the same two or three
layouts. The most common is a left navigation setup, in which
you place logos and graphics along the top of the page, include
links and navigation buttons along the left hand side, and place
content below to the right. This layout draws attention to your
logo while keeping navigation in a set position. Another common
layout places both graphics and navigation links along the top
of the page. Focusing activity and attention at the top and
creating more room for content below.
Before you get carried away with your newly found design
freedom, however, remember that there are a few widely accepted
design rules to keep in mind:
* Make your site easy on the eyes. Use high contrast colors, dark
text on a light background is easier to read. Patterned
background designs, though an old popular one, are usually more
distracting than appealing. You don't want your customers to
skip reading about your big sale just because they can't stomach
the dancing teddy bears behind the text.
* Make your site easy to navigate. Place your links or buttons in
a prominent place and keep them in the same place on every page.
Your design should help users access the information you want
them to see. To this end, keep your colors, layout and buttons
consistent. Label every page so customers always know where they
are. Every page should provide links back to the homepage.
* Make your site professional and appropriate for your company or
business. Your design, no less than your content, should
support, complement and promote your business and it's products
or services. Keep the design clean and simple. Remember, when
it comes to design, white space is beautiful and less is more,
unless you have a very unique product or service that is well
served by something more avant-garde.
* Check out the other guys. When it comes to design, you'll find
that a little time spent looking at what other companies are
doing will pay off handsomely. You'll discover for yourself what
works and what doesn't. There are, unfortunately millions of
poorly designed web sites on the internet - look for them and
learn from their mistakes.
* Write your content. Only after you've defined your goals and
fully planned out your site should you actually begin to create
your content. Avoid the temptation to just sit down and start
creating web pages. If you hold off until you've got a good plan
in place, you'll save yourself a huge amount of time and effort
in the long run.
Use your site plan or diagram to identify every page that will
be on your website. You can number them, name them or find
another way of listing them that works for you. You should
already know generally what each page will contain (contact
information, list of services, FAQ, products, photos, etc...).
Now you need to decide exactly what you want on each page. Write
all the text that should go on each page. Indicate where you
want graphics or photos located. Create captions and sidebars.
Organize each page around your navigation scheme, and plug in
content where it fits.
* Make it short and sweet. Studies have repeatedly shown that
internet users have a short attention span for text on the web.
Few things on the internet are more intimidating and less
inviting than a long page of text scrolling down into the
distance. With few exceptions (articles, white papers or other
publications), avoid long, uninterrupted word masses. Break up
your content with visuals and decorations. Better yet, be
concise. Customers aren't looking for dissertations on your
products and services, they just need enough information to make
an intelligent decision.
* Avoid scrollbars. Sometimes you'll need to make your visitors
scroll down the page a bit in order to see all your content.
But, if you have to scroll down more than an extra page height,
it's a good indication that you have enough to split between
several pages. This will give your visitors manageable chunks of
text and keep them interacting with your site.
* Check, double check and triple check. Few things are more
unprofessional than poorly written or misspelled text on your
business website. And, inaccurate information is even worse.
Nothing will destroy your credibility more quickly than
misstating the facts. Read through everything you create, have
someone else proofread, and run the text through a spell
checker. Because not every web editing program includes one, you
might want to create your content in a word processor and then
copy your finished text into your web pages.
* Gather the site's components. After creating your content,
gather all of your site's files together. If you've identified
logos, buttons, photos or other graphics that you want to
include, either create or collect the specific files you want to
use and store them in a folder on your PC. Save the text you've
written in the same folder. Keeping your content in one place
will save you time and frustration when you are actually
building your site.
* Create the pages. You're finally ready to make some web pages.
You will most likely be creating your entire website in
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), so picking up an elementary
understanding of the technology behind your site wouldn't hurt.
Basically, HTML is a programming language that gives
instructions to an internet browser, telling it how to display
text and images. You've already created that text and collected
those images; all you have left to do is arrange them on each
page and define their appearance.
When creating your pages, follow two crucial rules of smart
technology implementation:
1. Products should drive technology, not vice versa. When
creating your web pages keep both your audience and your
business objective in mind. The features you include and the
technology you utilize should be appropriate to target your
audience. Don't waste time and energy on bells and whistles that
your customers won't appreciate or can't take advantage of. If
you sell old fashioned widgets to a non-technical customer base,
your visitors probably aren't interested in your prowess at
creating cute scrolling messages on-screen. They just want to
know if you sell the best widgets at the lowest price. At the
same time, however, you should be prepared to take advantage of
whatever technical enhancements suit your business needs. If
you sell services that could benefit from the creation of
collaborative and interactive community areas for your site
with discussion boards, mailing lists and online customer
surveys, then use them.
2. Speed is everything. Make a conscious effort to limit file
sizes and keep download times to a minimum. Most web editing
programs will estimate page load times, and you can test them
yourself (use dial up connection to test) once you've posted
each page to the web on your personal host server. Everyone
who has surfed the internet has experienced the frustration of
sitting around waiting for a site to load. Don't be that site.
Optimize all of your images on your site for web delivery,
reuse navigation buttons and logos wherever possible (this will
improve page speed because the files have already been loaded
once), and keep each page small enough to load quickly.
Steven Boaze, Chairman, is The Owner of Corporate Web
Solutions which houses Web Development services. Steven is also
the author of two successful Books along with numerous articles
on Marketing and Advertising published by Boaze Publishing. Copyright © 1998-2004
Copyright © 2004 Jayde Online, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
SiteProNews is a registered service mark of Jayde Online, Inc.
HTML version available at:
Define The Design of Your Website
by Steven Boaze ©Copyright 2004
The single most important step before you begin designing your
website is defining the structure and purpose of your site. Once
you have your structure planned out, you can unleash your
creative genius.
What kind of navigation buttons do you want? Would animations,
photos or diagrams help get your message across? What sort of
layout do you prefer? How will customers navigate through your
site? While keeping in mind a few basic guidelines for
attractive design, feel free to experiment and be creative with
the look and feel of your site. It may help to draw your ideas
on paper first. Decide which colors you want to use. Do you
already have an attractive logo on your advertising, letterhead
or business cards? Use it. Try to visualize any graphics you
want to liven up your content. You may be able to find suitable
images in an off-the-shelf clip art collection or on the web at
one of the clip art repositories. Depending on the size of your
company or business and your priorities, you may also want to
consider paying a design professional to create the graphics for
your site. Alternatively, you could invest some time and money
buying and learning to use one of the many commercially available
image editing programs.
Most websites utilize some variations of the same two or three
layouts. The most common is a left navigation setup, in which
you place logos and graphics along the top of the page, include
links and navigation buttons along the left hand side, and place
content below to the right. This layout draws attention to your
logo while keeping navigation in a set position. Another common
layout places both graphics and navigation links along the top
of the page. Focusing activity and attention at the top and
creating more room for content below.
Before you get carried away with your newly found design
freedom, however, remember that there are a few widely accepted
design rules to keep in mind:
* Make your site easy on the eyes. Use high contrast colors, dark
text on a light background is easier to read. Patterned
background designs, though an old popular one, are usually more
distracting than appealing. You don't want your customers to
skip reading about your big sale just because they can't stomach
the dancing teddy bears behind the text.
* Make your site easy to navigate. Place your links or buttons in
a prominent place and keep them in the same place on every page.
Your design should help users access the information you want
them to see. To this end, keep your colors, layout and buttons
consistent. Label every page so customers always know where they
are. Every page should provide links back to the homepage.
* Make your site professional and appropriate for your company or
business. Your design, no less than your content, should
support, complement and promote your business and it's products
or services. Keep the design clean and simple. Remember, when
it comes to design, white space is beautiful and less is more,
unless you have a very unique product or service that is well
served by something more avant-garde.
* Check out the other guys. When it comes to design, you'll find
that a little time spent looking at what other companies are
doing will pay off handsomely. You'll discover for yourself what
works and what doesn't. There are, unfortunately millions of
poorly designed web sites on the internet - look for them and
learn from their mistakes.
* Write your content. Only after you've defined your goals and
fully planned out your site should you actually begin to create
your content. Avoid the temptation to just sit down and start
creating web pages. If you hold off until you've got a good plan
in place, you'll save yourself a huge amount of time and effort
in the long run.
Use your site plan or diagram to identify every page that will
be on your website. You can number them, name them or find
another way of listing them that works for you. You should
already know generally what each page will contain (contact
information, list of services, FAQ, products, photos, etc...).
Now you need to decide exactly what you want on each page. Write
all the text that should go on each page. Indicate where you
want graphics or photos located. Create captions and sidebars.
Organize each page around your navigation scheme, and plug in
content where it fits.
* Make it short and sweet. Studies have repeatedly shown that
internet users have a short attention span for text on the web.
Few things on the internet are more intimidating and less
inviting than a long page of text scrolling down into the
distance. With few exceptions (articles, white papers or other
publications), avoid long, uninterrupted word masses. Break up
your content with visuals and decorations. Better yet, be
concise. Customers aren't looking for dissertations on your
products and services, they just need enough information to make
an intelligent decision.
* Avoid scrollbars. Sometimes you'll need to make your visitors
scroll down the page a bit in order to see all your content.
But, if you have to scroll down more than an extra page height,
it's a good indication that you have enough to split between
several pages. This will give your visitors manageable chunks of
text and keep them interacting with your site.
* Check, double check and triple check. Few things are more
unprofessional than poorly written or misspelled text on your
business website. And, inaccurate information is even worse.
Nothing will destroy your credibility more quickly than
misstating the facts. Read through everything you create, have
someone else proofread, and run the text through a spell
checker. Because not every web editing program includes one, you
might want to create your content in a word processor and then
copy your finished text into your web pages.
* Gather the site's components. After creating your content,
gather all of your site's files together. If you've identified
logos, buttons, photos or other graphics that you want to
include, either create or collect the specific files you want to
use and store them in a folder on your PC. Save the text you've
written in the same folder. Keeping your content in one place
will save you time and frustration when you are actually
building your site.
* Create the pages. You're finally ready to make some web pages.
You will most likely be creating your entire website in
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), so picking up an elementary
understanding of the technology behind your site wouldn't hurt.
Basically, HTML is a programming language that gives
instructions to an internet browser, telling it how to display
text and images. You've already created that text and collected
those images; all you have left to do is arrange them on each
page and define their appearance.
When creating your pages, follow two crucial rules of smart
technology implementation:
1. Products should drive technology, not vice versa. When
creating your web pages keep both your audience and your
business objective in mind. The features you include and the
technology you utilize should be appropriate to target your
audience. Don't waste time and energy on bells and whistles that
your customers won't appreciate or can't take advantage of. If
you sell old fashioned widgets to a non-technical customer base,
your visitors probably aren't interested in your prowess at
creating cute scrolling messages on-screen. They just want to
know if you sell the best widgets at the lowest price. At the
same time, however, you should be prepared to take advantage of
whatever technical enhancements suit your business needs. If
you sell services that could benefit from the creation of
collaborative and interactive community areas for your site
with discussion boards, mailing lists and online customer
surveys, then use them.
2. Speed is everything. Make a conscious effort to limit file
sizes and keep download times to a minimum. Most web editing
programs will estimate page load times, and you can test them
yourself (use dial up connection to test) once you've posted
each page to the web on your personal host server. Everyone
who has surfed the internet has experienced the frustration of
sitting around waiting for a site to load. Don't be that site.
Optimize all of your images on your site for web delivery,
reuse navigation buttons and logos wherever possible (this will
improve page speed because the files have already been loaded
once), and keep each page small enough to load quickly.
Steven Boaze, Chairman, is The Owner of Corporate Web
Solutions which houses Web Development services. Steven is also
the author of two successful Books along with numerous articles
on Marketing and Advertising published by Boaze Publishing. Copyright © 1998-2004
Copyright © 2004 Jayde Online, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
SiteProNews is a registered service mark of Jayde Online, Inc.
Cyber Crooks Go "Phishing"
- by Jim Edwards
© Jim Edwards - All Rights reserved
"Phishing," the latest craze among online evil-doers, has
nothing to do with sitting at the end of a dock on a sunny
afternoon dangling a worm to entice hungry catfish.
But, if you take their bait, this new breed of online con
artist will hook you, reel you in, and take you for every
dollar you have... or worse.
"Phishing" describes a combination of techniques used by
cyber crooks to bait people into giving up sensitive
personal data such as credit card numbers, social security
numbers, bank account numbers, dates of birth and more.
Their techniques work so well that, according to, "phishing" rates as the
fastest growing scam on the Internet.
Here's the basic pattern for a "phishing" scam...
You receive a very official email that appears to originate
from a legitimate source, such as a bank, eBay, PayPal,
a major retailer, or some other well known entity.
In the email it tells you that something bad is about to
happen unless you act quickly.
Typically it tells you that your account is about to get
closed, that someone appears to have stolen your identity,
or even that someone opened a fraudulent account using your
In order to help straighten everything out, you need to
click a link in the email and provide some basic account
information so they can verify your identity and then give
you additional details so you can help get everything
cleared up.
Once you give up your information... it's all over but the
After getting your information, these cyber-bandits can
empty your bank accounts, deplete your PayPal accounts, run
up your credit card balances, open new credit accounts,
assume your identity and much worse.
An especially disturbing new variation of this scam
specifically targets online business owners and affiliate
In this con, the scammer's email informs you that they've
just sent $1,219.43 (or a similar big but believable
amount) in affiliate commissions to you via PayPal.
They need you to log into your PayPal account to verify
receipt of the money and then email them back to confirm
you got it.
Since you're so excited at the possibility of an unexpected
pay day, you click the link to go to PayPal, log in, and
BANG! They have your PayPal login information and can empty
your account.
This new "phishing" style scam works extremely well for 2
basic reasons.
First, by exploiting your sense of urgency created by fear
or greed, crooks get you to click the link and give them
your information without thinking.
Second, the scammers use a variety of cloaking and spoofing
techniques to make their emails and websites appear totally
legitimate, making it extremely hard to spot a fake website,
especially when they've first whipped you into an emotional
The good news, however, is that you can protect yourself
relatively easily against this type of cyber-crime with
basic software and common sense.
Most of these scams get delivered to you via Spam
(unsolicited email), so a good spam blocker will cut down
on many of them even making it to your inbox.
If you receive an email that looks legitimate and you want
to respond, Stop - Wait - Think!
Verify all phone numbers with a physical phone book or
online phone directory like or before calling.
Look for spelling and grammatical errors that make it look
like someone who doesn't speak English or your native
language very well wrote it.
Never click the link provided in the email, but go directly
to the website by typing in the main address of the site
yourself (example: or
Forward the email to the main email address of the website
(example: or call the customer service
number on the main website you typed in yourself and ask if
it is in fact legitimate.
Above all remember this:
Your bank, credit card company, PayPal, eBay and anyone
else you deal with online already knows your account
number, username, password or any other account specific
They don't need to email you for ANY reason to ask you to
confirm your information -- so NEVER respond to email
requests for your account or personal details.
-- Jim Edwards is a syndicated newspaper columnist and the
co-author of an amazing new ebook that will teach you how
to use fr-e articles to quickly drive thousands of targeted
visitors to your website or affiliate links...
- by Jim Edwards
© Jim Edwards - All Rights reserved
"Phishing," the latest craze among online evil-doers, has
nothing to do with sitting at the end of a dock on a sunny
afternoon dangling a worm to entice hungry catfish.
But, if you take their bait, this new breed of online con
artist will hook you, reel you in, and take you for every
dollar you have... or worse.
"Phishing" describes a combination of techniques used by
cyber crooks to bait people into giving up sensitive
personal data such as credit card numbers, social security
numbers, bank account numbers, dates of birth and more.
Their techniques work so well that, according to, "phishing" rates as the
fastest growing scam on the Internet.
Here's the basic pattern for a "phishing" scam...
You receive a very official email that appears to originate
from a legitimate source, such as a bank, eBay, PayPal,
a major retailer, or some other well known entity.
In the email it tells you that something bad is about to
happen unless you act quickly.
Typically it tells you that your account is about to get
closed, that someone appears to have stolen your identity,
or even that someone opened a fraudulent account using your
In order to help straighten everything out, you need to
click a link in the email and provide some basic account
information so they can verify your identity and then give
you additional details so you can help get everything
cleared up.
Once you give up your information... it's all over but the
After getting your information, these cyber-bandits can
empty your bank accounts, deplete your PayPal accounts, run
up your credit card balances, open new credit accounts,
assume your identity and much worse.
An especially disturbing new variation of this scam
specifically targets online business owners and affiliate
In this con, the scammer's email informs you that they've
just sent $1,219.43 (or a similar big but believable
amount) in affiliate commissions to you via PayPal.
They need you to log into your PayPal account to verify
receipt of the money and then email them back to confirm
you got it.
Since you're so excited at the possibility of an unexpected
pay day, you click the link to go to PayPal, log in, and
BANG! They have your PayPal login information and can empty
your account.
This new "phishing" style scam works extremely well for 2
basic reasons.
First, by exploiting your sense of urgency created by fear
or greed, crooks get you to click the link and give them
your information without thinking.
Second, the scammers use a variety of cloaking and spoofing
techniques to make their emails and websites appear totally
legitimate, making it extremely hard to spot a fake website,
especially when they've first whipped you into an emotional
The good news, however, is that you can protect yourself
relatively easily against this type of cyber-crime with
basic software and common sense.
Most of these scams get delivered to you via Spam
(unsolicited email), so a good spam blocker will cut down
on many of them even making it to your inbox.
If you receive an email that looks legitimate and you want
to respond, Stop - Wait - Think!
Verify all phone numbers with a physical phone book or
online phone directory like or before calling.
Look for spelling and grammatical errors that make it look
like someone who doesn't speak English or your native
language very well wrote it.
Never click the link provided in the email, but go directly
to the website by typing in the main address of the site
yourself (example: or
Forward the email to the main email address of the website
(example: or call the customer service
number on the main website you typed in yourself and ask if
it is in fact legitimate.
Above all remember this:
Your bank, credit card company, PayPal, eBay and anyone
else you deal with online already knows your account
number, username, password or any other account specific
They don't need to email you for ANY reason to ask you to
confirm your information -- so NEVER respond to email
requests for your account or personal details.
-- Jim Edwards is a syndicated newspaper columnist and the
co-author of an amazing new ebook that will teach you how
to use fr-e articles to quickly drive thousands of targeted
visitors to your website or affiliate links...
Friday, June 04, 2004
The Game of MLM and How To Play It
By: Jason Bietsch
Most people consider building a successful MLM business an uphill battle. The funny thing is, it's not really a battle, it's a game.
It's a game where once you learn the proper rules, you become a better player. The problem is, we as distributors are taught the improper rules for building a downline.
The rules we are usually taught are things like, recruit your friends and family, neighbors, co-workers, and even the over priced, and over rated business opportunity
Believe me, I played by every single one of those rules for years. Those are a guaranteed roads to failure in my opinion.
So, what are the proper and official rules of the MLM heavy hitters and top income earners?
There's really only one rule you need to abide by.
It is this...
"Only recruit other Network Marketers"
I know some people may get offended by that statement, but it's absolutely true.
Listen, that's exactly what the big dogs are doing.
Want proof?
Take a look at most of the top income earners and super recruiters in any company. Odds are, they got there by recruiting other MLM'ers. They got there by recruiting
leaders and other distributors from different companies.
It's no different than what goes on in the sports world.
Athletes are recruited by other teams all the time. And, they announce it on the six o'clock news!
That's the way it's secretly done in the MLM industry. It's just simply not taught to us as distributors.
Why? I'm not sure why. My guess is because it's such a potent and powerful technique that those that apply this little known rule, want to keep it to them selves, so they can continue to be the top dog in the company.
When I first learned this, it was like a veil was lifted from my eyes. The crazy thing is, it's done right in front of our faces all the time. Yet, nobody seems to notice it, or say anything about it.
The top income earners and heavy hitters know this is true.
It's the best way to build a large downline quickly and profitably, bar none.
"Only Recruit Other Network Marketers"
I know as soon as I started playing by this rule, my downline started to grow quickly. So, I'm here to tell you it works.
I tried for years to play the industries standard rules. But, it just didn't work for me. Some rules are meant to be broken. So, I found a way to break the rules and finally started playing the game like a pro.
mlm, network marketers To learn how to start applying this rule, get my FREE Exclusive
"The Fastest Way To Build a Large Downline Without Talking To
Your Friends, Family, Neighbors, Co-workers...or Business
Opportunity Seekers!" Send a blank email to:
By: Jason Bietsch
Most people consider building a successful MLM business an uphill battle. The funny thing is, it's not really a battle, it's a game.
It's a game where once you learn the proper rules, you become a better player. The problem is, we as distributors are taught the improper rules for building a downline.
The rules we are usually taught are things like, recruit your friends and family, neighbors, co-workers, and even the over priced, and over rated business opportunity
Believe me, I played by every single one of those rules for years. Those are a guaranteed roads to failure in my opinion.
So, what are the proper and official rules of the MLM heavy hitters and top income earners?
There's really only one rule you need to abide by.
It is this...
"Only recruit other Network Marketers"
I know some people may get offended by that statement, but it's absolutely true.
Listen, that's exactly what the big dogs are doing.
Want proof?
Take a look at most of the top income earners and super recruiters in any company. Odds are, they got there by recruiting other MLM'ers. They got there by recruiting
leaders and other distributors from different companies.
It's no different than what goes on in the sports world.
Athletes are recruited by other teams all the time. And, they announce it on the six o'clock news!
That's the way it's secretly done in the MLM industry. It's just simply not taught to us as distributors.
Why? I'm not sure why. My guess is because it's such a potent and powerful technique that those that apply this little known rule, want to keep it to them selves, so they can continue to be the top dog in the company.
When I first learned this, it was like a veil was lifted from my eyes. The crazy thing is, it's done right in front of our faces all the time. Yet, nobody seems to notice it, or say anything about it.
The top income earners and heavy hitters know this is true.
It's the best way to build a large downline quickly and profitably, bar none.
"Only Recruit Other Network Marketers"
I know as soon as I started playing by this rule, my downline started to grow quickly. So, I'm here to tell you it works.
I tried for years to play the industries standard rules. But, it just didn't work for me. Some rules are meant to be broken. So, I found a way to break the rules and finally started playing the game like a pro.
mlm, network marketers To learn how to start applying this rule, get my FREE Exclusive
"The Fastest Way To Build a Large Downline Without Talking To
Your Friends, Family, Neighbors, Co-workers...or Business
Opportunity Seekers!" Send a blank email to:
Monday, May 31, 2004
I know you all will know this, when you hear it - but do you also remember to use it in your work ??
Listen to this;
The GoldenVision DubLiTrading Team Blog !
For members, friends and others who are interested in daily tips & tricks to the Net, Health, online Biz, Marketing and International Trading through DubLi !
For more information on the GoldenVision team - go to;
For more information on living healthier / longer - go to;
For more information on International trading - go to;
and sign up for FREE, using 750
Become an Ambassador (fine title, right :-) go to; - and if you want to sign up, use 750
For more information about the "Mother-Blogger" (note; not with an F :-) - go to:
HAPPY BLOGGING !!! (Do you want an invitation? DubLi at
Listen to this;
The GoldenVision DubLiTrading Team Blog !
For members, friends and others who are interested in daily tips & tricks to the Net, Health, online Biz, Marketing and International Trading through DubLi !
For more information on the GoldenVision team - go to;
For more information on living healthier / longer - go to;
For more information on International trading - go to;
and sign up for FREE, using 750
Become an Ambassador (fine title, right :-) go to; - and if you want to sign up, use 750
For more information about the "Mother-Blogger" (note; not with an F :-) - go to:
HAPPY BLOGGING !!! (Do you want an invitation? DubLi at
Friday, May 28, 2004
Spammer fik 7 års fængsel (SPAMMER GOT 7 YEARS IN JAIL, FOR 825 MILLION EMAILS !!!)
Howard Carmack sendte 825 millioner spam-mail til folk over hele verden - nu er han idømt syv års fængsel
Af Mikkel Selin - 11:15 - 28. maj. 2004
En amerikansk mand, der har forurenet cyberspace med mere end 825 millioner junk-mail, blev torsdag dømt til syv års fængsel ved retten i Buffalo, New York.
- Jeg håber, at spammere fremover tænker på, hvordan det gik Howard Carmack, inden de sender den første spam-mail, siger Karen Casion, der er advokat for det Atlanta-baserede it-firma Earthlink, der havde sagsøgt Carmack.
Howard Carmack sendte de mange millioner e-mail via et omfattende netværk af e-mailadresser, som han havde erhvervet sig ved hjælp af stjålne identiteter.
Han skal minimum afsone 3,5 år af straffen, skriver AP.
Howard Carmack sendte 825 millioner spam-mail til folk over hele verden - nu er han idømt syv års fængsel
Af Mikkel Selin - 11:15 - 28. maj. 2004
En amerikansk mand, der har forurenet cyberspace med mere end 825 millioner junk-mail, blev torsdag dømt til syv års fængsel ved retten i Buffalo, New York.
- Jeg håber, at spammere fremover tænker på, hvordan det gik Howard Carmack, inden de sender den første spam-mail, siger Karen Casion, der er advokat for det Atlanta-baserede it-firma Earthlink, der havde sagsøgt Carmack.
Howard Carmack sendte de mange millioner e-mail via et omfattende netværk af e-mailadresser, som han havde erhvervet sig ved hjælp af stjålne identiteter.
Han skal minimum afsone 3,5 år af straffen, skriver AP.
Thursday, May 27, 2004
Have you ever heard about Edgar Cayce ?
"The sleeping prophet" :-)
I got all his readings, if anyone is interested !!
Here is his wise words of today.......
One of the most fascinating gems from the Edgar Cayce material is the idea that we can positively affect every aspect of our lives through the power of suggestion and visualization. Cayce recommended the use of positive suggestions - especially prior to sleep - for everything: improving your memory, changing a habit, developing a talent, even straightening your teeth!
Cayce described the period of time just prior to sleep - that 15 to 20 minute period between waking consciousness and deep sleep - as the time when your subconscious mind is most open to suggestion. Because of this, he said that it is imperative that the suggestions used are stated in a positive way. The subconscious mind will believe everything you say, and will act on it, so make sure you feed it what you want to create - not what you are trying to change!
"The sleeping prophet" :-)
I got all his readings, if anyone is interested !!
Here is his wise words of today.......
One of the most fascinating gems from the Edgar Cayce material is the idea that we can positively affect every aspect of our lives through the power of suggestion and visualization. Cayce recommended the use of positive suggestions - especially prior to sleep - for everything: improving your memory, changing a habit, developing a talent, even straightening your teeth!
Cayce described the period of time just prior to sleep - that 15 to 20 minute period between waking consciousness and deep sleep - as the time when your subconscious mind is most open to suggestion. Because of this, he said that it is imperative that the suggestions used are stated in a positive way. The subconscious mind will believe everything you say, and will act on it, so make sure you feed it what you want to create - not what you are trying to change!
Tuesday, May 25, 2004
Build an Email mailing list the easy way!
Signup Now for your Free Account!
Email Marketing and Bulk Email is fast becoming the most economical way of reaching your customers or potential customers.
However, purchasing large email lists from unknown companies is not the way to success. Most lists are out of date and not very useful. Sending to these email address without prior consent could have you labeled as a "Spammer"...
Many of the email lists available today are gathered by spidering technology. Spidering technology works by following links on webpages. As the spider travels from page to page it looks for email addresses. When an email address is found it is added to a database.
When you send your email marketing message to these types of lists the recipient may consider it unsolicited mail or spam. Sending unsolicited or spam mail can have you labeled as a "Spammer", nothing can kill a business reputation in the online community faster than be labeled a spammer
The best and most successful list is one that you build yourself from genuine opt-in sign-ups.
With EZListZ you will quickly establish a signup box on your site. Ask your visitors to sign your guest book, signup for your newsletter, or signup for future product updates. These people have asked for your information. These are qualified leads!Best of all this tool is FREE!
It's as easy as......
1. Fill out the signup form.
2. Copy the HTML code that is generated, onto your site. Make sure you place this on all your pages. Give your visitors every opportunity to sign up!
3. Log into your account at any time to download your most current signups.
4. Use a product like Broadc@st HTML to send your personalized message or newsletter to all of your new potential customers.
Signup Now for your Free Account!
Signup Now for your Free Account!
Email Marketing and Bulk Email is fast becoming the most economical way of reaching your customers or potential customers.
However, purchasing large email lists from unknown companies is not the way to success. Most lists are out of date and not very useful. Sending to these email address without prior consent could have you labeled as a "Spammer"...
Many of the email lists available today are gathered by spidering technology. Spidering technology works by following links on webpages. As the spider travels from page to page it looks for email addresses. When an email address is found it is added to a database.
When you send your email marketing message to these types of lists the recipient may consider it unsolicited mail or spam. Sending unsolicited or spam mail can have you labeled as a "Spammer", nothing can kill a business reputation in the online community faster than be labeled a spammer
The best and most successful list is one that you build yourself from genuine opt-in sign-ups.
With EZListZ you will quickly establish a signup box on your site. Ask your visitors to sign your guest book, signup for your newsletter, or signup for future product updates. These people have asked for your information. These are qualified leads!Best of all this tool is FREE!
It's as easy as......
1. Fill out the signup form.
2. Copy the HTML code that is generated, onto your site. Make sure you place this on all your pages. Give your visitors every opportunity to sign up!
3. Log into your account at any time to download your most current signups.
4. Use a product like Broadc@st HTML to send your personalized message or newsletter to all of your new potential customers.
Signup Now for your Free Account!
Monday, May 24, 2004
What is an objection?
An objection is nothing more than a question in disguise. It's simply a request for more specific information. Instead of being taken aback, welcome an objection as an opportunity to provide your prospect with the information they need to make educated decision.
What an objection is not.
An objection is not a "No". It is not an end to your presentation. It's a way for your prospect to tell you, "Right now, you haven't given me the information I need to move forward with my decision."
Why do we fear objections so much?
When we first approach people with our opportunity, we are filled with raw enthusiasm. We want everyone to see the amazing potential of our offering. At the same time, we're concerned that our prospect may "object" in some way, thereby rejecting our offer. It's impossible to know when to expect an objection and the more unprepared we are for objections the more we fear them. The antidote to this fear is knowledge.
How do I effectively answer objections?
– I'm glad you asked!
Millionaires in Motion has developed a Six-Step Process that will guide you through answering any and all objections that may come your way. We created the acronym L.I.S.T.E.N. to enable you to easily remember each step. Each letter represents a particular step. When you are faced with an objection, mentally go through the acronym to remind yourself of the proper steps.
Are you ready to learn the process?
Good. Let's start.
LISTEN, Don't Assume
• Pay close attention
• Don't state your opinion immediately
• Listen to build rapport
• Never interrupt
During your presentation, LISTEN to your prospect so that you really hear what is being said. When you're new and excited, it's easy to overload your prospect with information rather than listening to them. Listening well is a skill– practice it diligently.
IDENTIFY the question
• Objections may sound like statements, buth they are actually questions
• What are they asking you?
• What is their real underlying concern?
Ask questions, if necessary, to IDENTIFY what truly concerns your prospect. What is the question in disguise that is being raised as an objection? If you're not sure, you should repeat what you think their convern is, then ask if you understood correctly.
SHOW you care
• Appreciate their concern
• Agree with what they say
• Understand their position
• Champion their cause
• Put yourself in their position
Once you are sure you know the question, SHOW YOU CARE: Empathize and tell your prospect you know exactly how or why they feel that way. Champion your prospects cause and agree whole-heartedly. This helps break down barriers between you and helps both of you feel as though you're on the same side.
TELL a story
• Speak from your heart
• Tell stories that prospects can relate to
• Use your own experience
• Use the experiences of others
To best communicate the answer you want to give- TELL A STORY. Use a real story about someone who is from a similar background, who had the same concern, and is doing well; your prospect will see how he or she can do the same.
ENSURE they understand
• Get confirmation from them-
-Does this make sense to you?
-Do you see how this will work for you?
-Have I answered your questions?
ENSURE that you answered their objection: ask your prospect if they see how this can work in their situation? Get confirmation that you answered and addressed your prospect's concern. "Does that make sense to you?"..."Does that answer your concern?"..."Can you see how this works for you, too?"
If there are still questions, go back over Steps 1 through 5 again.
NOTIFY them of options
• Give them choices
• Share ideas on where they can go from here:
-Do nothing
-Become a customer
-Join the business
Now that you've completed all five steps, NOTIFY your prospect of some options. There are three possible choices where your prospect can go from here:
1. Do nothing- Make sure they know that it's okay to do nothing. Perhaps now isn't the right time for them. Thank them for their time and consideration. Ask if you can stay in touch with them and periodically stay in touch– times may change. Furthermore, make sure you ask for referrals. Although they may not be ready at this time they may know someone who can benefit from your product or opportunity.
2. Start with the products– Assure that you guarantee them the benefits they expect. Stay in touch, and provide quality customer service; you may have a business prospect later.
3. Join in the business– Get them started: have them purchase materials, fill out the paperwork, schedule trainings, etc.
What is an objection?
An objection is nothing more than a question in disguise. It's simply a request for more specific information. Instead of being taken aback, welcome an objection as an opportunity to provide your prospect with the information they need to make educated decision.
What an objection is not.
An objection is not a "No". It is not an end to your presentation. It's a way for your prospect to tell you, "Right now, you haven't given me the information I need to move forward with my decision."
Why do we fear objections so much?
When we first approach people with our opportunity, we are filled with raw enthusiasm. We want everyone to see the amazing potential of our offering. At the same time, we're concerned that our prospect may "object" in some way, thereby rejecting our offer. It's impossible to know when to expect an objection and the more unprepared we are for objections the more we fear them. The antidote to this fear is knowledge.
How do I effectively answer objections?
– I'm glad you asked!
Millionaires in Motion has developed a Six-Step Process that will guide you through answering any and all objections that may come your way. We created the acronym L.I.S.T.E.N. to enable you to easily remember each step. Each letter represents a particular step. When you are faced with an objection, mentally go through the acronym to remind yourself of the proper steps.
Are you ready to learn the process?
Good. Let's start.
LISTEN, Don't Assume
• Pay close attention
• Don't state your opinion immediately
• Listen to build rapport
• Never interrupt
During your presentation, LISTEN to your prospect so that you really hear what is being said. When you're new and excited, it's easy to overload your prospect with information rather than listening to them. Listening well is a skill– practice it diligently.
IDENTIFY the question
• Objections may sound like statements, buth they are actually questions
• What are they asking you?
• What is their real underlying concern?
Ask questions, if necessary, to IDENTIFY what truly concerns your prospect. What is the question in disguise that is being raised as an objection? If you're not sure, you should repeat what you think their convern is, then ask if you understood correctly.
SHOW you care
• Appreciate their concern
• Agree with what they say
• Understand their position
• Champion their cause
• Put yourself in their position
Once you are sure you know the question, SHOW YOU CARE: Empathize and tell your prospect you know exactly how or why they feel that way. Champion your prospects cause and agree whole-heartedly. This helps break down barriers between you and helps both of you feel as though you're on the same side.
TELL a story
• Speak from your heart
• Tell stories that prospects can relate to
• Use your own experience
• Use the experiences of others
To best communicate the answer you want to give- TELL A STORY. Use a real story about someone who is from a similar background, who had the same concern, and is doing well; your prospect will see how he or she can do the same.
ENSURE they understand
• Get confirmation from them-
-Does this make sense to you?
-Do you see how this will work for you?
-Have I answered your questions?
ENSURE that you answered their objection: ask your prospect if they see how this can work in their situation? Get confirmation that you answered and addressed your prospect's concern. "Does that make sense to you?"..."Does that answer your concern?"..."Can you see how this works for you, too?"
If there are still questions, go back over Steps 1 through 5 again.
NOTIFY them of options
• Give them choices
• Share ideas on where they can go from here:
-Do nothing
-Become a customer
-Join the business
Now that you've completed all five steps, NOTIFY your prospect of some options. There are three possible choices where your prospect can go from here:
1. Do nothing- Make sure they know that it's okay to do nothing. Perhaps now isn't the right time for them. Thank them for their time and consideration. Ask if you can stay in touch with them and periodically stay in touch– times may change. Furthermore, make sure you ask for referrals. Although they may not be ready at this time they may know someone who can benefit from your product or opportunity.
2. Start with the products– Assure that you guarantee them the benefits they expect. Stay in touch, and provide quality customer service; you may have a business prospect later.
3. Join in the business– Get them started: have them purchase materials, fill out the paperwork, schedule trainings, etc.
To many, prospecting is the toughest part of building a network marketing business. If you've been in the business for any time, you know that prospecting can be one of the most challenging of all activities. To someone brand new to network marketing, it can be a frustrating mystery.
Why is that?
Well, when we are prospecting, we are vulnerable to someone saying no to our invitation — and it's human nature to protect ourselves from rejection. Ever since we were young children, we have hated to be told no. In starting our network marketing business, we soon learn that because of fear, laziness, ignorance, bad experiences, or just other priorities, some people are not going to be as excited as we are about our network marketing opportunity-and tell us no!
For years, in an effort to balance the emotional scales, network marketers have chanted the mantra, "Some Will, Some Won't, So What? Next!" This conjures up the image of "move on!" If they are not interested in what you have to offer, just "move on to the next person — it's their loss."
Even though this has been helpful in shielding our vulnerability, we know that's not really what network marketers believe. The best of the best know that prospecting is a relationship-building process that usually has to develop over time.
Just who is a prime prospect for your network marketing business?
While some people are certainly better prospects than others, it's usually not for the reasons we think. Because someone has what we might consider to be a "really good job or career," makes a lot of money, or has tried network marketing before, we think they would be poor prospects for our business. While in fact, some of these people become our best prospects!
On the other hand, some individuals we "just know will do great at this," sometimes prove to be our poorest prospects. You see, the likelihood of someone joining your business has less to do with what they have and what they do, than who and where they are in their lives. In most cases, it takes time and follow-up to discover who your best prospects truly are.
The Pipeline Philosophy
Think of a pipeline that over time and space carries a large amount of prospects. These prospects can be people from all over the world who are in the process of learning more about your business. When you contact them, they enter into your pipeline.
As your prospects travel through your pipeline they become more knowledgeable, understanding, respectful, enthusiastic, and committed to the opportunity that awaits them on the other end. What opportunity is that? The opportunity to build their own successful network marketing business.
Everyone with whom you value the potential of a relationship should move into your pipeline-even if they have no immediate interest in what you have to offer. As long as someone has no objection to you keeping him or her abreast of both your personal and the company's progress — they should be put in your pipeline.
Prospecting is relationship building
Why? Because prospecting is a process, a journey — for both you and your prospects. Some of your best business builders can be those who journey the longest through your pipeline, whereas some prospects who join too quickly can be quick to quit.
So let everyone you approach go into your pipeline and help them go through the process. As they begin to flow out the other end, you will have people who truly believe in the value of the opportunity and are enthusiastically willing to commit to it and for their reasons-not just yours! In between, within the twists and turns of the pipeline, you will route your prospects to different areas to meet their specific needs. And there may be a few that over time you may route out of your pipeline altogether.
The key is: Everyone's process and journey is different — be sensitive to each one's needs and concerns and focus first and foremost on building the relationship. Everything else will happen as a natural result of that.
To many, prospecting is the toughest part of building a network marketing business. If you've been in the business for any time, you know that prospecting can be one of the most challenging of all activities. To someone brand new to network marketing, it can be a frustrating mystery.
Why is that?
Well, when we are prospecting, we are vulnerable to someone saying no to our invitation — and it's human nature to protect ourselves from rejection. Ever since we were young children, we have hated to be told no. In starting our network marketing business, we soon learn that because of fear, laziness, ignorance, bad experiences, or just other priorities, some people are not going to be as excited as we are about our network marketing opportunity-and tell us no!
For years, in an effort to balance the emotional scales, network marketers have chanted the mantra, "Some Will, Some Won't, So What? Next!" This conjures up the image of "move on!" If they are not interested in what you have to offer, just "move on to the next person — it's their loss."
Even though this has been helpful in shielding our vulnerability, we know that's not really what network marketers believe. The best of the best know that prospecting is a relationship-building process that usually has to develop over time.
Just who is a prime prospect for your network marketing business?
While some people are certainly better prospects than others, it's usually not for the reasons we think. Because someone has what we might consider to be a "really good job or career," makes a lot of money, or has tried network marketing before, we think they would be poor prospects for our business. While in fact, some of these people become our best prospects!
On the other hand, some individuals we "just know will do great at this," sometimes prove to be our poorest prospects. You see, the likelihood of someone joining your business has less to do with what they have and what they do, than who and where they are in their lives. In most cases, it takes time and follow-up to discover who your best prospects truly are.
The Pipeline Philosophy
Think of a pipeline that over time and space carries a large amount of prospects. These prospects can be people from all over the world who are in the process of learning more about your business. When you contact them, they enter into your pipeline.
As your prospects travel through your pipeline they become more knowledgeable, understanding, respectful, enthusiastic, and committed to the opportunity that awaits them on the other end. What opportunity is that? The opportunity to build their own successful network marketing business.
Everyone with whom you value the potential of a relationship should move into your pipeline-even if they have no immediate interest in what you have to offer. As long as someone has no objection to you keeping him or her abreast of both your personal and the company's progress — they should be put in your pipeline.
Prospecting is relationship building
Why? Because prospecting is a process, a journey — for both you and your prospects. Some of your best business builders can be those who journey the longest through your pipeline, whereas some prospects who join too quickly can be quick to quit.
So let everyone you approach go into your pipeline and help them go through the process. As they begin to flow out the other end, you will have people who truly believe in the value of the opportunity and are enthusiastically willing to commit to it and for their reasons-not just yours! In between, within the twists and turns of the pipeline, you will route your prospects to different areas to meet their specific needs. And there may be a few that over time you may route out of your pipeline altogether.
The key is: Everyone's process and journey is different — be sensitive to each one's needs and concerns and focus first and foremost on building the relationship. Everything else will happen as a natural result of that.
Saturday, May 22, 2004
10 Things You Must Know about Your Website
by Susan Dunn
Whatever your business or service, if you want to succeed, you must understand your website. When you have a clear picture of who comes there, when, why, and how, you can make smarter marketing decisions. Here are some of the things you can find out with a web tracking system.
1. Number of page views and unique visitors your web site gets on an hourly, daily or monthly basis.
2. A live count of who’s on your site at any given moment.
3. The date and time a visitor came, their IP address, and what web page sent them to yours.
4. What search engine they used to get there.
5. What keywords they're entering to get to your website.
6. How many visitors have returned to view your site a second time, and how long they waited between visits.
7. What operating systems they have.
8. Which of your webpages is the most popular.
9. The most common browser type, whether their browser supports cookies and has them enabled and whether their browser supports Java and Javascript.
10. Top paths and how they navigate your site. What page they enter on and what page they leave from.
Get to know all you can about the people who come to your website, and what gets them there. Only in that way can you focus your marketing program and maximize your return on investment (ROI).
About the Author
Susan Dunn, San Antonio, TX, USA
Susan Dunn, MA, Psychology, Emotional Intelligence Coach, . Coaching, Internet courses and ebooks around emotional intelligence for career, relationships, transitions, resilience, personal and professional development.
by Susan Dunn
Whatever your business or service, if you want to succeed, you must understand your website. When you have a clear picture of who comes there, when, why, and how, you can make smarter marketing decisions. Here are some of the things you can find out with a web tracking system.
1. Number of page views and unique visitors your web site gets on an hourly, daily or monthly basis.
2. A live count of who’s on your site at any given moment.
3. The date and time a visitor came, their IP address, and what web page sent them to yours.
4. What search engine they used to get there.
5. What keywords they're entering to get to your website.
6. How many visitors have returned to view your site a second time, and how long they waited between visits.
7. What operating systems they have.
8. Which of your webpages is the most popular.
9. The most common browser type, whether their browser supports cookies and has them enabled and whether their browser supports Java and Javascript.
10. Top paths and how they navigate your site. What page they enter on and what page they leave from.
Get to know all you can about the people who come to your website, and what gets them there. Only in that way can you focus your marketing program and maximize your return on investment (ROI).
About the Author
Susan Dunn, San Antonio, TX, USA
Susan Dunn, MA, Psychology, Emotional Intelligence Coach, . Coaching, Internet courses and ebooks around emotional intelligence for career, relationships, transitions, resilience, personal and professional development.
1. Who are you marketing to?
Someone who would open an email with "president of South Korea" for the subject line, that began ... "Dear Friend, My name is JANG DOO-HWAN, The brother of Mr. Chun DOO-HWAN, former President of South Korea who seized power..."
You recognize those emails from a mile away, but they wouldn't still be sending them if someone wasn't opening them and responding to them. What they're seeking is the tens of thousands of people who enter the Internet for the first time every day.
2. Whatever your market, it's far from saturated on the Internet.
In no other medium is there such movement. If you repeat a snail mailing within 6 months to the same addresses, what percenage of names do you think would be new? How many people tune in to "Law and Order" for the very first time each week?
3. It presents unique marketing challenges.
If you have a product or service that "hasn't taken off yet," you must figure out whether more time and the constant stream of new people would make a difference, or whether it's just terminally a bad idea.
4. This means you can repeat yourself, but this also means you must repeat yourself.
If a train left the station at ... Okay, say you have an eZine that's doubling every six months, and the average open-rate is 30 percent. If you get lazy and repeat the first issue at the end of the first year, how many of your subscribers could your predict would be seeing it for the first time?
5. Every day someone toddles onto your website who's never heard of PayPal ...
...who doesn’t know to scroll down, or how to reset the text size for their browser, who’s afraid to put their credit card on the Internet, and who wonders why that print is blue, i.e., it isn't just your site that's new, it's the Internet that's new to them.
6. We can count on the fact that every day there will be more non-US individuals surfing the web, and more individuals whose first language is not English.
Keep this in mind as you write copy, talk about holidays, and make references to statistics. We are used to saying “the divorce rate is 50%.” We mean “in the US,” and it’s generally understood to mean “in the US,” but those days are disappearing fast.
7. It's multicultural and global.
Start checking on how US-centric you are, i.e.,
Thanksgiving Day is October 13th ... in Canada.
Labor Day is May 1 ... in Mexico.
New Year's Day is lunar, late-January to mid-February ... in China.
And for those people of those cultures who reside in the US and other countries.
8. While we're hunkering down for winter in the US, it's spring in New Zealand, and each has a very different energy.
That teleclass you schedule at 8 pm CST, US, won't be attended by a lot of folks in the UK because it’s the middle of the night over there.
9. Remember co-evolution. Don't be alarmed at the changes.
Yes, the spam got out of hand, and yes, "they" came up with spam filters, and yes "they" found a way around them, and yes "they" called it something else and came up with something different. Staying ahead of the pack has always been necessary to stay competitive. Same game, different playground.
10. So, whether you’re anticipating Thanksgiving Day or Eid al Fitr this month (November), or both, qué le vaya bien.
About the Author
Susan Dunn, San Antonio, TX, USA
Susan Dunn, MA, Psychology, Emotional Intelligence Coach, . Coaching, Internet courses and ebooks around emotional intelligence for career, relationships, transitions, resilience, personal and professional development. for free ezine.
Someone who would open an email with "president of South Korea" for the subject line, that began ... "Dear Friend, My name is JANG DOO-HWAN, The brother of Mr. Chun DOO-HWAN, former President of South Korea who seized power..."
You recognize those emails from a mile away, but they wouldn't still be sending them if someone wasn't opening them and responding to them. What they're seeking is the tens of thousands of people who enter the Internet for the first time every day.
2. Whatever your market, it's far from saturated on the Internet.
In no other medium is there such movement. If you repeat a snail mailing within 6 months to the same addresses, what percenage of names do you think would be new? How many people tune in to "Law and Order" for the very first time each week?
3. It presents unique marketing challenges.
If you have a product or service that "hasn't taken off yet," you must figure out whether more time and the constant stream of new people would make a difference, or whether it's just terminally a bad idea.
4. This means you can repeat yourself, but this also means you must repeat yourself.
If a train left the station at ... Okay, say you have an eZine that's doubling every six months, and the average open-rate is 30 percent. If you get lazy and repeat the first issue at the end of the first year, how many of your subscribers could your predict would be seeing it for the first time?
5. Every day someone toddles onto your website who's never heard of PayPal ...
...who doesn’t know to scroll down, or how to reset the text size for their browser, who’s afraid to put their credit card on the Internet, and who wonders why that print is blue, i.e., it isn't just your site that's new, it's the Internet that's new to them.
6. We can count on the fact that every day there will be more non-US individuals surfing the web, and more individuals whose first language is not English.
Keep this in mind as you write copy, talk about holidays, and make references to statistics. We are used to saying “the divorce rate is 50%.” We mean “in the US,” and it’s generally understood to mean “in the US,” but those days are disappearing fast.
7. It's multicultural and global.
Start checking on how US-centric you are, i.e.,
Thanksgiving Day is October 13th ... in Canada.
Labor Day is May 1 ... in Mexico.
New Year's Day is lunar, late-January to mid-February ... in China.
And for those people of those cultures who reside in the US and other countries.
8. While we're hunkering down for winter in the US, it's spring in New Zealand, and each has a very different energy.
That teleclass you schedule at 8 pm CST, US, won't be attended by a lot of folks in the UK because it’s the middle of the night over there.
9. Remember co-evolution. Don't be alarmed at the changes.
Yes, the spam got out of hand, and yes, "they" came up with spam filters, and yes "they" found a way around them, and yes "they" called it something else and came up with something different. Staying ahead of the pack has always been necessary to stay competitive. Same game, different playground.
10. So, whether you’re anticipating Thanksgiving Day or Eid al Fitr this month (November), or both, qué le vaya bien.
About the Author
Susan Dunn, San Antonio, TX, USA
Susan Dunn, MA, Psychology, Emotional Intelligence Coach, . Coaching, Internet courses and ebooks around emotional intelligence for career, relationships, transitions, resilience, personal and professional development. for free ezine.
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